Since 1963, we’ve been known as Constitutional Rights Foundation. Now, six decades later, in 2023, we have changed our name to Teach Democracy!
Our materials, our approach, and our vision have not changed. But, the scope of our work has expanded beyond teaching about the Constitution to include engaging students in all facets of civic learning.
We know that civic participation begins with civic education. That’s why we are more committed than ever to ensuring that our representative democracy is brought alive for those who hold its future in their hands: students.
Join us as we become Teach Democracy.
Our materials, our approach, and our vision have not changed. But, the scope of our work has expanded beyond teaching about the Constitution to include engaging students in all facets of civic learning.
We know that civic participation begins with civic education. That’s why we are more committed than ever to ensuring that our representative democracy is brought alive for those who hold its future in their hands: students.
Join us as we become Teach Democracy.