CAP Live - Teacher Orientation

CAP LIVE2We are excited to provide Civic Action Project (CAP) Live, a series of webinars featuring guest speakers and youth teaching youth the key content of CAP! 

We'll be using timely topics as well as key events from the civil rights movement to help your students understand the essential ingredients of real social change: passion + people + policy + government.

Your students will also be provided with peer coaching as they choose an issue that matters to them and take thoughtful (remote) civic actions to address that issue.

The live Wednesday webinars will start on September 16 at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern.  Each webinar will last approximately 50 minutes. Webinars will be recorded and posted, along with assignments, to create an online version of CAP that your students can access any time.

This semester's CAP program will culminate with the CAP Expo on December 2 at 10 am PT/1pm Eastern.  All students who work on CAP projects are welcome to share!

We will also hold a teacher orientation on September 9: 3 pm Pacific/6 pm Eastern.

Click here for a  detailed outline of the sessions and dates.

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