News Newspapers | Broadcast | Digital | News Mags | Aggregators | Business | Tech | Education | Other News Sites
Periodicals Political | Foreign Policy | General | Cultural | Journalism | City | Journals | Periodical Indexes |
Books Book Reviews | Online Books | Libraries |
Other Media Film and TV | Blogs |
Facts Almanacs | Statistical Data | Encyclopedias | Biographies | Disinformation
Search Search Engines | Metasearch | Academic | Image, Audio, & Video | Specialized
Directories Web Directories | Academic Directories
Government & Politics Government | Issues | Opinion Polls | Law
Writing Dictionaries | Style Guides | Grammar | Etymology | Quotations
Experts & Advice Think Tanks | Other Experts | FAQs | How-To Guides
Other Reference Calculators & Converters | Maps | 411 | Post Office | Time | Weather | Other Research Links  

Subject Matter

Humanities Art History | History -- U.S. & World | Literature | Philosophy | Religious Studies 
Social Sciences Anthropology | Archaeology | Area Studies | Economics | Geography | Political Science | Psychology | Sociology 
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 Latin | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish 
Science General | Anatomy | Astronomy | Biology | Chemistry | ComputerEnvironment | Geology | Health | Physics 
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Arts General | Architecture | Dance | Music | Painting & Drawing | Acting 

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Atlanta Journal-Const. | World/US | Pol | Biz |
Boston Globe | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Ideas | Special | Edu |
Chicago Tribune | World/US | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Topics |
Christian Sci. Monitor | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Special | Edu | Topics |
Cleveland Plain Dealer | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Edu |
Dallas Morning News | World/US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Edu |
Denver Post | World/US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Special | Edu |
Detroit Free Press | News | Nat Pol | Biz | Opinion |
Financial Times (UK) | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Blogs | Special |
Guardian (UK) | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Data | Edu |Topics |
The Hindu (India) | World | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Data | Topics |
Independent (UK) | World | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Edu |
The Hill | World | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Tech | Blogs | Special |
Los Angeles Times | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Data | Edu | Pic | Topics |
Minneapolis Star Tribune | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Special |
New York Times | World | US | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Edu | Topics |
Its Time Machine allows you to browse through every page of the paper from 1851-1980.
Seattle Times | World/US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Special | Edu |
Tampa Bay Times | World / US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Blogs | Special | Edu |
Telegraph (UK) | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Edu | Pic | Topics |
USA Today | World | US | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Special |
Wall Street Journal | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Edu |Topics |
Washington Post | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Pod | Special | Edu |
Wash. Times | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Special | Edu | Topics |

American Online Columnists Links to more than 700 columnists.
NewsVoyager Links to local newspapers around the world. Browse and search for articles in alternative newspapers.
NewsLink Links to thousands of newspapers worldwide.
ABYZ News Links Links to over newspapers and other news sources from around the world.
Online Newspapers More links to newspapers online.

Broadcast News
ABC News | World | US | Pol | Tech | Special |
ABC News shows: GM America | World News | Nightline | 20/20 | This Week

Aljazeera | World | US | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Special | Edu |
Aljazeera shows: Am. Tonight | Consider This | Fault Lines | Inside Story | STREAM | System

BBC News | World | US | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech | Blogs | Special | Pic | Explainers | Edu |
BBC News shows: HARDtalk | Intelligence Squared | Newsday | One Sq. Mile | Our World | Panorama | Reporters | and more.

CBC News | World | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech |
CBC News shows: The National | Passionate Eye | fifth estate | Mansbridge

CBS News | World | US | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech | Special | Pic |
CBS News shows: Eve. News | This Morning | 48 Hours | 60 Min. | Sun. Morn. | Face Nation |

CNN | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Tech | Blogs | Pic |
CNN News shows: 360 | Newsroom | Crossfire | Out Front | The Lead | New Day | Sit. Room | Wolf | GPS | Inside Politics | Reliable Sources | Smerconish | State of the Union |

Fox News | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Tech |
Fox News shows: Hannity | Fox & Friends | America's Newsroom | Shepard Smith | Your World | The Five | Fox News Sunday | Media Buzz |

NBC News | World | US | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech | Special | Pic | Edu |
NBC News shows: Nightly News | Dateline | Meet the Press | Today |

MSNBC | Pol | Biz | Edu |
MSNBC shows: Way Too Early | Morning Joe | Andrea Mitchell | AM Joy | PoliticsNation | Hardball | All In | Rachel Maddow | Last Word | 11th Hour with Brian Williams |

PBS NewsHour | World | US | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech | Edu |
PBS shows: Frontline | Am. Experience | Charlie Rose | Moyers & Co. | Tavis Smiley | NOVA | Am. Masters | Washington Week | and more. Many have free transcripts.

NPR | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Blogs | Edu |
NPR shows: Morning Edition | Talk of the Nation | All Things Considered | Fresh Air | On Point | and more.

PRI  PRI shows: The World | The Takeaway | Studio 360 | Bob Edwards | Living on Earth | To the Point |

C-SPAN Public affairs broadcasts. Its searchable library contains videos from 1987-present.
C-SPAN shows: Am. Hist. TV | Wash. Journal | Book TV | Communicators | Newsmakers | P.M. Questions | Q&A |  

Digital News Sites  
BuzzFeed | World | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech
Center for Investigative Reporting
Center for Public Integrity | Pol | Biz | Tech | Edu
Daily Beast | World | Pol | Tech
Daily Caller | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Tech | Blogs | Edu
HuffPost | World | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech | Edu |  
Mic News aimed at millennials. | News | Pol | Arts | Topics 
Politico | Tech | Edu |  
Vice News | Pol | Tech | Edu

FiveThirtyEight Uses data to tell stories about politics, science, economics, sports, and life.
The Intercept A platform to report on NSA documents and to provide adversarial journalism.
Marshall Project Criminal justice issues.
ProPublica Non-profit specializing in investigative journalism in the public interest.
Project Syndicate Opinions from around the world.
Talking Points Memo Political news organization, founded in 2000.
Vox Background, analysis, and simple explanations of news stories.

News Startups A listing by Columbia Journalism Review.

News Magazines  
Guardian Weekly
Newsweek | World | US | Biz | Opinion | Tech
The Week | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Books | Tech | Sci | Pod | Vid |
Time | World | US | Politics | Biz | Tech | Sci | Ideas |
U.S. News & World Report | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Tech | Sci | Edu | Pic |  

News Aggregators
Google News
| World | US | Biz | Tech |
Newslookup | US | Pol | Biz | Tech |
NewsNow | World | US | Biz | Books | Tech | Edu |
RocketNews | World | Pol | Biz | Tech | Edu
World News | World | US | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech | Edu |
Yahoo News | World | US | Pol | Biz | Books | Tech | Edu |

Tech News
Ars Technica
Tech news, tech policy analysis, scientific advancements, and reviews.
C/Net Tech news and product reviews.
Engadget News, reviews, and features on tech.
Gigaom Analysis of emerging technologies.
Gizmodo Tech and design news.
IDG Publisher of ComputerWorld, InfoWorld, Macworld, PCWorld, and TechHive.
Mashable News, info, and resources on social media and digital innovation.
MIT Technology Review Semi-monthly magazine on how technology is changing our lives.
New Atlantis Quarterly journal of technology and society.
Re/Code Tech news, reviews, and analysis.
Tech Crunch Profiles of startups, reviews of Internet products, and tech news.
Techmeme News aggregator.
Venture Beat News and perspective on technology innovation.
The Verge Technology, science, art, and culture.
Wirecutter Recommendations on electronic products.
Wired Technology, science, culture, business, and politics.
ZDNet News, resources, and publisher of Computer Shopper, Extreme Tech, Geek, PC Magazine, and Tech Bargains.

See also the Tech section in Newspapers, Digital News Sites, and News Aggregators.

Business News
Bloomberg Businessweek Weekly business and news magazine.
Business Insider Online aggregator, reporter, and analyzer of news.
The Economist Weekly UK magazine of business and news. It also has a Topics page.
Fast Company Published 10 times per year, it covers technology, business, and design.
Financial Times (UK) See its listing under Newspapers.
Forbes Monthly business magazine.
Fortune A business magazine published every three weeks.
Harvard Business Review Monthly on business management.
Quartz Online news on the global economy.
Wall Street Journal See its listing under Newspapers.

See also the Biz section in section in  NewspapersDigital News Sites, and  News Aggregators

Education News
AFT Periodicals Union magazines. Among them: American Educator and Schoolhouse Voices.
Chalkbeat A news site covering educational change.
Chalkboard Analysis of global education reforms.
Chronicle of Higher Education News and information.
Education News Daily coverage of K-12 and higher education issues. Published since 1997.
Education Week Covers K-12 education. Published since 1981.
eSchool News Tech news.
Hechinger Report A non-profit focused on in-depth education journalism.
Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education News source and Hispanic educational magazine.
Inside Higher Ed Online source for news, opinion and jobs. Founded in 2004.
NEA Today Magazine of the National Education Association.
Phi Delta Kappan Professional magazine for K-12 education.
This Week in Education Blog from Scholastic.
Times Higher Education Weekly UK magazine on news and issues of higher education.

See also the Education section in  NewspapersDigital News Sites, and  News Aggregators

Other News Sites
McClatchy DC | US | Pol | Biz | Edu |
AP Top Stories
Reuters News wire. | World | US | Pol | Biz | Opinion | Tech | Topics |
Fusion Analysis of news and issues.
Nuzzel The news stories your Facebook and Twitter friends are sharing.
1stHeadlines Headline stories from around the world.
Newseum Daily front pages from newspapers around the world plus front pages from important events in recent history.

See also Search Engines (many have news searches).


Political Magazines
American Conservative Semi-monthly political magazine of traditional conservatism.
American Prospect Semi-monthly liberal political magazine.
American Spectator Conservative monthly political magazine published 10 times a year.
City Journal A quarterly magazine of urban affairs, published by the Manhattan Institute.
Commentary A monthly political magazine that is a strong voice of neoconservatism.
Democracy A quarterly journal of progressive ideas.
Dissent A quarterly of politics and culture from the left.
The European Online magazine that debates the issues of the day.
Independent Review Quarterly interdisciplinary journal on economics and government policy.
Mother Jones Bi-monthly liberal political magazine.
Ms. Magazine Bi-monthly magazine covering women's issues.
The Nation Weekly liberal political magazine.
National Affairs Quarterly conservative journal on domestic policy, political economy, society, culture, and political thought.
National Journal Weekly non-partisan journal of public policy.
National Review Bi-monthly conservative political magazine.
New Republic Published 10 times a year, a liberal magazine of politics and culture.
New Statesman A weekly UK political, cultural and current affairs magazine.
Prospect Monthly UK magazine focused on politics, economics, and current issues.
Reason Monthly libertarian political magazine.
Roll Call Published daily when Congress is in session; otherwise once a week.
Salon Online magazine covering news, politics, culture, technology, and entertainment.
Slate Online magazine of politics, news, business, technology, and culture.
The Spectator Weekly UK conservative political magazine.
Spiked Online UK current-affairs magazine.
Washington Monthly A political magazine looking into improving government.

Foreign Policy Magazines
American Interest A magazine devoted to the broad theme of "America in the world."
American Review Australian quarterly on United States politics and foreign policy.
Armed Forces Journal Commentary and ideas for the defense community.
Foreign Affairs Published six times a year by the Council on Foreign Relations.
Foreign Policy A global affairs magazine published six times a year.
National Interest Semi-monthly journal of foreign policy.

General Interest Magazines
Aeon An online magazine of ideas and culture.
American Scholar Quarterly magazine of public affairs, literature, science, history, and culture published by the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
Atlantic Published 10 times a year, the magazine covers arts, economics, foreign affairs, politics, technology, books, and culture.
Boston Review Semi-monthly on politics, economics, ethics, religion, philosophy, science, and literature.
The Humanist Online hub for news, politics, science, and culture from a humanist perspective.
Intelligent Life Bi-monthly lifestyle and culture magazine.
Lapham's Quarterly Each issue addresses a current topic and looks to voices from the present and the past for answers.
n + 1 Published three times a year, a magazine of literature, culture, and politics.
New Criterion A monthly review of the arts and intellectual life.
New York Times Magazine Weekly.
New Yorker Weekly cultural and journalistic magazine.
Rolling Stone Bimonthly on politics and popular culture.
Standpoint Monthly U.K. cultural and political magazine.
The Walrus Monthly general interest Canadian magazine.
Wilson Quarterly Magazine of ideas, culture, and news by Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Cultural and Literary Magazines
Arion A journal of humanities and the classics at Boston University.
Critical Flame An online journal of literature and culture.
1843 The Economist's cultural magazine, published six times a year.
Fortnightly Review A U.K. online journal of ideas and culture.
Hudson Review A quarterly magazine of literature.
Humanities Bimonthly magazine published by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Lambda Literary Review Online LGBT literary magazine.
The Millions Online magazine covering books, arts, and culture.
Paris Review Quarterly literary magazine famous for its long interviews of literary figures.
The Smart Set From Drexel University, an online magazine of culture, ideas, arts, science, politics, and philosophy.
3:AM Criticism, essays, fiction, poetry, and interviews with intellectuals.
Threepenny Review Quarterly literary magazine.

Journalism Magazines
American Journal Review Published by the College of Journalism at the University of Maryland.
Columbia Journalism Review Published six times a year, it reports on and analyzes the media.
Editor & Publisher Monthly covering all aspects of the newspaper industry.
Nieman Reports Quarterly journal on journalism published by Harvard’s Nieman Foundation.
Quill Semi-monthly published by the Society of Professional Journalists.

City Magazines                                      
Chicago Monthly magazine.
Los Angeles Monthly magazine.
New York Bimonthly covering the news, culture, entertainment of New York City.
Washingtonian Monthly covering life in DC.

Scholarly Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals Free, full text, quality-controlled scientific and scholarly journals. Almost 1,000 journals are listed and over 1,000 of them are searchable for articles.
Project Muse Titles from university presses, scholarly societies, and journals.
Law Reviews Online A listing of law reviews that make their content available online.
Google Scholar Search many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles from scholarly organizations.

Periodical Indexes
IngentaConnect Database of brief descriptions of millions of articles taken from more than 30,000 periodicals.
HighBeam Research Search its large database of articles for free. For a small monthly fee, you can download the articles. Find free magazine articles searchable and categorized.


Book Reviews
New York Times Book Review Its Back Issues contain the text of every book review since 1996.
New York Review of Books Free, searchable archive of some lengthy book reviews. Huge catalog of books. Search for books by author, title, subject, or keyword. Most books have reviews.
Barnes & Noble Another large, searchable catalog of books, most with reviews.
Kirkus Book review magazine founded in 1933.
Book TV Featured programs reviewing non-fiction books. Also BookNotes, an archive of 1989-2004 interviews of authors, indexed by name and category.
[more] A complete listing of reviews from magazines, blogs, and other sources plus book notes, analyses, and summaries of books.

See also the Books section of  NewspapersDigital News Sites, Broadcast News, and  News Aggregators

Online Books
Project Gutenberg The Internet's oldest producer of free electronic books.
Online Books Page Links to thousands of free books. From University of Pennsylvania.
Perseus Digital Library Classic texts. From the Department of the Classics, Tufts University.
Bartleby: Great Books Online Many searchable books, including Harvard Classics, Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900, Modern Essays, and much, much more categorized under Reference, Verse, Fiction, and Non-Fiction.
Classic Reader A large collection of free classic books by authors such as Dickens, Austen, Shakespeare.
Great Books and Classics An index to online great books in English translation.
LibriVox Free public domain audiobooks.
National Academies Press Thousands of books issued by the National Research Council and the national academies of science, engineering, and medicine.
Bookwire Information about books online.
Google: Book Search Search for text inside published books.

