About Teach Democracy



Our Vision

For a society in which all young people become lifelong, knowledgeable, and confident participants in our democracy.

Our Mission

Teach Democracy (formerly Constitutional Rights Foundation) inspires lifelong civic engagement through interactive programs and resources for teachers and youth because our democracy depends on informed participation by all.

We seek to instill in our nation's youth a lifelong commitment to the principles expressed in our Constitution. We do this by leveraging the commitment of teachers and amplifying the voice of young people. Our civic education resources are interactive and non-partisan with an emphasis on civil discourse. They are research-based and aligned to standards. We aim to engage young people to become active and empowered participants in our democracy.

Teach Democracy is dedicated to removing barriers, especially for underserved communities, to assure equity and justice in access to civic education. We are a non-profit, non-partisan, national and community-serving organization. The Board of Directors is comprised of professionals and thought leaders from the fields of law, business, government, education, entertainment, and the community. Our staff includes educators, lawyers, community organizers, fundraisers, designers, writers, and editors. They provide technical assistance and training to teachers, coordinate civic participation projects in schools and communities, organize student conferences and competitions, and develop publications in the following areas:

  • Law and Government programs and materials focus on how groups and individuals interact with the issues, institutions, people, and processes that shape our laws and government.
  • Civic Participation programs and materials bring to life the rights and responsibilities of active citizenship by challenging young people to explore their community and plan and implement projects that address community needs.

Explore the Programs section to learn how we translate our vision into reality. Turn to the Publications page to survey our catalog offering materials in Government, U.S. and World History, Business, and Civic Participation. Tour our Support section to learn how we keep our vital work moving ahead. Finally, read about our History.

Federal Tax Id: 95-2219680 | Tax exempt status: 501(c)(3)

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

All Directors are independent, voting members. Updated March 2024.

Executive Committee


jason loJason C. Lo
Gibson Dunn


shannon alexanderShannon Alexander
Vice Chair
NBCUniversal Media, LLC

lo jasonDaniel S. Floyd
Sony Pictures Entertainment

robert sacksRobert A. Sacks
Chief Financial Officer
Chair, Finance Committee
Sullivan & Cromwell, LLP

Committee Members:

Darin BeffaDarin T. Beffa
Immediate Past Chair
Beffa Law

Hon. John KronstadtHon. John A. Kronstadt
U.S. District Court

DunnneKimberly A. Dunne
Chair, Publications Committee
Amgen, Inc.

longo amyAmy Longo 
Ropes & Gray

gordonJonathan M. Gordon
Chair, Education & Program Oversight Committee
Alston & Bird

macala angelaAngela M. Machala
Chair, Nominating Committee
Winston & Strawn LLP

Deepak JainDeepak Jain
Vice Chair, Finance Committee
Alvarez & Marsal Disputes and Investigations

BRian MichaelBrian R. Michael
Co-Chair, Development Committee
Morrison & Foerster

kim elaineElaine K. Kim
Vice Chair, Education & Program Oversight Committee
Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP

Thomas B. morrisonPeter B. Morrison
Co-Chair, Development Committee




jandrJean-Claude (J.C.) André 
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP

Arnault2E Jane Arnault-Factor, Ph.D.
JurEcon, Inc.

aronoff2010.jpgRobert C. Aronoff
Robert C. Aronoff, a Professional Corporation

babrick mattMatthew Babrick
J.P. Morgan Chase

bhamini jayJay Bhimani
Dechert LLP

CalabreseJoseph A. Calabrese (Ret.)
Latham & Watkins LLP

clofeine sabrinaSabina Clorfeine
Southern California Gas Company
Fesia A. Davenportdavenport fesia 2024
County of Los Angeles

davitt vin wbVincent J.  Davitt
Meylan Jain Davitt & Arevian & Kim LLP

dimeglio_davidDavid J. DiMeglio
Jones Day


santos joaoJoao dos Santos

duffy_joseph Joseph Duffy
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

erb jasonJason Erb
Hyundai Motor North America
Jennifer Estremeraestemera jennifer
Reichman Jorgensen

