BRIA 9 2

Bill of Right in Action

Spring 1993 (9:2)
Updated June 2001

The Executive Branch

After his inaugural celebration, President Bill Clinton has settled into his job as chief executive of the United States. He must confront a widespread anger at the American political system. Many people feel that our system of government is failing to meet our nation's needs. Are our governmental institutions incapable of dealing with our nation's problems? Over the last few years, many Americans have debated this question.

This edition is the third Bill of Rights in Action to address these ongoing issues. In previous editions, we examined the electoral and judicial systems. This edition takes a historical and contemporary look at issues in the executive branch. A future Bill of Rights in Action will examine the legislative branch of government.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organizations which have made Bill of Rights in Action possible: the Hearst Foundation, the Ahmanson Foundation, Times Mirror, and the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

U.S. History: Policing the Police

World History: Ruling in the Name of the Emperor: How Japan Became a World Power

U.S. Government: A Hero Betrayed: The Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant

Officers: Alan Friedman, President; Harry Usher, Immediate Past President; Publications Committee: Jerome C. Byrne, Chairperson; Peggy Saferstein, Marvin Sears, Eugene Shutler, Lloyd M. Smith, Marjorie Steinberg, Susan Troy, Daniel H Willick; Staff: Todd Clark, Executive Director; Marshall L. Croddy, Director of Program and Materials Development; Lisa Friedman, Program Manager; Carlton Martz, Writer; John Shannon, Editor; Bill Hayes, Copy Editor; Cristy Lytal, Web Editor; Andrew Costly, Production Manager; Peggy Saferstein, CRF Board Reviewer.

© 1993, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 601 South Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90005,  (213) 487-5590



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