See also Literature.

Library of Congress Collections, exhibitions, congressional links, and much more.
New York Public Library Search its catalog by subject, author, or title.
Chicago Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library
Melvyl The University of California's online catalog.
British Library UK's national library.
Open Library An open, editable library catalog, attempting to build a web page for every book ever published.
WorldCat Catalog of books in libraries near you and around the world.
Association of Research Libraries Member Links Links to catalogs of research libraries.
LibWeb Search for libraries throughout the world by typing in the city or town.
European Library Access to Europe's National Libraries and leading research libraries.

Other Media

Film and TV
Internet Movie Database Searchable information on almost every movie and TV show ever made and on the actors, directors, writers, producers, and others who helped make them.
Movie Review Query Engine Look up reviews of films and most TV shows.
Metacritic Summarizes reviews of movies and videos.
Movie Clips A searchable and browsable collection of thousands of movie clips.
WolframAlpha Type in a name of a movie or TV show and get information. See example.
Teach With Movies Lists and lesson plans for movies appropriate for different subjects and ages.
History vs. Hollywood A look at which parts of fact-based movies and TV shows are factual.
TV Zap Worldwide TV schedules and guides.
The Big Cartoon DataBase Searchable database of cartoon information.
SparkNotes: Film Study Guides Study guides for individual films.

See also Image, Audio, & Video and Acting & Other Performing Arts.

Arts & Letters Daily A constantly updated collection of the best articles available on the Internet on philosophy, ideas, culture, history, and politics.
BlogDigger A blog search engine.
ResearchBuzz Blog about search engines, databases, and other research information.
Resource Shelf Updated daily with resources for educators, journalists, and information professionals.
50 blogs by journalists, for journalists
SPJ Blogs Network Blog with posts from various journalism blogs.
Teach 100 A daily ranking of the top education blogs.
Academic Blog Portal Links to bloggers from the academic world. Listed by subject.
Google Blog Search Search for blogs or posts on a subject.


World Factbook Facts about every nation in the world, published by the CIA.
Area and Country Studies Links to information and statistics about all the countries and regions in the world. Almanacs, dictionary, encyclopedia, and an atlas.
Old Farmer's Almanac Ocean tide tables, sunrise tables, planting charts, recipes, and more.
Statistical Abstract Annual collection (1889-2011) of statistics on U.S. social and economic conditions.

See also Statistical Data and Statistics.

Statistical Data
U.S. Census Bureau Huge collection of census statistics.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service Huge collection of federal government information on criminal justice issues.
National Center for Education Statistics Main U.S. government source for education data.
FedStats U.S. government site that provides easy access to information and statistics produced by more than 70 federal agencies. MapStats profiles your state, county, federal judicial district, or congressional district.
USA Facts Non-profit that compiles government data to make it more understandable.
WolframAlpha A computational knowledge engine. See example for statistics.
Measure of America: Interactive Maps Create maps comparing states on statistics related to health, education, income, demographics, crime, the environment, and housing and transportation.
Flowing Data: 37 Data-ish Blogs The best data and visualization blogs.
GeoHive: Global Statistics Population and economic statistics on regions, countries, provinces, and cities.
U.N. Statistics Division Statistics from many international sources.
International Programs Includes links to every nation's office of statistics and other collections. From the U.S. Census Bureau.
Worldometers Constantly changing (as you view) world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, the environment, energy, food, water, and health.
OFFSTATS International statistics grouped by country, region, and topic.
Other Statistical Sites Links by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

See also Statistics and Almanacs
Wikipedia A collaborative encyclopedia written by readers of the web site.
Encyclopaedia Britannica This authoritative work is a subscription site, but increasingly it is placing more articles online for free. For an old version, see 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.
Citizendium Wikipedia-like but with "gentle expert oversight" of all articles.
Wikinfo Another alternative to Wikipedia.
New World Encyclopedia Yet another alternative to Wikipedia.
Scholarpedia Peer-reviewed scholarly articles on academic topics. Articles with pictures, maps, and links to other resources.
LookLex Encyclopedia The Encyclopedia of the Orient has been renamed and expanded to cover all subjects.
Facts Encyclopedia An encyclopedia of information on the Internet. Thousands of articles from several encyclopedias.
HowStuffWorks Explanations on many subjects.
Encyclopedia Smithsonian A wide-ranging encyclopedia.

Brief Biographies Many volumes of biographies searchable by name and keywords.
Biographical Dictionary Short biographies.
From Revolution to Reconstruction: Biographies Biographies of historically important Americans.
NNDB Profiles of more than 30,000 noteworthy people. A database of more than 25,000 biographies.
Biography Center More than 10,000 biographies.
Blupete's Literature Page Biographies of historical figures in the fields of law, literature, philosophy, economics, and history.
Wikipedia: Lists of People Many different categories to get biographies. Keep clicking.
BBC: Historic Figures
Who2 Searchable brief biographies and links to other biographies.
SparkNotes: Biography Guides to the lives of many people.
Time 100 Profiles of the 100 people Time magazine has selected as the most important of the 20th century.

Link Collections of Biographies:
Multnomah County Library Homework Center: Biographies Biography/Who's Who  

Snopes: Urban Legends Reference Pages A database of urban legends tracking down each legend's origins and truthfulness.
Urban Legends A collection of comments on urban legends from the alt.folklore.urban archives. Urban Legends Another large collection of urban legends. Search the major urban legend sites.
Museum of Hoaxes Searchable and browsable by category and historical era. The site monitors the media to expose the abuse of science and statistics before people are misled and public policy is distorted. A non-partisan, non-profit organization that monitors the factual accuracy of political TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases.
Fallacies Explanations of logical fallacies.
Stephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies Another guide to fallacies.
Wikipedia: Propaganda Good article and links.
Propaganda Critic Site dedicated to propaganda analysis.
Wikipedia: List of Cognitive Biases Includes propaganda and other things that distort reality.
Break the Chain Searchable database of articles on currently circulating e-mail chain letters. Chain Letters A critical discussion of these letters and examples of some in circulation.
Scambook A platform for reporting and resolving complaints and scams.
VMyths Searchable and browsable database on computer virus myths and hoaxes.
Quackwatch A guide to health-related frauds, myths, fads, fallacies, and misconduct.
Skeptic's Dictionary A collection of articles on paranormal phenomena, hoaxes, junk science, and New Age beliefs.
CSI Online Committee for Skeptical Inquiry scientifically investigates paranormal and fringe-science claims.


Search Engines
Google The best web search engine available. Also searches blogs, books, finance, images, news, patents, discussion groups, academic articles, maps, shopping, video, and even translates.
Bing Microsoft's excellent challenge to Google. Also has BingTweets, which searches Twitter.
Duck Duck Go Search engine with results drawn from human-edited sources.
Infospace Search the web.
Gigablast Searches the web.
Factbites Results given in full sentences telling you information on the subject.
Exalead Results show related terms and thumbnail images of sites.
Lycos Still around.

Metasearch Engines                                          
ixquick A powerful metasearch engine.
Dogpile Another popular multiple search engine.
Mama Also searches news, videos, yellow pages, and white pages.

Academic Searches
Academic Blog Portal Search or browse by subject area for blogs by academics.
BASE Search for open access web resources.
ERIC Search for education resources.
Jurn Search millions of free academic articles, chapters, and theses.
LibGuides Community Search guides on many subjects from librarians around the world.
Refseek Search engine for students and academic researchers.
Virtual Learning Resources Center Search thousands of indexed academic sites.
Wikipedia: List of Academic Databases & Search Engines
Google Scholar Search scholarly papers.   

Images, Audio & Video Searches
blinkx Video search engine.
AOL Video Search for video.
TeacherTube Videos for teaching.
Pixsy Search for photos and videos.
Yahoo Image Search
Google: Images and Video
FindSounds A search engine for finding sound effects on the web.
Pictures, Images, & Cartoons Links to image collections and search engines.

Other Specialized Searches
Twitter Search Search the information being transmitted to Twitter every second.
WayBackMachine To find web pages that no longer exist, you can surf pages stored in the Internet Archive's web archive.
Public Information Databases More than 5,000 public U.S. and international databases.
Pretrieve A public record search engine.


Web Directories A directory of hundreds of topic-specific sites, each managed by an expert on the topic.
WWW Virtual Library The oldest directory of the web, the VL is run by volunteers who compile links for their area of expertise.
Awesome Library A guide to resources that have been reviewed and found to be of high quality.

Academic Directories 
Internet Scout Search or browse its archive of its selections of the best Internet resources.
Martindale's The Reference Desk
iTunes U Directory A directory of college and university sites that have podcasts of lectures.
Voice of the Shuttle Directory of humanities web sites. From UCSB.

Government & Politics

State & Local Government:

Governments of the 50 States Links to the official state web site, governor's office, legislature, and court system of each state.
State Resource Center Links to each state's home pages, statewide offices, executive, legislature, judiciary, courts, boards & commissions, regions, counties, libraries, and more. From Lexis.
State and Local Government on the Net A frequently updated and comprehensive directory of links.

Federal Government:
White House U.S. Congress on the Internet.
House of Representatives
U.S. Senate
Columbia University Libraries: U.S. Government Documents Ready Reference Collection Government reports and statistics. An easy way to navigate through U.S. federal government resources.
GovEngine A search engine for federal, state, and local government.
GPO Access Another good way to find U.S. government material.
GovFresh: Government 2.0 News, ideas, and feeds of U.S. government social media.
Congressional Research Service Reports A collection of Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports accessible via the web.

International Governments:
Political Resources on the Net Listings of political sites on the Internet sorted by country, with links to parties, organizations, governments, media and more from all around the world.
European Governments Online
Politics and Government Around the World A collection of links to government, political parties, elections, and political information from around the world.
Rulers Leaders of all countries and territories, going back to about 1700 in most cases.
WolframAlpha: Political Leaders A computational knowledge engine.
United Nations Use its Directory of UN System Organizations to find its various agencies.
Governments on the WWW A comprehensive database of online governmental institutions.

See also Law and Political Science

Social Issues Links from the Multnomah Public Library.
Political Information A search engine for politics and policies. Pro and con opinions on controversial topics.
Debatabase A database of hundreds of debate topics and pro and con arguments. Streaming split-screen dialogs on issues from commentators with differing viewpoints.
GAO Key Issues A federal database of GAO reports, podcasts, videos, and other information.
News, Views, and Tools for Progressives Links to liberal and progressive viewpoints on issues. Conservative news and information.
Discovery Guides Overview and links to current issues.
Political Advocacy Groups A listing of national political advocacy organizations arranged by the issue they are interested in.
[more] A complete listing of issue links. 

Opinion Polls Latest public opinion polls on politics, issues, and the economy.
Public Agenda Online In-depth analyses of public opinion and public policies.
Gallup Organization Current and past opinion polls.
Pew Research Center An independent opinion research group that studies public attitudes toward the press, politics, and public policy issues. Use its Topics Index.
World Public Opinion Information and analysis about public opinion on international policy issues from around the world.
Washington Post Polling Current and past polls.
YouGov A market research company that uses the Internet to conduct polls.
HuffPost: Pollster Political polls.
Real Clear Politics: Polls Links to the latest political polls.
World Public Opinion Information and analysis on public opinion from around the world.
Roper Center Archive of data from polls conducted by many survey research organizations. 

Encyclopedia Articles on Law:
Wikipedia: Law and ProjectLaw
Citizendium: Law Law
1911 Britannica: Law
Law Library — American Law and Legal Information A searchable multi-volume work on law.

Cases, Laws, & Commentary:
FindLaw Cases, laws, law schools, legal news, legal subject index, law reviews, legal organizations, law firms, and international legal resources.
Legal Information Institute U.S. Supreme Court decisions, U.S. Code, U.S. Constitution, and other important legal materials. From Cornell Law School.
Jurist Legal news, topics, documents, videos, & commentary.
Oyez Supreme Court cases, audio of hearings, and other resources.
Justicia: U.S. Supreme Court Cases Text of the cases.
OpenJurist Supreme Court and federal appeals court opinions.
FedLaw Links to resources on U.S. laws, Congress, judiciary, & more.
World Legal Information Institute Free, independent, and non-profit access to worldwide law.
Nolo Clear information on many areas of U.S. law.
LexisNexis: Legal Subject Outlines

Legal News: Law news with free searchable archives.
New York Times Topics: Law and Legislation Archive of articles.
1st Headlines: Legal
FindLaw News
Jurist: Legal News

Blogs on the Law:
ABA Journal: Blawg Directory Listing of legal blogs.
AcademicBlogs: Law A listing of blogs by law professors.
Be Spacific Weblog on law archived by topic.
SCOTUS blog A blog on the U.S. Supreme Court.
WSJ: Law Blog

Law Journals:
Law Reviews Online A listing of law reviews that make their content available online.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Law Enter “law” to search for law journals that have content available online for free.
Academic Law Reviews and Journals

Legal Dictionaries:
Nolo's Free Dictionary of Law Terms and Legal Definitions
Other Legal Dictionaries

Court Sites:
U.S. Supreme Court The court's site includes opinions, oral arguments, and other information.
U.S. Courts Links to all federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Courts of Appeals, U.S. District Courts, and Bankruptcy Courts.
State Court Web Sites
Wikipedia: List of Supreme Courts by Country
Criminal Justice in America Links Links to all aspects of the criminal justice system.

Famous Trials Detailed information on trials throughout history.
Famous Trials in World History Links
Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913 Searchable text of 197,745 criminal trials held at London's central criminal court.

U.S. Constitution:
U.S. Constitution Complete text.
Interactive Constitution For each provision, scholars of different perspectives discuss what they agree on and what they disagree about. `1qq
Annenberg: Teaching the Constitution Videos and games for teaching.
FindLaw: U.S. Constitution In-depth annotations to the Constitution.
Justia: U.S. Constitution Another site with annotations to the Constitution.
Constitution of the USA: Analysis, and Interpretation (PDF) An almost 3,000-page work prepared by the Congressional Research Service. Updates here.
CRS Annotated Constitution Annotations to each part of the Constitution.
Exploring Constitutional Law Coverage of issues and controversies surrounding the Constitution.
Constitution: That Delicate Balance Emmy Award-winning video series on the Constitution.

Other Constitutions:
Constitute Search, read, and compare the constitutions in the world.
Constitution Finder Database of constitutions, charters, amendments, and related documents.

Other Current and Historical Legal Documents:
Avalon Project A collection of documents in law, history and diplomacy.
Electronic Information System for International Law
Library of Congress: Law Library of Congress The world's largest collection of law books and legal resources.

Courses on Law:
Academic Earth: Law and Criminal Justice Free online lectures and courses.
Class Central: Politics, Law, and Society Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: Law Free online university courses.
Coursera: Law Free online courses from top universities. Law Lectures from open online education courses.
SlideRule: Law A listing of many courses.
MOOC List: Law Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Law Listing of free online law courses.

Texts on Law:
Open Textbook Library: Law Free, complete textbooks.

Other Learning Resources on Law:
Wikiversity: Portal: Law and School: Law Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: Law Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Law:
American Law Sources On-Line Links to freely accessible online legal sources for the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
Library of Congress: Guide to Law Online An annotated guide to sources of information on government and law.
A Research Guide for Students: Law By I. Lee. Legal directories of U.S. and other nation's legal systems.
Internet Legal Research Group A categorized index of thousands of legal web sites.
Voice of the Shuttle: Legal Studies


Dictionaries and Thesauruses
Wordnik The most comprehensive dictionary and thesaurus on the net, includes definitions, example sentences, related words, images, etymologies, and audio pronunciations.
Cambridge Dictionnline Many dictionaries -- British English, American English, and English to various languages.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and thesaurus.
Macmillan Dictionary Dictionary, thesaurus, and more.
Oxford Dictionaries Online Dictionaries, thesaurus, and many languages. Dictionary,,, and more.
Wordsmyth Dictionary and thesaurus.
Wiktionary A wiki dictionary that includes a thesaurus, a rhyme guide, phrase books, and more.
One Look Search many dictionaries. Also has a reverse dictionary for finding a word by describing a concept or idea.
Power Thesaurus A crowd-sourced, fast thesaurus.
Free Dictionary Dictionary of words and phrases and thesaurus. Fast dictionary with complete definitions and word origins and tools for building vocabulary.
AllWords Dictionary and many links for word lovers. Hundreds of dictionaries in English and other languages.

