Civic Action Project Webinar

Teachers, are you looking for engaging, civic-learning activities that transform standards-based content into meaningful and relevant project-based learning?

 Copy of CAP LA PD Fall 2021Join us for a webinar on February 10, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. (PST), 7:00 p.m. (EST), to find out how CRF's free Civic Action Project (CAP) prepares your students for examining issues that matter to them and helps them create amazing civic action projects!

And if you teach in a state that offers a civic engagement seal to show students' civic readiness on their diplomas, CRF's CAP provides a terrific way for them to meet the requirements of an applied civics project.

Teachers will receive free content-based lessons, student-facing project planners, and a helpful civic action toolkit with examples of distinct and effective civic actions.

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