Michael Gueringuerin michael

hashmall miraJ. Mira Hashmall
Miller Barondess LLP

Derek Havelhavel derek
Sheppard Mullin

izuel angelaAngela Izuel

sacks_robert.jpgT. Warren Jackson
Signature Resolution

johnson arwenArwen R. Johnson
King & Spalding LLP

Jennifer Kellerkeller jennifer 
Keller/Anderle LLP

lee_joseph_wMolly M. Lens
O'Melveny & Myers LLP
lowe rachelRachel Lowe
Alston & Bird LLP
Malik Shahzad webShahzad A. Malik
Vice Chair, Development Committee
Nixon Peabody

altBrian Marler
Co-Chair, Audit Committee
Houlihan Lokey

Belinda Martinez Vegavega belinda
Venable LLP

massucci amadaAmanda R. Massucci
Co-Chair, Audit Committee

Patrick McNicholasmcnicholas pat
McNicholas & McNicholas LLP
mosel juliaJulia Mosel
Southern California Edison Company

nessim ronaldRonald J. Nessim
Bird Marella LLP


Hon. Tara Newmannewman t
Los Angeles County Superior Court

Becky O'Malleyomalley becky
Vice Chair, Nominating Committee
B. Riley Financial

Anthony J. Oncidioncidi anthony

paskachChristopher H. Paskach (Ret.)
Vice Chair, Finance Committee

Emil Petrossian Emil Petrossian 
Vice Chair, Publications Committee 

David Rodmanrodman d
Oracle NetSuite

download.jpgPatrick G. Rogan
Patrick Rogan Law

shaw_gloriaGloria Franke Shaw
The Walt Disney Company

Joel D. Siegelsiegel joel

Gittings PhotographyLeah E.A. Solomon
Rstern bobert S. Stern (Ret.)
Morrison & Foerster

Laura R. Washingtonwashington laura
Latham & Watkins LLP

Collin P. Wedelwedel collin
Sidley Austin LLP


Hon. Gregory J. Weingartweingart gregory
California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, Division One

wais_aatonAdam B. Weiss
Munger Tolles & Olson LLP

yazdi omidOmid Yazdi



Emeritus Board


Emeritus Board

Membership on Teach Democracy’s Emeritus Board recognizes those individuals who made meritorious contributions to the mission of the Foundation and the young people we serve during their tenures on our Board of Directors.

Nestor Barrero
Hon. William Bogaard (Ret.)
Alan N. Braverman
Jerome Coben
Knox Cologne
John Cooke
Louis P. Eatman
Dr. Philip Fagan
Joel Feuer
Alan V. Friedman
Gregory Gelfan
Hon. Terry Hatter
Laurence Hutt
Jane Jelenko
Joseph Keller

Richard Kolodny
David Laufer
Sharon Matsumoto
Hon. Dorothy Nelson
Michael Owen
Thomas Pfister
Hon. Burt Pines (Ret.)
Lisa Rockwell
Alan I. Rothenberg
Hon. Marjorie Steinberg (Ret.)
Gregory Stone
Douglas A. Thompson
Gail Migdal Title
Susan J. Troy
John Vandevelde


Legacy Society

Legacy Society

Securing the future of Teach Democracy

We acknowledge with enormous gratitude those who have pledged to include Teach Democracy in their estate planning.

Robert C. Aronoff
Vikas Arora
Joseph A. Calabrese
Marshall L. Croddy
Vincent J. Davitt
Kimberly A. Dunne
Louis P. Eatman
Alan V. Friedman
Jonathan M. Gordon

Nancy Knupfer
Hon. John A. Kronstadt
Christopher H. Paskach
Patrick G. Rogan
Thomas A. Ryan
K. Eugene Shutler
Hon. Marjorie Steinberg (Ret.)
Robert S. Stern

Endowment Builders

Since 1990, we has been fortunate to receive a number of endowments given by people who share our passion for civic education and support our mission, teaching young people how to be engaged citizens in our democracy.

We acknowledge with enormous gratitude past presidents who established endowments: Jerome C. Byrne, James A. Cobey, and Alan I. Rothenberg; to past board members, Jack Stutman and Robert Rosenstiel; and to our long-time supporters Phyllis and Robert Henigson for their continuing Life Income Gifts. We would also like to recognize Dr. Jama Laurent and the board of directors of the Creative Kids Foundation for establishing an endowment allowing us to place students as interns in arts organizations in Los Angeles. To all of you, a very special thank you. Most of all, we would like to send out a loud cheer and celebrate our champion of champions, Lloyd M. Smith, who throughout his life embodied the highest ideals of American democracy and believed in the importance that all young people be educated about their constitutional heritage. It was Lloyd who established the Endowment Builders Program, ensuring that our mission continues long into the future.

To all of our friends, supporters, and donors, and to those people who have indicated that they will remember us in their will or by bequest: We thank you for your generosity and for the trust you have given us. Most important, we thank you on behalf of the students of tomorrow who will have opportunities to learn about and celebrate our Constitution and its Bill of Rights for generations to come.

Contact us to discuss possible bequests or endowment.