Visual Dictionaries:
The Visual Dictionary
Merriam-Webster Visual Dictionary
Hypertext Webster Gateway All words in definitions clickable.
Acronym Search Find what acronyms and abbreviations mean.
Acronym Finder Another searchable dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initials.
WolframAlpha A computational knowledge engine, but put in a word and it will give definitions, synonyms, homophones, rhymes, and a wealth of other information.
RhymeZone Find rhymes, synonyms, definitions, and more.
WriteExpress: Rhyming Dictionary
Internet Anagram Server Rearrange the letters in words or phrases to make new ones.
One Across Crossword puzzle help.

Style Guides
Wikipedia: Manual of Style The style manual for the online encyclopedia.
Chicago Manual of Style: Q & A Frequently asked questions about style.
BuzzFeed Style Guide A set of standards for the Internet and social media.
AP vs. Chicago A blog showing the differences between AP and Chicago styles. Use the tags along the right side to find discussions of particular topics.
OWL Purdue's Online Writing Laboratory has more than 130 instructional handouts to assist writers.
U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual
Paradigm Online Writing Assistant An interactive, menu-driven writer's guide and handbook.
Columbia Journalism Review: Language Corner Discussion of various rules of the language, including rules of thumb. Scroll down for archives.

Citation Styles:
Referencing and Citation Style Guides: MLA. APA. CSE. Chicago Examples of each of these styles.
Citation Style Guides Guide to different bibliographic and note formats by American University Libraries.
Citation Machine You type in the information and it will generate correct MLA, APA, Turabian, or Chicago citations.
EasyBib Type in the title of the book, website, newspaper, journal, etc., and it will generate citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, and other styles.

British Style Guides (Different rules from U.S. English):
Guardian and Observer Style Guide
University of Oxford Style Guide (PDF)

Grammar and Punctuation                                                         
Guide to Grammar and Writing A complete guide to the writing process. From Professor of English Charles Darling.
Guide to Grammar and Style Another good guide. From Jack Lynch, Rutgers University.
Punctuation Guide Click on a punctuation mark and learn how to use it.
Punctuation Made Simple Basics on the colon, semicolon, comma, dash, and apostrophe.
Daily Grammar Lesson Archives Basic grammar lessons.
Grammar and Punctuation From the Writing Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Common Errors in English Usage Hypertext of Paul Brians' book.
Grammar Girl Short, clever podcasts on grammar issues.
English Usage, Style & Composition Searchable and browsable access to these books:
American Heritage Book of English Usage (1996)
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English (1993)
The Elements of Style (1918) by William Strunk Jr.
The King's English (1908) by H.W. Fowler
Online English Grammar Details on adjectives, adverbs, determiners, direct and indirect speech, -ing form, nouns, passive voice, possessives, relative clauses, infinitives, and verbs.

Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable The origins of phrases, allusions, and words.
Online Etymology Dictionary Searchable and browsable.
Behind the Name The etymology and history of first names in many languages.

Wikiquote A huge collection quotations, searchable and browsable by theme, author, and much more. It tells each quotation's source and even lists quotations misattributed to the author.
Bartleby's Quotation Books Searchable copies of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (1919), Simpson's Contemporary Quotations (1988), Columbia World of Quotations (1996), and Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations (1989).
Oxford Shakespeare Search Shakespeare's complete works. From Bartleby.
Search the Bible A concordance with different translations.
Quoteland Large quotation collection grouped by author and topic. Searchable.
GIGA Quotes A collection of thousands of ancient and modern quotations, aphorisms, maxims, proverbs, sayings, truisms, mottoes, etc. Browsable by authors or topics.
QuoteWorld Browse by category or author or search by keyword.
BrainyQuote Collection of quotes searchable and browsable by topic, author, or type of author.
ThinkExist Thousands of quotations searchable and browsable by topic, author, or keyword.

Link Collections on Quotations:
Best of the Web: Quotations

Experts and Advice

Think Tanks
RAND A well-known non-profit institute that researches various issues and publishes select papers on the Internet.
Brookings A non-profit research organization that serves as an independent analyst of public policy issues. Many of its publications are online.
Cato Institute A non-partisan public policy research foundation that examines issues from a libertarian perspective. Many of its publications are online.
Center for American Progress A non-partisan research and educational institute dedicated to promoting a strong, just and free America that ensures opportunity for all Americans.
Heritage Foundation A think tank whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies. Its site discusses many issues.
Hoover Institution A non-profit focusing mainly on foreign policy. Some of its publications are online.
Urban Institute A non-partisan economic and social policy organization. The site has information on many current topics.

Link Collections of Think Tanks:
Best of the Web: Policy Institutes
University of Michigan Documents Center: Think Tanks
Harvard Kennedy School: US Think Tanks and Non-US Think Tanks by Region
NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks Click on the index at the bottom of the page.
World Press Review: Think Tanks and NGOs

Other Experts
AskMe You can ask a question or browse previous answers by category. Experts are rated by how well they answer questions.
Yahoo Answers Ask a question and people will answer online. Archives available.
ExpertClick A directory of experts.
LisWiki: Chat reference libraries A listing of libraries that have reference services online via chat or e-mail.
Ask a Librarian Florida's virtual reference service via live chat, text messaging, and email.
People's Network: Enquire Ask a question and a librarian will answer it.

Link Collections to Expert Sites:
Best of the Web: Ask an Expert
LibrarySpot: Ask an Expert Links to sites that might be helpful for homework.
Ask an Expert Sources Links to experts in many subject areas.
Virtual Reference Desk: Ask the Experts A listing by subject of many "ask an expert" sites.

Frequently Asked Questions
QueryCAT Search a large database of Frequently Asked Questions.
Internet FAQ Archives Archive of Usenet FAQs.
FAQs by Archive-Name
WiseGeek Clear answers to common questions.
WikiAnswers Answers to questions searchable and browsable by category.
AnswerBag Similar to WikiAnswers.

How-To Guides  
eHow How to do just about anything.
SoYouWanna Another how-to site.
wiki-How A collaborative project written by readers of the web site.
How to Do Things A searchable and browsable guide.
Tricks of the Trade Professional secrets from those in the know.
Lifehacker Tips and downloads for getting things done.
Howcast Video explanations of how to.
Instructables Learn how to make anything.
Manuals Online Download user manuals to most products -- for free.

Link Collections of How-To Guides:
Snapguide: How-To Guides  

Other Reference Sites

Calculators and Converters
Convert Auto Converts almost anything. By Lilly Hammond.
Unit Conversion Converts measures of mass, area, length, pressure, data storage, and more.
WolframAlpha: Units & Measures A computational knowledge engine.
Calculator Many different kinds of calculators.
eCalc Free basic and scientific-mode calculators.
Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center More calculators.
Convert-Me Still more.
Inflation Calculator Adjusts any amount of money for inflation from 1800 to present.
Full Universal Currency Converter Find today's value of any currency in the world.
Online Conversion Many converters.
Calculators & Converters Links to many different converters.

U.N. Cartographic Section Hundreds of maps (most are PDF files).
Maps & Geography and MapMaker Interactive Maps from National Geographic magazine.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Extensive collection of maps from the University of Texas at Austin.
Map Collections: 1500-present From Library of Congress.
David Rumsey Map Collection Historical maps, mainly of 19th and 20th century.
National Atlas U.S. maps to find and create.
Wikimedia Commons Atlas of the World An organized collection of geographical, political and historical maps, including an index.
Historical Atlas of Europe Historical maps from about 1500 to the present.
HRW: World Maps Maps of continents, countries, and the world.
Outline Maps Outline maps of all areas of the world. Useful for the classroom.

Latitude and Longitude:
LatLong Find the latitude & longitude of any place.
Converting Addresses to/from Latitude/Longitude in One Step Any address in the world.
Earth From Above Stunning photographs from around the world.
Bing Maps Local Aerial, road, and bird's eye images.
Google Earth Downloadable software to view satellite maps.
Google Maps Maps, satellite maps, and combinations.
Bing Maps
Latitude and Longitude of a Point Find exact longitude and latitude.

Map Blogs:
Strange Maps A blog exhibiting unusual maps.
Great Map A blog focusing mainly on non-geographic maps.
Map Lab Wired's blog on maps.
Worldmapper Cartograms on many subjects.
Yahoo Maps Maps and driving directions.
MapQuest Maps and driving directions.
How Far Is It? Tells you the distance between two cities or locations.
WolframAlpha: Maps & Projections A computational knowledge engine.

Link Collections of Maps:
Map Guide

See also Geography.

Superpages Find businesses or people.
WhitePages People search, business search, reverse phone or address, area codes, and more.
Switchboard Find a person or business, search by phone, area and ZIP codes, and more.
Yahoo: People Search Phone, address, reverse, and e-mail.
NANPA: Area Code Maps Click on the map to find an area code.
International Directories
Country Calling Codes Enter the countries you are calling from and to and find out what numbers to dial.
Get Human Database A listing of major U.S. companies and agencies with phone numbers and directions for avoiding voice mail and contacting humans.
WolframAlpha: Telephone Numbers A computational knowledge engine.

Post Office                                 
ZIP Codes Enter the address and find the ZIP code.
Post Office Locator Enter an address to find a U.S. post office.
Mail Box Locator Enter a ZIP code and find the mail boxes in that ZIP code.
Postage Price Calculator Enter the weight and ZIP codes and it calculates the postage.
International Mailing Address Formats Formats and postal rates for many countries.

Time and Date Calendars for any year, time and time zones, calculators, and more.
Official U.S. Time
World Clock Shows time and day around the world.
Current Time in 1000 Places A-Z list of places.
Calendar Zone Links to online and print calendars.
Virtual Perpetual Calendars Calendars for any year in the 20th or 21st century.
WolframAlpha: Dates & Time A computational knowledge engine.

Weather Weather from the Weather Channel.
Weather Underground Find the weather for any city, state, ZIP or Airport Code, or country.
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Great site that includes:
National Weather Service News, forecasts, warnings satellite views, and more.
National Hurricane Center
Weatherbase Records, averages, and other information on cities throughout the world.
WolframAlpha: Weather A computational knowledge engine.

Other Research Links
Refdesk: Quick Reference/Research Hundreds of research links.
Martindale's The Reference Desk
University of Virginia Library: Research Links to university library reference links.
Link Collections for Journalists Link collections aimed at journalists, but helpful to all researchers.

Subject Matter Links


Art History
Encyclopedia Articles on Art History:
Wikipedia: Art History and Category: Art History Art History
Art Cyclopedia A guide to great art online.
Art Encyclopedia

Courses on Art History:
Khan Academy: Art History and AP Art History and Smarthistory
Academic Earth: Art History Free online lectures and courses.
Open Yale: History of Art Free lectures and materials. Art History Lectures from open online education courses.
Annenberg Learner: Art of the Western World A free online video course.
Open University: History of Art
MOOC List: Art History Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Art History Timelines:
Timeline of Art History From the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
History of Art Timeline Part of a Visual Arts Encyclopedia with an A-Z of Art Movements.
HuntFor: Art History Information sorted by period, artist, movement, or theme.
Artchive Images of artwork, art reviews, exhibitions, art criticism, and more.
PBS: Arts Links to PBS programs on fine arts.
ArtLex Art Dictionary Definitions of thousands of art terms.

Texts on Art History:
Wikibooks: Art History Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Artcyclopedia Links to thousands of art sites and artworks by renowned artists.

Lecture Notes on Art History:
A.P. Art History Notes with Pictures
Docsity: Lecture notes of History of Art A collection of free college lecture notes.

Art Museums:
Museum of Online Museums Exhibitions in art museums around the world.
Universal Leonardo Impressive site on the works of Leonardo da Vinci.
AcademicBlogs: Art History Links to blogs by professors in this field.

Other Learning Resources on Art History:
Merlot II: Art History Learning materials.
WatchKnowLearn: Visual Arts History Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Art History:
Art History Resources on the Web An incredible collection of links by Dr. Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe, Professor, Department of Art History, Sweet Briar College, Virginia.
Best of History Websites: Art History
Harvard Library: Online Resources for Medieval Art and Architecture
Infotopia: Art History
Voice of the Shuttle: Art History  

Encyclopedia Articles on History:
Wikipedia: History and Outline of History History
Citizendium: History
1911 Britannica: History
Spartacus Educational An encyclopedia of history and teaching history.
Bill of Rights in Action Archive Searchable and browsable archive of lessons, articles, and links on a wide range of historical subjects.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas A text.

Courses on History:
Class Central: History & Philosophy Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: History Free online university courses.
MITOpenCourseware: History Free courses from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Open Culture: History A list of free online courses.
Open Yale: History Free lectures and materials. History Lectures from open online education courses.
Open University: History
Academic Earth: History Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: History Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: History Listing of free online history courses.
Open Culture: Free Online History Courses

Texts on History:
CK Foundation: Flexbook: History Free K-12 texts.
Flat World Knowledge: History Low-priced textbooks.
Docsity: Lecture notes of History A collection of free college lecture notes.
The History Place Articles on U.S. and world history.

Video and Resources from Broadcast Sites:
Teachers: Social Studies Social Studies Lesson plans and activities, links, recommended books, and articles from the field.

BBC History Categories include Ancient History, Archaeology, Church and State, Science and Discovery, Society and Culture, Wars and Conflict, Your History, Historic Figures, History for Kids, History Trail, Multimedia Zone, Reading Room, Talk History, and Timelines.
BBC: In Our Time: History Archive Archive of radio programs related to history.
Annenberg Media: Teacher Resources: History and Social Studies Courses.
History Channel Video and other resources.
Then Again Includes WebChron (timelines), Primary Sources, and History Basics.
WolframAlpha: People & History A computational knowledge engine.
Historical Text Archive Articles, e-books, and links.
The History Guide Lectures on a whole range of historical subjects.
EDSITEment: History & Social Studies Lesson plans and links.
Webquest Page
Grades 9-12 Social Studies
Grades 6-8 Social Studies
Grades 3-5 Social Studies
Malaspina: Great Books A database of great thinkers, their biographies and works with links and book suggestions.

The Web Chronology Project Timelines from Then Again.
Who What When Interactive historical timelines from A.D. 1000 to present.
Food Timeline What people ate, how they made their food, and when it happened. Video documentaries arranged on historical timelines.
AcademicBlogs: History Links to blogs by professors in this field.
Hotlinks: Legal History By Dean Bernard Hibbitts, University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

Directory of Open Access Journals: History A directory of history journals that have content available online for free.
Measuring Worth Inflation calculators for the U.S., China, Japan, and UK See also Calculators and Converters.

Other Learning Resources on History:
Merlot II: History Learning materials.
Wikiversity: Portal: History and School of History Learning resources, projects, and research.
TEDEd: History Library of lessons.
HippoCampus: History & Government Resources, courses, and texts.
WatchKnowLearn: History Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on History:
SCORE Over 5,000 web sites aligned to California's History/Social Science Curriculum.
Eighteenth-Century Resources A great collection of links on art, history, literature, music, philosophy, religion, science, mathematics, and more.
WWW Virtual Library: History
Awesome Library: Social Studies
The Best of History Web Sites A portal of history web sites rated for usefulness and accuracy, which will help you study or teach a wide variety of topics and periods in history.
Voice of the Shuttle: History
A Research Guide for Students: History By I. Lee.
WWW Virtual Library: History  

U.S. History
Encyclopedia Articles on U.S. History:
Wikipedia: U.S. History
Citizendium: U.S. History
Smithsonian Encyclopedia: History and Culture
Digital History A text, primary sources, curriculum materials, timeline, and exhibitions.
Freedom: A History of US A 16-part series based on the books by Joy Hakim.

