Bill of Rights in Action
Summer 1998 (14:3)
In 1996, Congress passed and the president signed into law a massive overhaul of our nation's welfare system. This Bill of Rights in Actionfocuses on welfare. The first article examines how welfare developed in this country. The second article explores the new welfare reform act. The third article takes a look at the Swedish welfare state.
U.S. History: How Welfare Began in the United States
U.S. Government: Welfare to Work: The States Take Charge
U.S. History: "The Swedish Model": Welfare for Everyone
Officers: Haley J. Fromholz, President; Susan J. Troy, Immediate Past President; Publications Committee: Jerome C. Byrne, Chairperson; Gerald Chaleff, Lee S. Edmon, Michael W. Monk, Margaret Morrow, Peggy Saferstein, Deborah S. Saxe, Marvin Sears, Lois Thompson, Carlton Varner; Staff: Todd Clark, Executive Director; Marshall L. Croddy, Director of Program and Materials Development; Carlton Martz, Writer; Bill Hayes, Editor; Cristy Lytal, Web Editor; Andrew Costly, Production Manager; Peggy Saferstein, CRF Board Reviewer.
© 1998, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 601 South Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90005, (213) 487-5590