BRIA 11 4

Bill of Right in Action
Fall 1995 (11:4)
Updated July 2000

This special edition of Bill of Rights in Action focuseson issues raised by the Oklahoma City bombing.

U.S. Government: The Aftermath of Terror

World History: Terrorism: How Have Other Countries Handled It? How Should We?

U.S. History: Conspiracy Theories: Attacks on Jefferson Set the Pattern

U.S. Government: Talk Radio: Playground for Free Speech or a Forum for Hate?

Officers: Knox Cologne, President; Alan Friedman, Immediate Past President; Publications Committee: Jerome C. Byrne, Chairperson; Paul Cane, Gerald Chaleff, Peggy Saferstein, Marvin Sears, Eugene Shutler, Lloyd M. Smith, Marjorie Steinberg, Lois Thompson, Susan Troy. Staff: Todd Clark, Executive Director; Marshall L. Croddy, Director of Program and Materials Development; Lisa Friedman, Associate Director of Program and Materials Development; Carlton Martz, Writer; Bill Hayes, Editor; Cristy Lytal, Web Editor; Andrew Costly, Production Manager; Carlton Varner, CRF Board Reviewer.

© 1995, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 601 South Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90005,  (213) 487-5590



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