Study Guides on U.S. History:
PinkMonkey: American History
SparkNotes: American History
CliffsNotes: U.S. History I and U.S. History II
Shmoop: U.S. History

Lecture Notes on U.S. History:
A.P. U.S. History (Chaffey High School)
A.P. U.S. History Exam Notes (Horace Greeley High School)
LecturePoint: U.S. History A lecture series illustrated with slides by Michael Nagle, professor of history and political science at West Shore Community College.

Texts on U.S. History:
Wikibooks: North American History Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Free-Ed: Outline of American History
Annenberg Media: A Biography of America
Digital History: Hypertext History
From Revolution to Reconstruction: An Outline of American History Publications:
U.S. History

Courses on U.S. History:
Khan Academy: U.S. History
MOOC List: U.S. History Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
YouTube: CrashCourse: U.S. History U.S. history in 49 episodes (and counting).
Genealogy Book Links Links to free online digitized American biographies, genealogies, and history books.
History Matters: A U.S. Survey Course on the Web A gateway to web resources and offers
other useful materials for teaching U.S. history.
American Heritage Articles on U.S. history.
TheHistoryNet Much information, primarily on U.S. history.
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History: Exhibitions Each module contains a brief historical overview, learning tools, primary sources, and resources. Free registration for all K-12 students and educatiors.

Government Archives and Exhibits on U.S. History:
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
Library of Congress
American Memory Collections on all aspects of American life.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
Primary Documents in American History
National Archives
Teaching With Documents: Lesson Plans
Online Exhibits
America's Historical Documents
Presidential Libraries
National Parks Service: History & Culture

More Primary Sources:
Yale Law School: Avalon Project
Documents for the Study of American History
Our Documents
From Revolution to Reconstruction: Documents Despite the title, it goes from before 1400 to present.
HistoryCentral: American Source Documents
American Slave Narratives
American Journeys Eyewitness accounts of North American exploration.
New York Times: Time Machine Browse through every page of the paper from 1851-1922. (You must subscribe to the paper.)
Harvard Library: Open Collections Program
Ad*Access Images and database information for thousands of ads printed in U.S. and Canadian publications between 1911 and 1955.
American Rhetoric: Online Speech Bank Database of thousands of full-text and audio and video versions of speeches, lectures, debates, interviews, and other media events.
History & Politics Outloud Famous speeches made by leaders of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Regents Exam Prep Center: U.S. History This non-profit site helps high school students meet the New York State Regents requirements.

Other Learning Resources on U.S. History:
OpenEd: Social Studies Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: US History Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: History of the US Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on U.S. History:
Voice of the Shuttle: U.S. History   

World History
Encyclopedia Articles on World History:
Wikipedia: World History and History of the World
Citizendium: World History
Encyclopedia Mythica An encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion.
HistoryWorld Histories, timelines, and articles.
World History and Timeline Timelines, narratives, and more. From Frank Smitha.

British Museum Interactive exhibits for students and teachers.
Ancient Civilizations
Ancient Egypt
Ancient India
Ancient China

Courses on World History:
YouTube: CrashCourse: World History World history in 42 episodes. Bridging World History and the Western Tradition

Study Guides:
PinkMonkey: World History and European History
SparkNotes: European History

Lecture Notes on World History:
Sonoran Science Academy: AP World History Notes
Skogen's World: AP World History Lecture Notes

Texts on World History:
Wikibooks: History Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
MacroHistory: Prehistory to the 21st Century A world history text.
Textbook Revolution: World History Links to sites for books and includes links to free online texts and other resources.

Courses on World History:
Khan Academy: World History
Coursera: World History
HyperHistory Online 3,000 years of world history with interactive timelines and maps.
Online World History Journals:
Journal of World History
World History Connected

Primary Sources:
EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History
Europeana Items from Europe's leading galleries, libraries, archives, and museums.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project Primary source materials on different periods.
EyeWitness to History Eyewitness accounts from the ancient world to the present.
World Digital Library Primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World Primary and secondary documents and a photo album of Roman towns.
World History Matters A portal to world history on the web.
Regents Exam Prep Center: Global History This nonprofit site helps high school students meet the New York State Regents requirements.

Other Learning Resources on World History:
OpenEd: World History Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: World History Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: World History Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on World History:
Famous Trials in World History Links
Best of History Websites  

Literature & English Language
Encyclopedia Articles on Literature:
Cambridge History of English and American Literature
Wikipedia: Literature
Wikinfo: Literature
Citizendium: Literature
1911 Britannica: Literature

Study Guides:
Drama Study Guides
Literature Study Guides 
Poetry Study Guides 
Shakespeare Study Guides 
ClassicNotes Study guides to literature, plays, poetry, and film.  
CliffsNotes: Literature Guides to hundreds of pieces of literature. 
PinkMonkey: Book Notes Guides to many books.
Shmoop: Literature and Poetry 

Courses on Literature & English Language:
Class Central: Literature & Writing Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: Literature Free online university courses.
Open University: Literature and Creative Writing
Free-Ed: A Video Survey of American Literature
MITOpenCourseware: Literature Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: Literature A list of free online courses. Literature Lectures from open online education courses. 
Open Yale: English Free lectures and materials.
Annenberg Media: Teacher Resources: Literature and Language Arts Courses.
Academic Earth: English and Writing Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: English and English Literature and Literature and Writing Listing of MOOCs on the subjects.
Open Education Consortium: Literature Listing of free online literature courses.
Critical Reading: A Guide A guide for analyzing fiction and poetry.
Course Materials, Including Study Guides to Various Works Study guides prepared by Professor Paul Brians of Washington State University for the use of students in his classes.
Poetry Foundation News, articles, and an archive of contemporary and classic poems.

Video and Resources from Broadcast Sites:
Literature Links to PBS programs on literature.
PBS Learning Media: English Language Arts & Literacy Lesson plans and activities, links, recommended books, and articles from the field.

BBC: In Our Time: Culture Archive Archive of radio programs related to culture and literature.

Lessons on Literature:
EDSITEment: Literature & Language Arts Lesson plans and links.
Read•Write•Think Lessons, standards, links, and student materials.
TEDEd: Literature Library of lessons.

Texts on Literature & English Language:
An Outline of American Literature A text.
Bookboon: English Language Free e-books.
Flat World Knowledge: English Low-priced textbooks.
Absolute Shakespeare Many resources.
Paris Review Interview Archive Complete interviews of famous writers of modern times.
CSPAN: American Writers: Part 1 and Part 2 Resources on writers from 1600 to the present.
PAL: Perspectives in American Literature: A Research and Reference Guide
Literary Resources on the Net From Jack Lynch, Rutgers University.
Children's Literature Web Site Huge collection of resources.

Works of Literature Online:
Bartleby: Great Books Online
Classic Authors
Internet Classics Archive
Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature
Online Literature Library
Read Print
Universal Digital Library

See also Books.

AcademicBlogs: Culture, Theory, Literature Links to blogs by professors in these fields.

Other Learning Resources on Literature & English Language:
Wikiversity: School: Language & Literature Learning resources, projects, and research.
PBS LearningMedia: English Language Arts & Literacy Classroom-ready digital resources.
Merlot II: English Learning materials.
WatchKnowLearn: Language Arts Free K-12 educational videos.
HippoCampus: English Resources, courses, and texts.

Link Collections on Literature:
Voice of the Shuttle: Literature (in English)
Voice of the Shuttle: Literatures (Other Than English)
LitLinks Biographies and links on many authors.
A Research Guide for Students: Literature By I. Lee.
Martindale's: Literature
Book Review Links Links to reviews from newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other sources plus book notes, literary analyses, and summaries of books.

See also Books, Quotations  

Encyclopedia Articles on Philosophy:
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Extensive encyclopedia.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Another good encyclopedia.
Wikipedia: Philosophy and History of Philosophy Philosophy
Wikinfo: Philosophy
Citizendium: Philosophy
1911 Britannica: Philosophy
Philosophy Since the Enlightenment
Sophia Project Resources to help newcomers to the field philosophy.

Works of Philosophers:
Some Texts From Early Modern Philosophy
Philosophy History Archive: Classical Philosophers
Squashed Philosophers Their own ideas, in their own words, neatly honed into little half-hour or so reads.

Courses on Philosophy:
Khan Academy: Philosophy
Class Central: History & Philosophy Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: Philosophy & Ethics Free online university courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Philosophy Free courses from MIT. Philosophy Lectures from open online education courses. 
Open Culture: Philosophy A list of free online courses.
Open Yale: Philosophy Free lectures and materials.
Open University: Philosophy
Academic Earth: Philosophy Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Philosophy Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Philosophy Listing of free online philosophy courses.

Lecture Notes on Philosophy:
Introduction to Philosophy (Brandeis University)
Philosophy 320: History of Ancient Philosophy (University of Washington)
Philosophy 356: Western Theism ( University of Texas at Austin)
SparkNotes: Philosophy Study Guides Study guides on philosophers and their works.

Podcasts and Radio Programs on Philosophy:
Philosophy Bites Podcasts of major modern philosophers "interviewed on "bite-sized topics."
PhilosophyTalk A radio program on philosophical issues hosted by two Stanford professors. Archives are online.
Philosopher's Zone An Australian show looking at the world of philosophy and issues through philosophical analysis. Archives are online.
BBC: In Our Time: Philosophy Archive Archive of radio programs related to philosophy.
Philosophy Timeline

Texts on Philosophy:
Wikibooks: Philosophy Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
An Introduction to Philosophy By Dr. Philip A. Pecorino.
Erratic Impact: The Philosophy Research Base Integrating text resources with online resources, this study guide aids those interested in philosophy and its related fields.
Radical Academy A rich source of essays, histories, and discussions on philosophy.
Philosophy Pages Includes a dictionary of philosophy, history of philosophy, a timeline, discussions of major philosophers, principles of logic, a study guide, and links.

Dictionaries of Philosophy:
A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
Teaching Materials on the History of Political Thought Reading guides, lectures, essays and notes.
History of Philosophy A collection of essays on philosophy.
PhilPapers A directory of online philosophical articles and books by academic philosophers.

Magazines and Journals on Philosophy:
Philosophers' Magazine Quarterly on philosophy that is "accessible and entertaining."
Philosophy & Literature Bi-annual journal.
Philosophy Now Semi-monthly on Western philosophy.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Philosophy A directory of philosophy journals that have content available online for free.
AcademicBlogs: Linguistics & Philosophy Links to blogs by professors in these fields.

Other Learning Resources on Philosophy:
Merlot II: Philosophy Learning materials.
TEDEd: Philosophy & Religion Library of lessons.
Wikiversity: School: Philosophy Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: Philosophy and Ethics Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Philosophy:
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet Not updated since 2003. 
Philosophy Online Links to philosophy by subject, philosophers, journals, and departments of philosophy.
A Research Guide for Students: Philosophy By I. Lee.
Voice of the Shuttle: Philosophy An extensive collection of links. 

Religious Studies
Encyclopedia Articles on Religion:
Wikipedia: Religious Studies, Religion, and Major World Religions Religion
Wikinfo: Religion
Citizendium: Religion
1911 Britannica: Religion
Virtual Jewish Library An extensive encyclopedia.
Jewish Encyclopedia
Catholic Encyclopedia The classic 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia. Statistics and facts on the religions of the world.
Beliefnet Information on all major religions.
WolframAlpha: Religion A computational knowledge engine.

Religious Works:
The Internet Sacred Text Archive Electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library Classic texts in electronic format.
Religious Essays on religions and religious topics.

Texts on Religion:
Wikibooks: Religion Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Religion A directory of journals on religion that have content available online for free.
ReligionFacts Descriptions of the beliefs of many religions.
BBC: Religion Extensive coverage of religions.
Religious Liberty Archive Information about state and federal laws on religious freedom in the United States.
Virtual Religion Index Categories include academic sites, American studies, ancient Near East, anthropology & sociology, art & archaeology, biblical studies, Buddhist tradition, Christian tradition, comparative religion, confessional agencies, East Asia, ethics & moral values, Greco-Roman studies, Hindu studies, Islamic tradition, Judaic studies, philosophy & theology, and psychology of religion.

Courses on Religion:
MITOpenCourseware: Religion Free courses from MIT.
Open Yale: Religious Studies Free lectures and materials.
Academic Earth: Religious Studies Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Theology Listing of MOOCs on the subject. Religious Studies Lectures from open online education courses. 
Open Culture: Religion A list of free online courses.
Open Education Consortium: Religion Listing of free online courses on religion.

Broadcast and video:
PBS: Religion and Ethics Newsweekly A companion to the weekly TV news program. Interviews with "cosmic thinkers."
American Public Media: Speaking of Faith
BBC: Religion
BBC: In Our Time: Religion Archive Archive of radio programs related to religion.
BBC: Religion & Ethics Archive of BBC programs on religion.

News Related to Religion:
New York Times Topics: Religion & Belief
Religion News Service
Yahoo News: Religion
Pew Forum: Religion News
Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs.
ReligionLink A resource to help journalists when they encounter religion in stories.

AcademicBlogs: Religion/Theology Links to blogs by professors in these fields.

Other Learning Resources on Religion:
Merlot II: Religious Studies Learning materials.
TEDEd: Philosophy & Religion Library of lessons.
Wikiversity: Division of Religious Studies Learning resources, projects, and research.
HippoCampus: Religion Resources, courses, and texts.
WatchKnowLearn: Religion Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Religion:
Voice of the Shuttle: Religious Studies An extensive collection of links.
Religious Worlds Links to information on many religions.
A Research Guide for Students: Religion by I. Lee

Links From Dr. A. Godlas, University of Georgia:
Islam and Islamic Studies Resources
Judaism, Christianity, Religious Studies, Mysticism

 Social Sciences

Encyclopedia Articles on Anthropology:
Wikipedia: Anthropology Anthropology
Citizendium: Anthropology
1911 Britannica: Anthropology

News Related to Anthropology:
New York Times Topics: Anthropology and Archaeology News about these topics.
ScienceDaily: Anthropology News

Texts on Anthropology:
Free Textbook List: Anthropology and Archeology
Wikibooks: Anthropology Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
AnthroBase A searchable, multilingual database of anthropological texts.
Anthropology Tutorials
Directory of Open Access Journals: Anthropology A directory of anthropology journals that have content available online for free.
Anthropological Biographies A large collection of biographies and links.
Dictionary of Anthropology

Courses on Anthropology:
Academic Earth: Anthropology Free online lectures and courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Anthropology Free courses from MIT.
Free-Ed: Anthropology
MOOC List: Anthropology Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Anthropology Listing of free online anthropology courses.
Docsity: Lecture notes of Anthropology and Sociology A collection of free college lecture notes.
AcademicBlogs: Anthropology Links to blogs by professors in this field.

Other Learning Resources on Anthropology:
Merlot II: Anthropology Learning materials.
Wikiversity: School: Anthropology Learning resources, projects, and research.
TEDEd: Anthropology Library of lessons.
WatchKnowLearn: Anthropology Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Anthropology:
American Anthropological Association: Anthropology Resources on the Internet
Library of Congress Learning Page: Anthropology Links helpful to teachers and students.
A Research Guide for Students: Anthropology By I. Lee.
Voice of the Shuttle: Anthropology  

Encyclopedia Articles on Archaeology:
Wikipedia: Archaeology and Portal: Archaeology Archaeology
Citizendium: Archaeology
1911 Britannica: Archaeology

News on Archaeology:
Archaeology News
New York Times Topics: Archaeology and Anthropology
ScienceDaily: Archaeology News
EurekAlert: Archaeology
Directory of Open Access Journals: Archaeology A directory of academic journals that have content available online for free.

