Volunteer for CRF

Each year, over 800 volunteers contribute their time and abilities so that CRF can reach thousands of young people. We depends on volunteers like you who want to help us "educate tomorrow's citizens."  We are very grateful and thanks in advance for helping.


Sign up for Resources    Share your CRF volunteer story with us. 


We need . . .

Legal Volunteers       

To help us with . . .

c2cCourtroom to Classroom (winter/spring)

Courtroom to Classroom (C2C) brings legal volunteers to middle school and high school classrooms to present PowerPoint-driven lessons that deal with the history of the Constitution and engage students in a moot court activity. Volunteers can choose to volunteer by themselves, or they can recruit a colleague or friend to present with them. Click here to learn more and volunteer.  

Appellate Court Experience (fall/winter/spring)

Appellate Court Experience (ACE) invites high school students to the Court of Appeals in Los Angeles County and Ventura County to observe oral arguments and meet with justices. Prior to the field trip, legal volunteers go to the school to prepare students for the visit. After the visit to the court, volunteers return to the classroom to lead the students through a moot court activity and reveal the justices’ decision in the case the students observedClick here to learn more and volunteer.  

LA County BarDialogues on Freedom  (spring)

Dialogues on Freedom is a collaboration between the Los Angeles County Bar Association and CRF. Dialogues on Freedom fosters discussions in high school classrooms throughout Los Angeles County on the constitutional civil liberties and values fundamental to the American system of government. During the visit, teams of lawyers and judges lead the students through a lesson that encourages dialogue on current events and issues. Click here to learn more and volunteer.  

Mock Trial (fall/spring)

Mock Trial provides students with an opportunity to experience the drama of the courtroom by portraying witnesses and lawyers trying a fictional case. CRF needs lawyers, judges, and law students to score the student participants and preside over the trials. Click here to learn more and volunteer.  


Teachers and Educators  

College and Law Students

Coming out of law school, I never had much interest in coaching or working with high school students. I remain quite surprised by just how much I love it and consider myself both fortunate and grateful to have been involved with it. It has made me a better lawyer and given me something priceless: an extended family of 200 or more current and former students.

Participating in the mock trial was, therefore, the best preparation I could have asked for as a junior associate.

C. Yin, Attorney and Mock Trial Coach


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