Civic Learning Mini-Conference at Berkeley Law!

Attention all high school and middle school teachers. Get ready to engage your students in social studies! Join CRF and the California Civic Learning Initiative (CCLI) at a free professional learning mini-conference at Berkeley Law on July 29, 2023. CCLI is an initiative of Constitutional Rights Foundation, together with Lead Partners and Coalition Agencies, to improve and expand civic learning in California, with an emphasis on increasing access for all students to earn the California State Seal of Civic Engagement on their high school diplomas.

The conference will feature a keynote address and Supreme Court Review from Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Berkeley Law and renowned constitutional scholar.

Participants will have the choice of selecting different sessions based on their interests. Sessions will include:

  • Understanding of the State Seal of Civic Engagement, including its purpose, eligibility requirements, and application process.
  • Practical strategies for engaging your students in meaningful civic learning through the use of civic engagement projects.
  • How to promote respectful and productive dialogue about current events and controversial issues in the classroom.   
  • Using law-related lessons to engage students in learning about the judicial branch.

The mini-conference is an excellent opportunity to enhance your teaching skills, expand your knowledge, and network with fellow educators. Register today to secure your spot and join us for a fun and educational professional development experience at Berkeley Law.

Who: All California high school and middle school teachers

What: Free professional learning, free lessons and $100 stipend for attending!

Where:  Berkeley Law School, 2763-2719 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94704.

When: July 29, 2023, from 8:30 AM -1:00 PM (breakfast and snacks will be provided!)

Register Now!


 *Special thanks to the California Constitution Center at Berkeley Law for hosting the event and providing breakfast and snacks.

**For those traveling to Berkeley, participants are responsible for their own accommodation arrangements, including payment for their hotel room. A limited number of rooms are available, at the Graduate Hotel for $199 a night.



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