Courses on Archaeology:
MITOpenCourseware: Archaeology
A Video Survey of Archaeology Links to the educational television series Out of the Past.
Education Portal: List of Free Online Courses on Archaeology
MOOC List: Archaeology Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Texts on Archaeology:
Free Textbook List: Anthropology and Archeology

Lecture Notes on Archaeology:
Introduction to Archaeology Notes to a Sonoma State University course.
Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology Notes to a University of Michigan course.
Southwest Lecture Notes
Archaeology: An Introduction: The Online Companion A study guide to the text.
AcademicBlogs: Archaeology Links to blogs by professors in this field.
Fasti Online A database of archaeological excavations since the year 2000.

Other Learning Resources on Archaeology:
Merlot II: Archeology Learning materials.
WatchKnowLearn: Archaeology Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Archaeology:
Voice of the Shuttle: Archaeology
Historical Archaeological Research Resources
Archaeology Directory
About: Archaeology
Martindale's Archaeology and Paleontology Center

Area Studies
Encyclopedia Articles on Area Studies:
Wikipedia: List of Countries and Area Studies
Citizendium: Country Catalogs
Library of Congress: Country Studies Descriptions and analyses of the history and social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries.
U.S. State Department: Background Notes Facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, and foreign relations of independent states.
BBC News: Country Profiles Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries.
WolframAlpha: Places & Geography A computational knowledge engine.

Link Collections on Area Studies:
Martindale's: Countries, Territories, & Principalities
Voice of the Shuttle: Area Studies

[more] A complete listing of web sites on area studies.

Encyclopedia Articles on Economics:
Wikipedia: Economics Economics
Citizendium: Economics
Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Essays and biographies on economic subjects.
EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History

Study Guides on Economics:
SparkNotes: Economics
PinkMonkey: Economics
Shmoop: Economics
CliffsNotes: Economics

Texts on Economics:
Introduction to Economics
Introduction to Economic Analysis
Wikibooks: Economics Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Textbook Revolution: Economics Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.
Open Textbook Library: Economics Free, complete textbooks.
OpenStax: Peer-reviewed free texts on social science, including economics.
Principles of Economics Free, open-source, peer-reviewed college text.
Principles of Microeconomics Free, open-source, peer-reviewed college text.
Principles of Macroeconomics Free, open-source, peer-reviewed college text.
Bookboon: Economics & Finance Free e-books.
Flat World Knowledge: Economics Low-priced textbooks.
Online Economics Textbooks Large, well-organized links to texts.
FreeScience: Economy & Finance Free texts.

Courses on Economics:
Khan Academy: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Finance and capital markets, and Entrepreneurship
EdX: Economics & Finance Free online university courses.
Class Central: Economics Listing of current MOOCs on the subject.
Coursade: Economics & Finance Courses from many different sources.
SlideRule: Business & Economics A listing of many courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Economics Free courses from MIT. Economics Lectures from open online education courses.
Open Culture: Economics A list of free online courses.
Open Yale: Economics Free lectures and materials.
Coursera: Economics & Finance Free online courses from top universities.
MRUniversity Online economics courses.
Introduction to Accounting
Academic Earth: Economics Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Economics Listing of MOOCs on economics.
Open Education Consortium: Economics Listing of free online courses on the subject.
RFE: Resources for Economists on the Internet

Education and Lessons on Economics:
EconEdLink Classroom-tested Internet-based economic lesson materials for K-12 teachers and students.
Foundation for Teaching Economics Links to hot topics in economics, lesson plans, and more.
EcEdWeb: Economics Education Web A portal to economic education resources in all forms and at all levels.
NCEE: National Council on Economic Education A nationwide network that leads in promoting economic literacy with students and their teachers.

Journal Articles on Economics:
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics A database of working papers and journal articles.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Economics A directory of economic journals that have content available online for free.
Economic Journals on the Web
Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics A collection of working papers.

History of Economics:
Photo Gallery of Economists Links to biographies on important economists in history with links to their works.
Archive for the History of Economic Thought A collection of significant texts in the history of economic thought.
EH.Net Many resources for economic history.
Social Studies Help Center: Economics Class notes on basic economic concepts.

More Lecture Notes on Economics:
Econ. 113: U.S. Economic History ( U.C. Berkeley)
Economics Online Resources on eonomics.

Broadcasts and Podcasts on Economics:
EconTalk Archive+ of podcasts with economists.
Vox Talks Archive of policy analysis and commentary from leading economists.

Blogs on Economics (with links to other blogs and resources):
Big Picture
Calculated Risk
New Economist
Greg Mankiw
Marginal Revolution
Naked Capitalism
Onalytica's Top 200 Influential Economics Blogs
AcademicBlogs: Economics Links to blogs by professors in this field.
WolframAlpha: Socioeconomic Data A computational knowledge engine.

News Related to Economics:
New York Times Topics: Economics
EurekAlert: Business & Economics
SIEPR: Economics in the News

Other Learning Resources on Economics:
Wikiversity: School: Economics Learning resources, projects, and research.
econlowdown Free online courses and videos for use in K-12 and college classrooms.
HippoCampus: Ec+onomics Resources, courses, and texts.
OpenEd: Economics Free K-12 resources.
TEDEd: Business & Economics Library of lessons.
PBS LearningMedia: Economics Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Economics Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Economics:
Finance Site List A collection of links related to finance.
Martindale's: Business Management & Economics Center   

Encyclopedia Articles on Geography:
Wikipedia: Geography Geography
Citizendium: Geography
1911 Britannica: Geography

Texts on Geography:
Wikibooks: Geography Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
An Outline of American Geography
Flat World Knowledge: Geography Low-priced textbooks.
National Academies Press: Geography and Mapping Recently published books on these subjects.

Courses on Geography:
MOOC List: Geography Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Geography Listing of free online geography courses.

Journals on Geography:
National Geographic Monthly magazine of the National Geographic Society.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Geography A directory of geography journals that have content available online for free.

News Related to Geography:
New York Times Topics: Geography
ScienceDaily: Geography News
Yahoo News: Geography
National Geographic: Education Teaching resources from the National Geographic Society.
WolframAlpha: Places & Geography A computational knowledge engine.
Discovery Atlas A companion to the Discovery Channel series on the cultures, social diversities, and natural phenomena of 20 of the world's greatest countries.
Docsity: Lecture notes of Geography A collection of free college lecture notes.
AcademicBlogs: Geography Links to blogs by professors in this field.

Other Learning Resources on Geography:
Merlot II: Geography Learning materials.
Wikiversity: Portal: Geography and School of Geography Learning resources, projects, and research.
TEDEd: Geography Library of lessons.
OpenEd: Geography Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: Geography Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Geography Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Geography: Geography
Martindale's: Geography & Topology

See also Maps.  

Political Science
Encyclopedia Articles on Political Science:
Wikipedia: Political Science Political Science
Citizendium: Political Science

Texts on Political Science and Government:
This Nation Text on U.S. government.
Wikibooks: Political Science Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Flat World Knowledge: Political Science Low-priced textbooks.

Courses on Political Science:
Khan Academy: American Civics
Class Central: Politics, Law, and Society Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
Open Education Consortium: Politics Listing of free online politics courses. Political Science Lectures from open online education courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Political Science Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: Political Science A list of free online courses.
Open Yale: Political Science Free lectures and materials.
Academic Earth: Political Science Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Political Science Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Lecture Notes on Political Science:
AP Government and Politics (Social Studies Help Center)
Docsity: Lecture notes of Political Science

Study Guides:
CliffsNotes: American Government
PinkMonkey: American Government
Directory of Open Access Journals: Political Science A directory of political science journals that have content available online for free.
AcademicBlogs: Political Science & Theory and Public Policy Links to blogs by professors in these fields.

Other Learning Resources on Political Science:
HippoCampus: History & Government Resources, courses, and texts.
Merlot II: Political Science Learning materials.
TEDEd: Civics Library of lessons.
Wikiversity: School: Political Science Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: Government, Politics, & Civics Free K-12 educational videos.
PBS LearningMedia: Civics & Government Classroom-ready digital resources.

Link Collections on Political Science:
Richard Kimber's Political Science Resources
Voice of the Shuttle: Politics & Government
University of Michigan Documents Center: Political Science Resources on the Web

See also Government, Law, and Issues.

Encyclopedia Articles on Psychology:
Wikipedia: Psychology Psychology
Citizendium: Psychology
1911 Britannica: Psychology
Encyclopedia of Psychology Original information and links.
Psychology Encyclopedia

Study Guides on Psychology:
SparkNotes: Psychology Study Guides
CliffsNotes: Psychology and Developmental Psychology

News Related to Psychology:
New York Times Topics: Psychology and Psychologists
ScienceDaily: Psychology News
American Psychological Association: Psychology in the News
PsychCentral: Psychology & Mental Health News
Yahoo News: Psychology

Texts on Psychology:
All Psych Online Texts, reference books, a catalog of disorders, All Psych Journal, psychological tests, and research studies.
Flat World Knowledge: Psychology Low-priced textbooks.
Wikibooks: Psychology Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.

Writings in Psychology:
Classics in the History of Psychology Selections from psychological writings.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Psychology A directory of psychology journals that have content available online for free.

Courses on Psychology:
Class Central: Psychology & Sociology Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: Social Sciences
MITOpenCourseware: Brain & Cognitive Sciences Free courses from MIT. Psychology Lectures from open online education courses.
Open Culture: Psychology A list of free online courses.
Open Yale: Psychology Free lectures and materials.
Free-Ed: Psychology
Academic Earth: Psychology Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Psychology Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Psychology Listing of free online psychology courses.

Lecture Notes on Psychology:
Docsity: Lecture notes of Psychology
Glossary of Psychological Terms From the American Psychological Society
ePsych Designed to teach about psychological processes in a rich experiential setting.
All-About-Psychology Detailed information on psychology.
Psych Web Information and resources.

Blogs on Psychology:
Psyblog: 40 Superb Psychology Blogs
AcademicBlogs: Psychology Links to blogs by professors in this field.
Association for Psychological Science: Teaching Resources Links.

Other Learning Resources on Psychology:
Merlot II: Psychology Learning materials.
TEDEd: Psychology Library of lessons.
WatchKnowLearn: Psychology Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Psychology:
Washington University in St. Louis: Helpful Psychology Links
Social Psychology Network: Web Links by Psychology Subject Area
A Research Guide for Students: Philosophy & Psychology By I. Lee.

Encyclopedia Articles on Sociology:
Wikipedia: Sociology Sociology
Citizendium: Sociology
1911 Britannica: Sociology

News Related to Sociology:
New York Times Topics: Sociology
Yahoo News: Sociology

Texts on Sociology:
OpenStax: Introduction to Sociology Peer-reviewed free college text.
Flat World Knowledge: Sociology Low-priced textbooks.
Wikibooks: Sociology Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Textbook Revolution: Sociology Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.

Journals of Sociology:
Electronic Journal of Sociology
Directory of Open Access Journals: Sociology A directory of sociology journals that have content available online for free.
Famous Sociologists Links to important sociologists' biographies, their works, and other resources.

Courses on Sociology:
Class Central: Psychology & Sociology Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
MITOpenCourseware: Sociology Free courses from MIT.
Open Yale: Sociology Free lectures and materials. Sociology Lectures from open online education courses.
Academic Earth: Sociology Free online lectures and courses.
EdX: Social Sciences
Free-Ed: Sociology
MOOC List: Sociology Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Sociology Listing of free online sociology courses.

Lecture Notes on Sociology:
Introduction to Sociology Scroll down to the lecture notes, which are slide presentations.
Introductory Sociology (Del Mar College)
Introduction to Sociology (East Carolina University)
Introduction to Sociology (University of Missouri, St. Louis)
Docsity: Lecture notes of Sociology A collection of free college lecture notes.
CliffsNotes: Sociology A study guide.
An Introductory Sociology Lecture Series Lectures available in MP3 or Real Audio files.
AcademicBlogs: Sociology Links to blogs by professors in this field.

Other Learning Resources on Sociology:
Merlot II: Sociology Learning materials.
Wikiversity: School: Sociology Learning resources, projects, and research.
TEDEd: Sociology Library of lessons.
HippoCampus: Sociology Resources, courses, and texts.
WatchKnowLearn: Sociology Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Sociology:

Foreign Languages

General Resources
Encyclopedia Articles on Languages:
Wikipedia: List of Languages, Language, and Language Education
Ethnologue An encyclopedic reference work cataloging all of the world's known living languages.
Texts on Languages:
Wikibooks: Language Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
George Mason University's Speech Accent Archive Listen to different accents as native and non-native speakers of English read the same paragraph.

Courses on Foreign Languages:
Yojik Website Courses from the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Defense Language Institute (DLI), and Peace Corps. Not a government site.
LearningSpace: Modern Languages Courses on many languages.
Annenberg Media: Teacher Resources: Foreign Language
MITOpenCourseware: Language Free courses from MIT.
SlideRule: Language & Communication A listing of many courses. Languages Lectures from open online education courses.
Open Culture: Languages Free lessons on many languages.
Babbel Interactive online lessons on many languages.
Word2Word: Free Online Language Courses Links to courses on many languages.
Free Language More links.

Dictionaries, Grammars, & Language Tools:
Wiktionary A project to produce a free multilingual dictionary in every language, with definitions, etymologies, pronunciations, quotations, synonyms, antonyms and translations.
Internet Picture Dictionary Picture dictionaries for English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Language Translation Translation for English, French, German, Danish, Spanish, Finnish, Czech and Italian.
On-line Conjugator Conjugates verbs from many languages. From Verbix.
Grammars and Language Courses Links to grammars for many languages of the world.

Translation Tools:
Google Translate
WolframAlpha: Languages A computational knowledge engine.

Other Resources on Learning Languages:
BBC: Languages Resources for learning languages.
Digital Dialects Interactive activities for learning many languages and links to study resources.
Internet Polyglot Aids for improving vocabulary, lessons, and flash cards.
Five College Center for the Study of World Languages: Resources
eLanguageSchool Links to resources for learning languages.
iLoveLanguages Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.

Link Collections on Foreign Languages:
Martindale's: Language & Translation Center 

Encyclopedia Articles on the Arabic Language:
Wikipedia: Arabic Arabic Languages
Citizendium: Arabic

Courses on Arabic:
Babel: Arabic
Easton: Arabic Materials for teaching and learning.
Open Culture: Arabic Free lessons.
Syrian Colloquial Arabic Course Free course.
FSI Language Courses: Arabic
MOOC List: Arabic Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Learn Arabic Language With audio pronunciations.
Learn Arabic Pronunciation and lessons on Islam.
Wikibooks: Arabic Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
iLoveLanguages: Arabic Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.
Oxford University Language Centre: Arabic Links Links, language resources, dialects, media, culture, maps, and more.

Other Learning Resources on Arabic:
WatchKnowLearn: Arabic Free K-12 educational videos.
Merlot II: Arabic Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: Arabic Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
Wikiversity: Arabic language department Learning resources, projects, and research.

Link Collections on Arabic:
Martindale's: Arabic  

Encyclopedia Articles on the Chinese Language:
Wikipedia: Chinese Chinese
Easton: Chinese Materials for teaching and learning.
On-Line Chinese Tools Tools for learning and using the Chinese language.

Courses on Chinese:
BBC Languages: Mandarin Chinese An introduction to Mandarin Chinese in 10 short parts.
MITOpenCourseware: Chinese Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: Chinese Free lessons.
FSI Language Courses: Chinese and Cantonese
Conversational Mandarin Chinese Online
MOOC List: Chinese Language Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary
Wikibooks: Chinese Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.