Past Board Chairs

Past Board Chair


Gene Kaplan*

1962 - 1964

Gifford Philips*

1964 - 1967

Richard Rogan*

1967 - 1969

Jerome C.  Byrne*

1969 - 1971

Dorman  Commons*

1971 - 1974

Hon. James A. Cobey*

1974 - 1976

Robert E. Taylor*

1976 - 1978

Robert E. Carlson

1978 - 1980

Bruce Gitelson


William P.  Hogoboom*

1981 - 1984

Hon. Raymond C. Fisher*

1984 - 1987

Alan I. Rothenberg

1987 - 1990

Harry L. Usher*

1990 - 1992

Alan V. Friedman

1992 - 1994

Knox M. Cologne, III

1994 - 1996

Susan J. Troy

1996 - 1998

Hon. Haley J. Fromholz*

1998 - 2000

Hon. Marjorie S. Steinberg

2000 - 2002

Jerome L. Coben

2002 - 2004

Louis P. Eatman

2004 - 2006

Hon. John A. Kronstadt

2006 - 2008

Joseph A. Calabrese

2008 - 2010

Michael Lawson

2010 - 2012

T. Warren Jackson

2012 - 2014

Robert S. Stern

2014 - 2016

Christopher H. Paskach

2016 -2018

Peter B. Morrison

2018 - 2020

Kimberly A. Dunne

2020 - 2022

Darin T. Beffa 2022-2024

* deceased


Annual Reports and Financials

Annual Reports 


2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001

Financial Statements


Latest Audited Financials | Latest IRS Form 990



Stephanie DouteStephanie Doute, CAEp1020026a
Chief Executive Officer

Stephanie Doute, CAE, brings dynamic vision and a deep commitment to civic learning and civic power as the CEO of Teach Democracy. With a strong background in organizational leadership, strategic development, and nonprofit management, Stephanie is dedicated to empowering youth voice and equipping young people with the knowledge, desire, and skills to actively participate in democracy and create the communities and future in which they want to live. 

Prior to joining Teach Democracy, Stephanie served as executive director of the League of Women Voters of California, where she successfully led initiatives to expand voter education, engage youth with voting, protect voting rights, and strengthen democracy by helping all people exercise their power to impact their communities through various types of civic engagement. Her leadership is characterized by compassion, humanity, collaboration, fostering partnerships, and the boldness to drive new approaches that meet the evolving needs of the people we serve and the changing world we live in. 

Stephanie is passionate about providing educators with the tools and resources they need to inspire civic engagement in their classrooms. She believes that empowering the next generation with knowledge and critical thinking skills is essential to safeguarding democracy. 

When not championing civic learning and the empowerment of youth voices, Stephanie enjoys spending time with her family, writing, and volunteering.  



Keri Doggett
Vice President

With Teach Democracy since 1991, Keri oversees programs and participates in their design and dissemination for elementary, middle, and high school students and teachers. She develops curriculum materials, provides leadership in the design and delivery of teacher professional development, works directly with researchers to evaluate programs, and works with the president and the board of directors on fundraising, establishing new partnerships, and outreach. In her tenure, she has directed national, state, and local programs including History Day California, over a dozen Teaching American History projects, and Civic Action Project. Prior to joining Teach Democracy, Keri taught for ten years in Jefferson County Public Schools in Colorado.


(Click on names for staff bio and contact information.)

fofo fillerDaisy participated in Teach Democracy's Expanding Horizons Institute in 2019 and enjoyed her experience. Daisy graduated from the School of Social Justice at Miguel Contreras Learning Complex in Los Angeles and currently attends Los Angeles City College.







barfield lydia

Lydia joined Teach Democracy in September of 2023 as the Development Manager and is responsible for cultivating donor relationships, generating funding, and acting as liaison to our robust Board of Directors.  

Lydia graduated from Western Carolina University with dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Criminology and Sociology, minoring in Psychology and International Studies. After receiving her Master of Social Work with a specialization in Social, Community, and Economic Development from the University of South Carolina, she moved to Los Angeles to work for 1736 Family Crisis Center. Along with an interest in policy/advocacy and a passion for serving the community, Lydia has more than five years of experience in nonprofit development and is excited to work alongside a team of dedicated professionals to foster the engagement of youth in democracy.  







staff_andrewAndrew has been with Teach Democracy since 1991, when he was hired as a program assistant. As senior publications manager, he manages the production of Teach Democracy's print and online materials. He has designed, developed, and maintained several of Teach Democracy's websites, including its main website. Andrew works closely with program staff to capture program requirements and translate them into practical design solutions. Andrew has a bachelor's degree in political science from California State University Northridge and a certificate in marketing from Los Angeles City College.




