The Challenge of Democracy Webinar

Keck 8 22 webinarpromoWelcome back for the 2019-2020 school year!

With the presidential campaign heating up and a range of concerns dominating the headlines, we know your students will have a lot of questions about critical challenges facing our democracy. We also know that addressing controversial issues can be intimidating, even when ― or especially when ― you and your students know how important those issues are.

So join us for a live, national webinar on August 22, 2019 at 4:00 PM (PT)/7:00 PM (ET) to explore CRF’s new library of lessons on The Challenge of Democracy. This collection of ready-to-use lessons and carefully researched, non-partisan readings will help you and your middle and high school students navigate key questions on the themes of Information, Diversity, Governance, and Violence ― all with standards-based and student-centered activities.






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