Other Learning Resources on Chinese:
Merlot II: Chinese Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: Chinese Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
Wikiversity: Chinese language department Learning resources, projects, and research.\
WatchKnowLearn: Chinese Free K-12 educational videos.
Oxford University Language Centre: Chinese Links Links, language resources, media, culture, maps, and more.
iLoveLanguages: Chinese Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.
Learning Chinese Online Many resources.

Link Collections on Chinese:
Martindale's: Chinese

English (as a Second Language)
Encyclopedia Articles on the English Language:
Wikipedia: English Language and English Language Learning and Teaching English Language
Citizendium: English Language
1911 Britannica: English Language
Textbook Revolution: ESL Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.
Internet TESL Journal For ESL teachers. Many resources for students and teachers.
ESL Blues Diagnostic quizzes and activities for pre-intermediate to high-intermediate level English learners.
Dave's ESL Forums for Students and Teachers
Interesting Things for ESL Students Word games, puzzles, quizzes, exercises, slang, proverbs and much more.
Merlot II: ESL Learning materials.
WatchKnowLearn: ESL Free K-12 educational videos.
Activities for ESL Students Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English.
Practice Speaking English Converse with a robot about hotels, shopping, and apartments.
Voice of America: Special English Read, listen to, and learn American English.
BBC: Learning English Many resources for learning English.
Aardvark's English Forum Resources for students and teachers of ESL.
Topics: An Online Magazine for Learners of English A publication offering learners of English an opportunity to express and publish their ideas in English.
British Council: Learn English A portal linking to all the council's web sites for teachers and learners of English.
English Online Dictionaries Bilingual dictionaries.
NCELA The site of the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and Language Instruction Educational Programs.

Journals on ESL:
Journal of English as an International Language
UsingEnglish References (on grammar, verbs, idioms), ESL forums, articles, teacher handouts, and links. Topics cover ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP subject areas.

Courses on ESL:
MOOEC A collection of free online English lessons provided by universities and colleges.
MITOpenCourseware: English as a Second Language Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: English Free lessons.
Free-Ed: English as a Second Language
Babbel: English Interactive online lessons.
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab A great site with audio files and quizzes rated by difficulty and other helpful material.
English Page Free English lessons & ESL / EFL resources.
English for All

Link Collections on ESL:
The ESL Links Site
teachthought: 50 Useful Links For Learning & Teaching the English Language

Encyclopedia Articles on the French Language:
Wikipedia: French French Language
Citizendium: French
1911 Britannica: French Language
Easton: French Materials for teaching and learning.

Courses on French:
BBC Languages: French Courses for beginners and intermediate speakers.
FSI Language Courses: French
MITOpenCourseware: French Free courses from MIT.
DLI Courses: French
Open Culture: French Free lessons.
The French Tutorial A course on French.
Babbel: French Interactive online lessons.
Teacher Resources: French in Action A video course.
Indo-European Languages: French Tutorials
MOOC List: French Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Learn French With Pictures A picture dictionary of French.
Wikibooks: French Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Oxford University Language Centre: French Links Links, language resources, media, culture, and more.
CliffsNotes: French I and French II Study guides.

Other Learning Resources on French:
Merlot II: French Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: French Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
Wikiversity: French language department Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: French Free K-12 educational videos.
iLoveLanguages: French Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.

Link Collections on French:
A Research Guide for Students: French language By I. Lee.
Martindale's: French  

Encyclopedia Articles on the German Language:
Wikipedia: German German Language
Citizendium: German
1911 Britannica: German Language
Easton: German Materials for teaching and learning.
Wagner: German A concise overview of the language.

Courses on German:
FSI Language Courses: German
DLI Courses: German
MITOpenCourseware: German Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: German Free lessons.
BBC Languages: German Online courses for beginners and intermediate speakers.
Babbel: German Interactive online lessons.
Indo-European Languages: German Tutorials
MOOC List: German Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Wikibooks: German Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.

Other Learning Resources on German:
Merlot II: German Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: German Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
Oxford University Language Centre: German Links Links, language resources, universities, media, and more.
Wikiversity: German language department Learning resources, projects, and research.
iLoveLanguages: German Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.
WatchKnowLearn: German Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on German:
A Research Guide for Students: German language By I. Lee.
Martindale's: German

Encyclopedia Articles on the Italian Language:
Wikipedia: Italian Italian Language
Citizendium: Italian
1911 Britannica: Italian Language
Easton: Italian Materials for teaching and learning.
Wagner: Italian A concise overview of the language.

Courses on Italian:
FSI Language Courses: Italian
MITOpenCourseware: Italian Free courses from MIT.
Cortina Language Courses: Italian
Open Culture: Italian Free lessons.
Open Yale: Italian Language & Literature Free lectures and materials.
BBC Languages: Italian Courses for beginners and intermediate speakers.
Babbel: Italian Interactive online lessons.
Indo-European Languages: Italian Tutorials
MOOC List: Italian Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Wikibooks: Italian Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.

Other Learning Resources on Italian:
Merlot II: Italian Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: Italian Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
Oxford University Language Centre: Italian Links Links, language resources, media, culture, maps, and more.
iLoveLanguages: Italian Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.
Wikiversity: Italian language department Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: Italian Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Italian:
A Research Guide for Students: Italian language By I. Lee.
Martindale's: Italian  

Encyclopedia Articles on the Japanese Language:
Wikipedia: Japanese Japanese
Citizendium: Japanese
Easton: Japanese Materials for teaching and learning.

Courses on Japanese:
FSI Language Courses: Japanese
MITOpenCourseware: Japanese Free courses from MIT.
Cortina Language Courses: Japanese
Japanese-Online Free lessons.
Teach Yourself Japanese
MOOC List: Japanese Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Kanji Alive A tool for helping beginning and intermediate level Japanese language learners read and write kanji.
Wikibooks: Japanese Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.

Other Learning Resources on Japanese:
iLoveLanguages: Japanese Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.
Merlot II: Japanese Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: Japanese Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
Wikiversity: Japanese language department Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: Japanese Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Japanese:
Martindale's: Japanese

Encyclopedia Articles on Latin:
Wikipedia: Latin Latin Language
Citizendium: Latin
1911 Britannica: Latin Language
Easton: Latin Materials for teaching and learning.

Dictionaries of Latin:
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid Dictionary, word list, and links.
Babylon: Latin Dictionary

Courses on Latin:
Latin In-Depth Guides Beginning and advanced tutorials. From Britain's National Archives.
Latin course for the Virtual School of Languages Lessons.
Latin Online A series of lessons.
MOOC List: Latin Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Texts on Latin:
Latin for Beginners
Wikibooks: Latin Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Textkit: Learn Latin Numerous Latin textbooks.

Latin Literature:
Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum
The Latin Library

Other Learning Resources on Latin:
Oxford University Language Centre: Latin Links Links, language resources, dictionaries, and more.
iLoveLanguages: Latin Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.
Merlot II: Latin Learning materials.

Link Collections on Latin:
A Research Guide for Students: Latin language By I. Lee.
Martindale's: Latin

Encyclopedia Articles on the Portuguese Language:
Wikipedia: Portuguese Portuguese Language
Citizendium: Portuguese
Wagner: Portuguese A concise overview of the language.

Courses on Portuguese:
BBC Languages: Portuguese
FSI Language Courses: Portuguese
Babbel: Portuguese Interactive online lessons.
MITOpenCourseware: Portuguese Free courses from MIT.
DLI Courses: Portuguese
Cortina Language Courses: Brazilian Portugese
Indo-European Languages: Portuguese Tutorials
Open Yale: Spanish & Portuguese Free lectures and materials.
Gramática A grammar in Portuguese.
Wikibooks: Portuguese Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.

Other Learning Resources on Portuguese:
iLoveLanguages: Portuguese Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.
Merlot II: Portuguese Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: Portuguese Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
Wikiversity: Portuguese language department Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: Portuguese Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Portuguese:
Martindale's: Portuguese
A Research Guide for Students: Portuguese language By I. Lee.
Omniglot: Links to online Portuguese language resources

Encyclopedia Articles on the Russian Language:
Wikipedia: Russian Russian Language
Citizendium: Russian
1911 Britannica: Russian Language
Easton: Russian Materials for teaching and learning.
Russian: An Interactive On-Line Grammar
Oxford University Language Centre: Russian Links Links, fonts, language resources, media, culture, and more.
iLoveLanguages: Russian Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.

Courses on Russian:
FSI Language Courses: Russian
Indo-European Languages: Russian Tutorials
Babbel: Russian Interactive online lessons.
DLI Courses: Russian

Peace Corps Courses:
Cortina Language Courses: Russian
Open Culture: Russian Free lessons.
MOOC List: Russian Language Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Wikibooks: Russian Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.

Other Learning Resources on Russian:
Merlot II: Russian Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: Russian Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
WatchKnowLearn: Russian Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Russian:
Martindale's: Russian
Omniglot: Links to online Russian language resources

Encyclopedia Articles on the Spanish Language:
Wikipedia: Spanish Spanish Language
Citizendium: Spanish
Easton: Spanish Materials for teaching and learning.
Wagner: Spanish A concise overview of the language.
Spanish proverbs and sayings with their English equivalents An alphabetical listing.

Courses on Spanish:
BBC Languages: Spanish Courses for beginners and intermediate speakers.
FSI Language Courses: Spanish
Babbel: Spanish Interactive online lessons.
MITOpenCourseware: Spanish Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: Spanish Free lessons.
Open Yale: Spanish & Portuguese Free lectures and materials.
Learn Spanish Free tutorials and drills.
Destinos: Introduction to Conversational Spanish A series of 52 lessons.
Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Tutorials Extensive lessons.
Indo-European Languages: Spanish Tutorials
Spanish Grammar Exercises Interactive.
MOOC List: Spanish Language Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Lawless Spanish Free resources for students and teachers.
Wikibooks: Spanish Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Oxford University Language Centre: Spanish Links Links, language resources, literature, media, culture, maps, and more.
CliffsNotes: Spanish I and Spanish II Study guides.

Other Learning Resources on Spanish:
Merlot II: Spanish Learning materials.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning: Spanish Free courses, grammars, assessment tools, and other materials.
Wikiversity: Spanish language department Learning resources, projects, and research.
iLoveLanguages: Spanish Dictionaries, schools, courses, and other resources.
PBS LearningMedia: Spanish Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Spanish Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Spanish:
Learn Spanish: Online Help Links
A Research Guide for Students: Spanish language By I. Lee.
Martindale's: Spanish  


Encyclopedia Articles on Science:
Wikipedia: Science Science
Citizendium: Science
Science Encyclopedia
Eric Weisstein's World of Science An encyclopedia of science with sections on biography, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.

Texts on Science:
FreeScience Free texts.
Wikibooks: Science Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.

Science News:
ScienceDaily News about all areas of science.
New York Times: Science
BBC: Science & Nature
SciCentral Another science news site.
Science News Yet another science news site.
The Why Files Science behind the news.
Inside Science
BrightSurf: Science News and Current Events
EurekAlert Science news by subject.

Magazines and Journals on Science:
American Scientist Bi-monthly publication about science, engineering, and technology.
Discover A monthly magazine of science.
Mosaic Online magazine on biology or medicine affecting our lives or our society.
Nautilus Quarterly journal of science, culture, and philosophy.
Nature International weekly journal of science.
Nature Communications An open-access, peer-reviewed journal of science.
New Scientist A weekly science magazine.
PLOS ONE An international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication.
Popular Science Search the magazine's more than 140-year archive for free.
Science Weekly journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Scientific American Monthly magazine on science.
Wired Monthly magazine on how technology affects society, culture, and politics.
Open Science Directory A search tool for open access journal titles.
National Science Digital Library The nation's online library for education and research in
science, technology, engineering, & mathematics.

Search Engines for Science:
ScienceResearch Search numerous scientific journals and public science databases. Search databases and web pages of federal agencies.
WorldWideScience Search national and international scientific databases and portals.
Exploratorium Over 18,000 award-winning web pages exploring different topics.
Science for the Fun of It Links to whimsical and unusual "scientific" web sites.

Resources from Broadcast Sites:

Science & Nature Links to PBS programs.
Teachers: Science & Tech Lesson plans and activities, links, recommended books, and articles from the field.

BBC: Programmes: Science Studies Archive of programs related to science.
BBC: Science & Nature Archive of BBC radio programs on these subjects.

Science Friday  
Courses on Science:
EdX: Science Free online university courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Science Free courses from MIT. Science Lectures from open online education courses.
OpenLearn: Science, Maths & Technology and Nature & Environment Courses.
Annenberg Media: Teacher Resources: Science More courses.
MOOC List: Science Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Blogs on Science:
Knight Science Journalism Tracker A critical look at science stories in the media.
The Physics arXiv Blog "An alternative view to the best new ideas in science."
Retraction Watch A tracker of retractions by scientists.
The Last Word On Nothing The musings of a number of science writers.
Phenomena National Geographic's blogs on science.
PLOS Blogs Blogs from the Public Library of Science.
Scientific American: Blogs

Twitter Feeds on Science:
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Mariette DiChristina Editor in chief of Scientific American.
Maggie Koerth-Baker Science journalist.

Podcasts on Science:
Science Podcast The week in science from the important science journal.
Scientific American: Videos and Podcasts
Nature Podcast Another weekly podcast from an important science journal.
StarTalk Hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Science NetLinks A guide to meaningful standards-based Internet experiences for science.
National Science Teachers Association: Learning Center Articles, simulations, and more.

Other Learning Resources on Science:
Merlot II: General Science Learning materials.
Wikiversity: Portal: Science Learning resources, projects, and research.
ACT Academy: Science Classroom Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: Science Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Science Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Science:
Science NetLinks Science Lessons and Tools for K-12.
A Research Guide for Students: General Science By I. Lee.
Voice of the Shuttle: Science, Technology, & Culture  

Encyclopedia Articles on Anatomy:
Wikipedia: Anatomy Anatomy
Citizendium: Anatomy

Texts on Anatomy:
OpenStax: Anatomy & Physiology Free, open-source, peer-reviewed college text.
Anatomy Atlases Texts.
Wikibooks: Anatomy Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
An Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology
Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body Full text of the 1918 classic.
FreeScience: Anatomy Free texts.

Virtual Tours of the Human Body:
The Virtual Body An illustrated tour of the human body.
Human Anatomy Online Interactive charts of human body systems.
Visual Human Project Complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal human body.
Instant Anatomy
Whole Brain Atlas A great collection of images of the brain. From Harvard Medical School.

Courses on Anatomy:
Open Learning Initiative: Anatomy & Physiology
MOOC List: Anatomy Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
CliffsNotes: Anatomy & Physiology Study guide.

News Articles Related to Anatomy:
BrightSurf: Anatomy News, Research, and Current Events
News-Medical: Anatomy Research and Latest Discoveries
WatchKnowLearn: Anatomy & Physiology Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Anatomy:
Martindale's: Anatomy & Histology Center  

Encyclopedia Articles on Astronomy:
Wikipedia: Astronomy Astronomy
Citizendium: Astronomy
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics
News related to astronomy:
New York Times Topics: Astronomy and Astrophysics and Space & Cosmos
ScienceDaily: Astronomy News
Inside Science: Space
EurekAlert: Space & Planetary News

Magazines on Astronomy:
Air & Space
Planetary Report
Sky & Telescope
Windows to the Universe The site is written in three reading levels approximating elementary, middle school and high school reading levels. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
AstronomyOnline Explanations and resources.

Texts on Astronomy:
Wikibooks: Astronomy Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Astronomy Notes A textbook.
National Academies Press: Space and Aeronautics Recently published books online on these subjects.
FreeScience: Astronomy and Astrophysics Free texts.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Astronomy Free K-12 texts.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Astronomy A directory of astronomy journals that have content available online for free.
Astronomy Workshop Creative, interactive site. Created by Dr. Douglas P. Hamilton and students at U. Maryland.