Since coming to Teach Democracy in 2001 with degrees in political science and history, David has provided local, regional, and national training to youth, educators, and other professionals seeking ways to integrate civic- and law-related activities into their educational programs. David became senior operations director in 2022, assuming leadership in Teach Democracy's operations and information technology, as well as assisting in online learning programs and resources. David is also on the Civic Action Project team and is responsible for filming and editing projects to help promote and showcase programs.





fofo fillerAllison joined Teach Democracy in 2022. Allison’s supports the director of operations, senior management, and the publications department She graduated from UC Berkeley in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Welfare and a minor in Education.









fofo filler

Kathleen joined Teach Democracy in 2022 as a program director, working on various programs and as a curriculum writer. Prior to Teach Democracy, she spent eight years as a high school STEM teacher and was a moderator for the high school Mock Trial program. She is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University.







Damon Bio Pic

Damon began working at Teach Democracy in 2008. He edits the Bill of Rights in Action (BRIA) magazine and all Teach Democracy's curricular materials and publications. Damon also develops curriculum for many of the programs and leads teacher professional development workshops in a variety of social studies subjects. Damon is the director of the California Three Rs Project for teaching about freedom of religion and religious literacy in California’s public schools. Before Teach Democracy, Damon was an attorney with the Los Angeles County Public Defender, a professional mediator, and a middle-school social-studies and English-language arts teacher. He received his bachelor’s degree in history (with a minor in cinema) from USC, his M.Ed. from UCLA, and his JD from Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. He is the recipient of the 2021 Hilda Taba Award from the California Council for the Social Studies.  







evelyn juan

Evelyn joined Teach Democracy in 2024 as an administrative and program assistant, providing support for various programs including the Civic Action Project and The Democracy Project. Evelyn is currently pursuing a bachelor of arts degree in sociology with an emphasis in Chicano studies.








Gregorio began working at Teach Democracy in 1995 and specializes in leading workshops for youth and conducting professional development sessions for educators and program staff seeking ways to incorporate civic- and law-related activities into their school or community-based programs. Gregorio also directs Teach Democracy's Youth & Police program and co-directs the national Civic Action Project. He is a graduate of East Los Angeles College and Occidental College. 








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Robert Medrano joined Teach Democracy in 2023 as a program director. Robert supports the development of curricular materials and publications. Prior to joining Teach Democracy, Robert spent a decade  as a secondary social studies teacher, instructional coach, and curriculum developer. He received his bachelor's degree in political science from California State University Fullerton, and his master's in teaching and Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern California. 








With Teach Democracy since 1990, Lourdes currently directs the California Mock Trial program, which includes the Los Angeles County and California State Finals competitions. She works with county coordinators, administrators, teachers, and hundreds of judges and lawyers throughout the state. Lourdes also directs the Expanding Horizons Institute, partnering with job sites and providing guidance for the educational seminars for high school students from underserved communities in the greater Los Angeles area. She provides workshop sessions at local and state conferences on Teach Democracy programs and materials. Lourdes is a dedicated educator with over 20 years of experience implementing history programs to K-12 schools including serving as the director of History Day in California for many years.







Sean-Michael is the program manager for the Expanding Horizons Institute (EHI) and Mock Trial programs. He began working at Teach Democracy in 2016. Before coming to Teach Democracy, Sean-Michael participated in the EHI program as a student in 2008 and is happy to now work on the same program. He currently attends California State University, Northridge, and is majoring in political science (law and society).






Cara Shaffer joined Teach Democracy in January 2023, bringing 15 years of experience in fundraising and events. Before joining Teach Democracy, Cara served for two years as the Planned Giving Manager at the Gary Sinise Foundation where she created the Planned Giving Department and the Gary Sinise Foundation Legacy Society. While there, she raised over $77 million for our current military, veterans, first responders, and their families. Prior to her role at the Gary Sinise Foundation, Cara served as the Director of Major Gifts for the College of Fine Arts and Communication at Towson University (her alma mater) and as the Events and Conference Manager at Maryland Institute College of Art.








Laura joined Teach Democracy in 2001 and serves as the director of programs. She works closely with all Teach Democracy programs focusing on program design and implementation, national partnerships, and leading local, state, and national professional development. Laura also teaches Street Law at Southwestern Law School where she prepares law students to work with young people in the dependency and delinquency systems. Laura has served on the California State Bar Council on Access and Fairness and the National High School Mock Trial Board. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology and social behavior, and criminology law and society from the University of California, Irvine, and her JD from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Before joining Teach Democracy, Laura taught at a Los Angeles middle school, practiced law at the Colorado Department of Education, and worked as an in-house transactional attorney. 





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