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Since 1963, we’ve been known as Constitutional Rights Foundation. Now, six decades later, in 2023, we have changed our name to Teach Democracy!
Our materials, our approach, and our vision have not changed. But, the scope of our work has expanded beyond teaching about the Constitution to include engaging students in all facets of civic learning.
We know that civic participation begins with civic education. That’s why we are more committed than ever to ensuring that our representative democracy is brought alive for those who hold its future in their hands: students.
Join us as we become Teach Democracy.




Annual Impact

Unique visitors to our websites.
Students engaged with Civic Action Project nation-wide.
Bill of Rights in Action subscribers.
Students compete in California Mock Trial program.
States where our programs and curriculum are used.

Curriculum Materials

Compelling. Accessible. Interactive.
Non-partisan. Issue-based. Standards-aligned.

BRIA • Bill of Rights in Action

Topical. Timely.
Texts and application activities.
U.S. and world history. Government and current events.

Your lessons are the most clear, concise and insightful explanations of complex historical events and trends that I've seen anywhere!  Textbooks seem to over simplify. . . or give a laundry list of dull detail. Your lessons tackle fascinating subjects and are exactly on target. I can't thank you enough! 
— Daria, San Diego, California

CivCon • Civil Conversation

Academic discussion.
Deliberate instead of debate.
Student-centered. Text-based.
Controversial issues. Multiple perspectives.

Students reported that they felt empowered by having Civil Conversations.
Katie, Charlotte, NC

I loved that it made kids slow down and think before talking and that they had to have EVIDENCE! Not just letting their passion take them off the rails.
— Ciera, Old Town, ME

Our Programs

Innovative • Relevant • Student-centered • Standards-aligned

civil conversation

CAP • Civic Action Project

Project-based learning.

Issues. Policy connections. Perspectives.

Thoughtful civic actions. Proven practices in civic learning (C3).

 94% of students think CAP helped them become more effective citizens. 
95% of students say CAP made them believe they can make a difference.

Civic Action Project

Youth & Police:
Working Together for Peace on the Streets

Middle school students.
Scope and limits of police authority.
Police Patrol simulation with sworn officers.
Open lines of communication. Build understanding. Community policing.

Pre and post surveys of officers and
students show dramatic shifts from negative to positive attitudes.

98% of the officers say that this program is valuable or highly valuable
in improving police/community relations.

cops and kids

EHI • Expanding Horizons Institute


 Transforming young people’s lives.
First generation college-bound students.
Paid internships in professional workplaces.
Seminars to prepare for job experience and college.


100% of the students go to college.


Working at Latham & Watkins allowed me to interact with my coworkers in a professional manner. My participation in the EHI program taught me that connections, experiences, and networking is important. If one is able to open themselves up and are willing to work hard, you will be very successful.
—Jared, 2019 Intern

Mock Trial

A fictional criminal case. Real arguments.
Student attorneys, witnesses, bailiffs, and clerks.
Los Angeles County and California state competitions.

Mock Trial

Volunteer Opportunities

Mock Trial  lawyers and judges

Appellate Court Experience appellate lawyers

Courtroom to Classroom lawyers, judges, law students

Civic Action Project  professional adults supporting youth engagement

Youth & Police adults working with middle school students and officers. 







Engaged with the youth we serve.

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