Courses on Astronomy:
Khan Academy: Cosmology and Astronomy
Class Central: Physics & Astronomy Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects. Astronomy Lectures from open online education courses.
Free-Ed: Astronomy
MITOpenCourseware: Astrophysics Free courses from MIT.
Open Yale: Astronomy Free lectures and materials.
Astronomy Hypertextbook A series of courses in astronomy.
Academic Earth: Astronomy Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Astronomy Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Culture: Astronomy A list of free online courses.
Open Education Consortium: Astronomy Listing of free online astronomy courses.

Lectures Notes on Astronomy:
Astronomy 161: The Solar System (University of Tennessee)
Astronomy 162: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (University of Tennessee)
Cosmology (UCLA)
CliffsNotes: Astronomy Study guide.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Many great resources including:
Solar System Exploration Information on NASA missions.
Earth Observatory
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
HubbleSite Pictures and information on space and the telescope.
U.S. Naval Observatory Many resources including the Astronomical Almanac Online, star catalogs, and much more.

Sky Maps:
Skymaps Download free monthly sky maps.
The Night Sky Live

Blogs on Astronomy:
NASA Watch
AcademicBlogs: Astronomy Links to blogs by professors in this field.
WolframAlpha: Astronomy A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Astronomy:
Merlot II: Astronomy Learning materials.
Wikiversity: Portal: Physics and Astronomy and School of Physics and Astronomy Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: Astronomy & Space Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Astronomy:
A Research Guide for Students: Astronomy By I. Lee.
Martindale's: Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology Center

Encyclopedia Articles on Biology:
Wikipedia: Biology Biology
Citizendium: Biology
Animal Life Resource
Biology Project An interactive resource for learning biology. From the University of Arizona.

Images of Biology:
Visual Dictionary: Vegetal Biology, Animal Biology, & Human Body
BIODIDAC A bank of digital resources for teaching biology.

Texts on Biology:
OpenStax: Science Peer-reviewed free textbooks, including biology texts.
Biology Free, open-source, peer-reviewed college text.
Concepts of Biology Free, open-source, peer-reviewed college text.
UC Davis STEMWiki Hyperlibrary: BioWiki A biology e-textbook.
Wikibooks: Biology Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Wayne's Word: An On-Line Textbook of Natural History
On-Line Biology Book
National Academies Press: Biology and Life Sciences Recently published books online on these subjects.
Kimball's Biology Pages
FreeScience: Biology Free texts.
Bookboon: Biology Free e-books.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Biology Free K-12 texts.
Textbook Revolution: Biology Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.

Resource sites for biology teachers:
Biology Corner
BioEd Online
National Association of Biology Teachers
National Center for Science Education
National Library of Medicine: GeneEd For teaching genetics to high school students.

Study Guides on Biology:
SparkNotes: Biology
PinkMonkey: Biology
Shmoop: Biology
CliffsNotes: Biology, Biochemistry I, Biochemistry II, Microbiology, and Plant Biology

Magazines and Journals on Biology:
PLOS Biology An open-access, peer-reviewed general biology journal published by PLOS, the Public Library of Science.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Biology A directory of biology journals that have content available online for free.

News Articles Related to Biology:
Biology News Net
ScienceDaily: Biology News
EurekAlert: Biology

Encyclopedia of Life A long-term project seeking to create a web page for every species.
Tree of Life Web Project Another project to catalog every species.
Smithsonian Institution: North American Mammals A searchable database of living mammals.
Biodiversity Heritage Library
DNA from the Beginning Organized around key concepts, the site explains science behind each concept by animation, image gallery, video interviews, problem, biographies, and links.
Cells Alive Film and computer-enhanced images of living cells.
Learn Genetics Resources from the University of Utah.

Courses on Biology:
Khan Academy: Biology
Class Central: Chemistry, Biology, & Life Sciences Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
MITOpenCourseware: Biology Free courses from MIT. Biology Lectures from open online education courses. 
Coursade: Biology & Life Sciences Courses from many different sources.
Open Culture: Biology A list of free online courses.
EdX: Biology & Life Sciences Free online university courses.
Open Yale: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Free lectures and materials.
Open Yale: Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Free lectures and materials.
Free-Ed: Biology
Academic Earth: Biology Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Biology Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Biology Listing of free online courses on the subject.
YouTube: CrashCourse: Biology Biology in 40 episodes.

Lecture Notes on Biology:
Biology 100 University of Maryland
Docsity: Lecture notes of Biology A collection of free college lecture notes.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology: All About Birds
Animal Info: Information on Endangered Mammals
Understanding Evolution Clear explanations of evolution, including an online course.
Evolution Resources From the National Academies
PBS: Science and Nature Links to PBS programs.
Regents Exam Prep Center: Biology & Living Environment Non-profit site that helps high school students meet the New York State Regents requirements.
AcademicBlogs: Biology Links to blogs by professors in this field.
National Association of Biology Teachers: Instructional Materials Many resources.
Biology Browser Thomson Reuters' free web site offering resources for the life sciences.
WolframAlpha: Life Sciences A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Biology:
Merlot II: Biology Learning materials.
ACT Academy: Biology Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: Life Science Classroom-ready digital resources.
Wikiversity: Portal: Biology and Life Sciences Learning resources, projects, and research.
HippoCampus: Biology Resources, courses, and texts.
TEDEd: Life Sciences Library of lessons.
WatchKnowLearn: Biology Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Biology:
MERLOT Biology Portal
A Research Guide for Students: Biology By I. Lee.
Martindale's: Bioscience & Biotechnology Center

Encyclopedia Articles on Chemistry:
Wikipedia: Chemistry Chemistry
Citizendium: Chemistry

News Articles Related to Chemistry:
New York Times Topics: Chemistry
ScienceDaily: Chemistry News
Chemistry World
EurekAlert: Chemistry & Physics

General Chemistry Online Great place to begin. The site includes FAQs on chemistry, a library of common compounds, notes, tutorials, quizzes and exams to help you pass, and much more.

Study Guides on Chemistry:
SparkNotes: Chemistry Study guides
PinkMonkey: Chemistry
Shmoop: Chemistry
CliffsNotes: Chemistry, Organic Chemistry I, and Organic Chemistry II

Courses on Chemistry:
Khan Academy: Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
Class Central: Chemistry, Biology, & Life Sciences Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: Chemistry Free online university courses. Chemistry Lectures from open online education courses.
Coursade: Chemistry Courses from many different sources.
General Chemistry I Digital Lectures Video on flash.
Free-Ed: Chemistry Courses, notes, and resources.
MITOpenCourseware: Chemistry Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: Chemistry A list of free online courses.
UC Irvine: Open Chemistry Four year's worth of chemistry courses.
Open Yale: Chemistry Free lectures and materials.
Coursera: Chemistry Free online courses from top universities.
Oxford Webcast Lecture Series Lectures in streamed video from leading figures in chemistry.
Academic Earth: Chemistry Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Chemistry Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Chemistry Listing of free online chemistry courses.

Texts on Chemistry:
Textbook Revolution: Chemistry Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.
UC Davis STEMWiki Hyperlibrary: ChemWiki A chemistry e-textbook.
Wikibooks: Chemistry Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Chem 1 Virtual Textbook A text for first-year chemistry by Stephen Lower, a retired member of the Department of Chemistry, Simon Frasier University. His home page has many other resources.
National Academies Press: Chemistry Recently published books online on this subject.
FreeScience: Chemistry Free texts.
Bookboon: Chemistry Free e-books.
Flat World Knowledge: Chemistry Low-priced textbooks.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Chemistry Free K-12 texts.

Lecture Notes on Chemistry:
Chemistry (Kurt M. Wicks)
Docsity: Lecture notes of Chemistry A collection of free college lecture notes. Chemistry

Directory of Open Access Journals: Chemistry A directory of academic journals that have content available online for free.

Periodic Tables:
Chemical Elements An interactive periodic table created by Yinon Bentor, originally as an eighth-grade science project.
Wooden Periodic Table Another highly creative periodic table.
Dynamic Periodic Table of Elements
Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements The usual information plus it illustrates how we might encounter each element in everyday life.

Common Molecules Information on these molecules.
Science Is Fun in the Lab of Shakhashiri University of Wisconsin-Madison Chemistry Professor Shakhashiri shares Chemical of the Week, Home Experiments, Web Sites, and more.
Chemical Heritage Foundation History, exhibits, and resources.
AcademicBlogs: Chemistry Links to blogs by professors in this field.
Regents Exam Prep Center: Chemistry Non-profit site that helps high school students meet the New York State Regents requirements.
WolframAlpha: Chemistry A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Chemistry:
Merlot II: Chemistry Learning materials.
Wikiversity: Portal: Chemistry and School of Chemistry Learning resources, projects, and research.
HippoCampus: Chemistry Resources, courses, and texts.
ACT Academy: Chemistry Free K-12 resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Chemistry Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Chemistry:
Chemistry Zone Resources for introductory level, algebra-based chemistry.
Chemistry Guide A comprehensive collection of annotated links for chemists and researchers.
A Research Guide for Students: Chemistry By I. Lee.
Martindale's: Chemistry Center
MERLOT Chemistry Portal

Computer Science
Encyclopedia Articles on Computer Science:
Wikipedia: Computer Science Computer Science
Citizendium: Computer Science

News Articles Related to Computer Science:
ScienceDaily: Computers & Math News
Yahoo News: Computers
EurekAlert: Tech/Engineering/Computer Science
SparkNotes: Computer Science Study guide.

Courses on Computer Science:
Khan Academy: Computer Programming and Computer Science
Class Central: Computer Science Listing of current MOOCs on the subject.
EdX: Computer Science Free online university courses.
Free-Ed: Computer Science Courses, notes, and resources.
Coursade: Computer Science Courses from many different sources.
SlideRule: Computers & Technology A listing of many courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Computer Science Free courses from MIT. Computer Science Lectures from open online education courses.
Open Culture: Computer Science A list of free online courses.
Coursera: Computer Science Free online courses from top universities.
Academic Earth: Computer Science Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Computer Science Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Computer Science Listing of free online computer-science courses.

Texts on Computer Science:
Textbook Revolution: Computer Science Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.
Wikibooks: Computer Science Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Open Culture: Free Textbooks: Computer Science A list.
National Academies Press: Computers and Information Technology Recently published books online on this subject.
FreeScience: Computer Science Free texts.
Bookboon: IT, Programming & Computer science Free e-books.
Open Culture: Free Texts: Computer Science A listing of free texts.

Docsity: Lecture notes of Computer Science A collection of free college lecture notes.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Computer Science A directory of academic journals that have content available online for free.
problems they presented.
CiteSeerX A digital library and search engine on computer-science literature.
AcademicBlogs: Computer Science Links to blogs by professors in this field.
WolframAlpha: Computational Sciences A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Computer Science:
Merlot II: Computer Science Learning materials.
Wikiversity: School: Computer Science Learning resources, projects, and research.
ACT Academy: Computer Science Free K-12 resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Computers & Technology Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Computer Science:
Martindale's: Computer Science & Computer Engineering
A Research Guide for Students: Computer Science By I. Lee.

Environmental and Earth Science      
Encyclopedia Articles on Environmental and Earth Science:
Wikipedia: Environmental and Earth Science
Citizendium: Earth Science
Encyclopedia of Earth Articles on the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society.

News Related to Earth and Environmental Sciences:
New York Times: Environment
ScienceDaily: Earth & Climate News
EurekAlert: Earth Science and Atmospheric Science
Environment News Service
Environmental News Network

Directory of Open Access Journals: Environmental Science and Earth Science A directory of journals that have content available online for free.
Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology A publication of ecological educational materials with links to many resources.

Courses on Earth and Environmental Sciences:
Class Central: Earth Sciences Listing of current MOOCs on the subject.
Academic Earth: Earth Sciences and Environmental Studies Free online lectures and courses.
EdX: Energy & Earth Sciences and Environmental Studies Free online university courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Earth Science Free courses from MIT.
Open Yale: Environmental Studies Free lectures and materials. Earth Sciences Lectures from open online education courses.
Coursera: Environmental Science and Sustainability Free online courses from top universities.
Free-Ed: Earth Science
MOOC List: Earth Science Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Docsity: Lecture notes of Earth Sciences A collection of free college lecture notes.

Texts on Earth and Environmental Sciences:
Textbook Revolution: Earth Sciences and Environment Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.
Wikibooks: Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences
National Academies Press: Earth Sciences and Environment and Environmental Studies Recently published books online on these subjects.
Bookboon: Environmental Science Free e-books.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Earth Science Free K-12 texts.

CliffsNotes: Earth Science Study guide.
Scorecard: The Pollution Information Site
Environmental Protection Agency The U.S. government agency charged with protecting the environment.
Earth Guide An interactive guide to the Earth.
Online Guides: Meteorology Multimedia introduction to concepts in the atmospheric sciences.
Regents Exam Prep Center: Earth Science Non-profit site that helps high school students meet the New York State Regents requirements.
AcademicBlogs: Earth Sciences Links to blogs by professors in this field.
WolframAlpha: Earth Sciences A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Earth and Environmental Sciences:
Merlot II: Environmental Studies Learning materials.
TEDEd: Environmental Science Library of lessons.
WatchKnowLearn: Earth Science and Environmental Science Free K-12 educational videos.
HippoCampus: Earth Science Resources, courses, and texts.

Link Collections Earth and Environmental Sciences:
Acadia University: Earth & Environmental Science
A Research Guide for Students: Earth Science and Geology By I. Lee.

See also Astronomy, Biology, and Geology.

Encyclopedia Articles on Geology:
Wikipedia: Geology Geology

News Articles Related to Geology:
Geology News
ScienceDaily: Geology News
Geology in the News
The Cutting Edge Resources for geoscience teachers on research and teaching methods.

Courses on Geology:
MITOpenCourseware: Geology Free courses from MIT.
Open Yale: Geology & Geophysics Free lectures and materials.
MOOC List: Geology Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Open Education Consortium: Geology Listing of free online geology courses.
UC Davis STEMWiki Hyperlibrary: GeoWiki A geology e-textbook.

Lecture Notes on Geology:
Introduction to Geology (Malaspina University)
Physical Geology (Tulane University)
Geology 100 (University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point)
Docsity: Lecture notes of Geology A collection of free college lecture notes.

Study Guides on Geology:
Essentials of Geology A study guide to the text.
CliffsNotes: Geology

Directory of Open Access Journals: Geology A directory of geology journals that have content available online for free.
U.S. Geological Survey: Geology Resources from the federal government.
How Volcanoes Work The science behind volcanoes and volcanic processes.
Web Geological Time Machine A tour of the geological eras.
WolframAlpha: Geology A computational knowledge engine.
Wikiversity: School: Geology Learning resources, projects, and research.
WatchKnowLearn: Geology Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Geology:
Geology Central A database of geological web sites.
Online Geology "105 Websites That Rock."
A Research Guide for Students: Earth Science and Geology By I. Lee.
Martindale's: The Virtual Geoscience Center
Martindale's: Geoscience Center

See also Earth & Environmental Science.

Encyclopedia Articles on Health:
Wikipedia: Health and Health Science Public Health
Citizendium: Health Science

News Articles Related to Health:
Harvard School of Public Health: News
BBC News: Health
NewsRx Database of medical news, disease research, and more.
EurekAlert: Medicine & Health
New York Times: Health

SparkNotes: Health Study Guides

Courses on Health:
Khan Academy: Health and Medicine
Academic Earth: Medicine & Healthcare Free online lectures and courses.
Class Central: Health & Medicine Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: Food & Nutrition, Health & Safety, and Medicine Free online university courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Health & Medicine Free courses from MIT.
Coursera: Health Free online courses from top universities.
SlideRule: Health & Medicine A listing of many courses.
MOOC List: Health Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Merck Manual Medical library for patients and caregivers.
MedScape Medical information for health professionals.
MedlinePlus Information on health topics.
Family Doctor Health information for the whole family.
Health on the Net
WebMD More health information.
Internet Mental Health A free encyclopedia of mental health information.
National Institute of Mental Health
Mayo Clinic Much information on diseases & conditions, drugs & supplements, treatment decisions, healthy living, FAQs, and more.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Health Sciences A directory of journals on health that have content available online for free.

