Bill of Rights in Action
Fall 1997 (13:4)
Separating Church and State
This edition of Bill of Rights in Action looks at issues surrounding the separation of church and state. The first article focuses on the development of this doctrine in the United States. The second article explores how the ancient Roman Empire, a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society, handled religious diversity. The final article examines a recent U.S. Supreme Court case involving state aid to parochial school students.
U.S. Government: Separating Church and State
World History: Religious Tolerance and Persecution in the Roman Empire
U.S. Government: Should Government Aid Students Attending Parochial Schools?
Officers: Susan Troy, President; Knox Cologne, Immediate Past President; Publications Committee: Jerome C. Byrne, Chairperson; Paul Cane, Gerald Chaleff, Margaret Morrow, Peggy Saferstein, Marvin Sears, Lloyd M. Smith, Lois Thompson, Carlton Varner. Staff: Todd Clark, Executive Director; Marshall L. Croddy, Director of Program and Materials Development; Charles Degelmen and Bill Hayes, Writers and Editors; Cristy Lytal, Web Editor; Andrew Costly, Production Manager; Marvin Sears, CRF Board Reviewer.
© 1997, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 601 South Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90005, (213) 487-5590