The Election of Barack Obama: Webinar and NEW lessons from Constitutional Rights Foundation

2/24/2021  - 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Join us for this no-cost webinar that will introduce a new set of lessons developed by Constitutional Rights Foundation in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Office of Education to explore the significance of the election of Barack Obama in 2008.

These three new lessons, one lesson each for lower elementary, upper elementary, and secondary grade levels:

  • provide interactive methods for student discussion on the election.
  • meet 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, and innovative use of technology.
  • help students appreciate and understand the historic impact of the United States electing its first African American president.
  • are aligned to the California History-Social Science 2016 Framework, as well as the C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards.
These lessons comply with California Assembly Bill 1912 to require instruction on the historical significance of President Obama as the first African American President.  The bill was introduced by California Assemblymember Chris Holden and signed into law in 2014.




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