Blogs on Health:
50 Best Health Blogs
Academic Blogs: Medicine

Texts on Health:

National Academies Press: Health and Medicine
and Food and Nutrition Recently published books online on these subjects.
Wikibooks: Health Sciences
Textbook Revolution: Health Sciences & Medical Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.
Bookboon: Healthcare & Medicine Free e-books.
Flat World Knowledge: Health & Wellness Low-priced textbooks.

KidsHealth Information for parents, teenagers, and young children.
Simple Steps to Better Dental Health Explanations of dental problems and care.
Animated-Teeth Explanations and animations about dental topics and procedures.
Healthfinder Health information. From U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services.
Healthline More health information.
American Heart Association
World Health Organization The U.N. organization on public health.
National Institutes of Health News and information from the nation's medical research agency.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Much information from the government's public health agency.
HealthMap Global disease alert map.
PBS Learning Media: Health Lesson plans and activities, links, recommended books, and articles from the field.
Nutrition Source Knowledge for healthy eating. From Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.
International Food Information Council Science-based information on food safety and nutrition. Information on food and nutrition for consumers.
Food Timeline A timeline of when particular foods began in human society with links to information and recipes. A great site!
WolframAlpha: Health & Medicine and Food & Nutrition A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Health:
Merlot II: Health Sciences Learning materials.
TEDEd: Health Library of lessons.
PBS LearningMedia: Health & Physical Education Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Physical & Health Education Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Health:
Martindale's: Health Science Guide
A Research Guide for Students: Medicine By I. Lee.
MERLOT Health Sciences Portal

Encyclopedia Articles on Physics:
Wikipedia: Physics
Scholarpedia: Physics Physics
Citizendium: Physics

News Articles on Physics:
New York Times Topics: Physics
EurekAlert: Chemistry & Physics

Magazines and Journals on Physics:
Physics Today
Symmetry An online magazine about particle physics.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Physics A directory of physics journals that have content available online for free.

Blogs on Physics:
Not Even Wrong
Academic Blog Portal: Physics Links to blogs by professors in this field.

Twitter feeds on Physics:
Brian Cox British particle physicist.
Brian Green Physicist, author, co-founder of the World Science Festival.
Physics Central Offers answers to questions, daily updates on physics in the news, descriptions of the latest research, and links.

Study Guides on Physics:
SparkNotes: Physics
PinkMonkey: Physics
CliffsNotes: Physics

Texts on Physics:
Wikibooks: Physics Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
National Academies Press: Math, Chemistry, & Physics Recently published books online on this subject.
Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table A textbook designed to provide an in-depth treatment of this topic at the first-year college or advanced-HS level.
Light and Matter A series of introductory physics texts.
Calculus-Based Physics
hypertextbook: Physics Hypertextbook and Physics Factbook
LibreTexts: Physics Physics e-textbook and more by UC Davis and others.
Bookboon: Physics Free e-books.
Textbook Revolution: Physics Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.
Open Culture: Free Physics Textbooks A list.
FreeScience: Physics Free texts.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Physics Free K-12 texts. Links and a search engine that matches "your question, age and knowledge profile to the handpicked and refereed physics websites."
Physics 2000 An interactive journey through modern physics.
Hands-on CERN Project to explain particle collisions.
Einstein Light Short multimedia modules give an overview of Einsteinian physics.
MathPages: Physics Articles related to physics.
The Physics Zone A resource for learning introductory level, algebra based, physics.
HyperPhysics Physics concepts via hyperlinks.

Java Applets on Physics:
Physics Applet Index Links to many applets that demonstrate physics concepts.
Physics Simulations
Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets

Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics Reviews of physics in movies.

Courses on Physics:
Khan Academy: Physics
Class Central: Physics & Astronomy Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: Physics Free online university courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Physics Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: Physics A list of free online courses. Physics Lectures from open online education courses.
Open Yale: Physics Free lectures and materials.
Coursera: Physics and Astronomy Free online courses from top universities.
Academic Earth: Physics Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Physics Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Lecture Notes on Physics:
Docsity: Lecture notes of Physics A collection of free college lecture notes.

Regents Exam Prep Center: Physics Non-profit site that helps high school students meet the New York State Regents requirements.
Physics Classroom A tutorial for high school students.
PBS Learning Media: Physics Links to PBS programs on the subject.
American Institute of Physics: Oral History Transcripts of interviews with famous physicists.
WolframAlpha: Physics A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Physics:
Merlot II: Physics Learning materials.
Wikiversity: Portal: Physics and Astronomy and School of Physics and Astronomy Learning resources, projects, and research.
HippoCampus: Physics Resources, courses, and texts.
WatchKnowLearn: Physics Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Physics:
DC Physics
A Research Guide for Students: Physics By I. Lee.
Martindale's: Physics Center
MERLOT Physics Portal


Encyclopedia Articles on Mathematics:
Wikipedia: Math and Portal: Mathematics Mathematics
Citizendium: Math
1911 Britannica: Mathematics
Encyclopedia of Mathematics An up-to-date, comprehensive graduate-level reference work.
SparkNotes: Math Study Guides Guides on pre-algebra; geometry I, II, & III; algebra I & II; trigonometry; pre-calculus; and calculus AB, BC I, & BC II.

Mathematical Association of America

News Articles Related to Math:
New York Times Topics: Mathematics
EurekAlert: Mathematics
ScienceDaily: Mathematics

Magazines and Journals on Math:
Scientific American: Math News and articles from the magazine.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Mathematics A directory of math journals that have content available online for free.

WebMath Over 100 instant-answer, self-help math solvers provide help on math problems. Also browse completely solved math problems.
Math24-7 A collaborative community for students, educators, parents, and others to help each other with learning and teaching math.
SOS Math A free resource for math review material from algebra to differential equations.
National Council of Teachers of Math Tremendous resources for all levels of math.
MathWorld An extensive mathematics resource.
MathPages Articles on many subjects in math.
Dan's Math Great all-purpose site with lessons, links, podcasts, a blog, and more.
NRICH Free mathematics enrichment resources for pupils of all ages and teachers. From University of Cambridge's Faculty of Education and the Centre for Mathematical Sciences.
Math10 Explanations and lessons on many areas of math.
Coolmath Fun stuff for all levels of math.
279 Math Applets Interactive formulas for math at different levels.
Cut the Knot Hundreds of math applets for arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and more.
Open Problem Garden A collection of unsolved problems in mathematics.

Texts on Math:
American Institute of Mathematics: Approved Textbooks A list of open-source or open-access textbooks that meet the evaluation criteria set by the AIM editorial board.
American Mathematical Society: Links to Mathematics Books Online
Open Textbook Library: Math & Statistics Free, complete textbooks.
Open Culture: Free Math Textbooks A list.
Wikibooks: Mathematics Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
National Academies Press: Math and Statistics Recently published books online on these subjects.
Bookboon: Mathematics Free e-books.
Textbook Revolution: Mathematics Links to sites for books and includes links to free texts and other resources.
LibreTexts: Math Math e-textbook and more by UC Davis and others.
Online Mathematics Textbooks Links to more texts.
FlatWorld: Math & Statistics Low-priced textbooks.
FreeScience: Mathematics Free texts.
National Science Digital Library The nation's online library for education and research in
science, technology, engineering, & mathematics.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Illuminations Lessons, standards, tools, and resources.
PBS Teachers: Math Lesson plans and activities, links, recommended books, and articles from the field.
FreeMathHelp Lessons and homework help.

Courses on Math:
Khan Academy: Math Listing of its many free online courses on all levels.
Class Central: Mathematics & Stats Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
EdX: Math Free online university courses.
MITOpenCourseware: Mathematics Free courses from MIT.
Open Culture: Math A list of free online courses. Mathematics Lectures from open online education courses.
SlideRule: Math & Science A listing of many courses.
Annenberg Media: Teacher Resources: Mathematics
Coursera: Math and Logic Free online courses from top universities.
Academic Earth: Mathematics Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Mathematics Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Lecture Notes on Math:
Docsity: Lecture notes of Math A collection of free college lecture notes.

Broadcasts and Podcasts on Math:
The Math Factor Quality math talk since 2004, a production of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Math Mutation Podcast Short podcasts for people of all ages, exploring fun, interesting, or weird corners of math.
MathVids Free math instructional videos from middle school to college level.
Regents Exam Prep: Math Non-profit site that helps high school students meet the New York State Regents requirements.
AcademicBlogs: Mathematics & Statistics Links to blogs by professors in these fields.

History of Mathematics:
4000 Years of Numbers
The Story of Mathematics
MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive Large collection of articles and biographies.

WolframAlpha: Mathematics A computational knowledge engine.
Other Learning Resources on Math:
Merlot II: Mathematics Learning materials.
Wikiversity: School: Mathematics Learning resources, projects, and research.
TEDEd: Mathematics Library of lessons.
HippoCampus: Calculus & Advanced Math Resources, courses, and texts.
Free-Ed: Math Digital teaching & learning resources.
OpenEd: Common Core Math Free K-12 resources. Xxxx
PBS LearningMedia: Mathematics Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Mathematics Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Math:
MERLOT Mathematics Portal
Martindale's: Mathematics Center

Basic Math
A+ Math A site to help students improve their math skills interactively.
Worksheet Creators:
SuperKids Math Worksheet Creator The site creates worksheets for problems in addition, subtraction, mixed addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, rounding, averages, and more.
Math Worksheet
CliffsNotes: Basic Math & Pre-Algebra and Math Word Problems Study guides.
BBC: Bitesize: Maths The site is aimed at students preparing for British National Curriculum Tests.
Khan Academy: Early Math and Arithmetic Numerous interactive courses.
Math Glossary For grades K-6.
Coolmath4Kids Geometry, fractions, and a lot of fun stuff.
WolframAlpha: Elementary Mathematics A computational knowledge engine.
HippoCampus: Arithmetic Resources, courses, and texts.

Encyclopedia Articles on Algebra:
Wikipedia: Algebra Algebra
Citizendium: Algebra
1911 Britannica: Algebra
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Algebra

Courses on Algebra:
Khan Academy:
Algebra I and Algebra II

Free-Ed: Pre-Algebra
MITOpenCourseware: Algebra & Number Theory Free courses from MIT.
Purple Math: Practical Algebra Lessons A complete set of lessons on beginning, intermediate, and advanced algebra.
Lessons in PowerPoint: Algebra 1 and 2 Algebra Lectures from open online education courses.
MOOC List: Algebra Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Introduction to Algebra A short overview.

Study Guides:
PinkMonkey: Algebra
Shmoop: Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Algebra II
CliffsNotes: Algebra I, Algebra II, and Linear Algebra

Texts on Algebra:
Wikibooks: Algebra Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
A First Course in Linear Algebra A text.
Understanding Algebra An online version of James Brennan's Understanding Algebra.
Just the Maths A book on algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and beyond.
Bookboon: Algebra Free e-books.
FreeScience: Algebra Free texts.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Algebra Free K-12 texts.

Coolmath: Algebra Lessons on pre-algebra, algebra 1, and algebra 2.
FreeMathHelp: Algebra Lessons and homework help.
MathPages: Algebra Articles on many topics in algebra.
MathWorld: Algebra
Math Motivation How algebra applies to careers and everyday life.
Algebra Notes Class notes for a college-level algebra course.
4000 Years of Algebra A lecture on the history of algebra.
WolframAlpha: Algebra A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Algebra:
Merlot II: Algebra and Number Theory Learning materials.
HippoCampus: Algebra & Geometry Resources, courses, and texts.
OpenEd: Common Core Math: High School: Algebra Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: High School Algebra Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Algebra and Algebra II Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Algebra:
Martindale's: Algebra I & II

Encyclopedia Articles on Geometry:
Wikipedia: Geometry Geometry
Citizendium: Geometry

Courses on Geometry:
Khan Academy: Geometry
Curriki Geometry PBL Modules A free project-based geometry course.
Geometry Lessons in PowerPoint
Geometry From the Land of the Incas
MITOpenCourseware: Topology & Geometry Free courses from MIT. Geometry Lectures from open online education courses.
MOOC List: Geometry Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
FreeMathHelp: Geometry Lessons and homework help.

Study Guides:
PinkMonkey Study Guide: Geometry
Shmoop: Geometry

Texts on Geometry:
Euclid's Elements An interactive version of Euclid's classic text on geometry.
Wikibooks: Geometry Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
FreeScience: Geometry Free texts.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Geometry Free K-12 texts.

The Geometry Junkyard Lesson plans and teaching materials.
MathPages: Geometry Articles on many topics in geometry.
MathWorld: Geometry
Archimedes' Lab Puzzles & tests, optical illusions, custom puzzles, teachers' resource, curiosities, art & language.
4000 Years of Geometry A lecture on the history of geometry.
WolframAlpha: Geometry A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Geometry:
Merlot II: Geometry and Topology Learning materials.
HippoCampus: Algebra & Geometry Resources, courses, and texts.
OpenEd: Math: Geometry Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: High School Geometry Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Geometry Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Geometry:
Geometry in Action
Martindale's: Geometry  

Encyclopedia Articles on Trigonometry:
Wikipedia: Trigonometry Trigonometry
Citizendium: Trigonometry
1911 Britannica: Trigonometry

Courses on Trigonometry:
Khan Academy: Trigonometry
Dave's Short Trig Course An introduction to trigonometry. From David E. Joyce, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Clark University. Trigonometry Lectures from open online education courses.
MOOC List: Trigonometry Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

PinkMonkey Study Guide: Trigonometry

Texts on Trigonometry:
Wikibooks: Trigonometry Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Trigonometry Free K-12 texts.

Trigonometry: Trigonometric Functions and Identities in Math Basic trig.
WolframAlpha: Trigonometry A computational knowledge engine.
OpenEd: Trigonometry Free K-12 resources.
FreeMathHelp: Trigonometry Lessons and homework help.

Link Collections on Trigonometry:
101 Science: Trigonometry Links

Encyclopedia Articles on Calculus:
Wikipedia: Calculus Calculus

Lecture Notes on Calculus:
Calculus I Complete notes for a college-level calculus course.
Docsity: Lecture notes of Calculus A collection of free college lecture notes.

Courses on Calculus:
Khan Academy:
Differential calculus
Integral calculus
Multivariable calculus

MITOpenCourseware: Calculus Free courses from MIT.
MOOC List: Calculus Listing of MOOCs on the subject. Calculus Lectures from open online education courses.
Calculus on the Web A utility for learning and practicing calculus with immediate feedback.
The Calculus Page Resources and links.
FreeMathHelp: Calculus Lessons and homework help.
eCalculus A tutorial with detailed discussions of topics, typeset quality mathematics, multiple choice quizzes, examples and exercises with complete solutions, and pop-up graphics.

Study Guides on Calculus:
PinkMonkey Study Guide: Calculus
Shmoop: Calculus
CliffsNotes: Precalculus and Calculus
The Calculus Bible A downloadable guide to AP tests in AB and BC Calculus.

Texts on Calculus:
Understanding Calculus
A Summary of Calculus PDF file.
The Calculus
UBC Calculus
Difference Equations to Differential Equations
Wikibooks: Calculus Texts Open-content textbooks that anyone can edit.
Whitman Calculus
Vector Calculus
Bookboon: Calculus Free e-books.
FreeScience: Calculus Free texts.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Calculus Free K-12 texts.

Visual Calculus A collection of modules that can be used in teaching or studying calculus.
MathPages: Calculus and Differential Equations Articles on many topics.
MathWorld: Calculus and Analysis
Harvey Mudd College: Mathematics Online Tutorial Tutorials for pre-calculus, calculus, and beyond.
WolframAlpha: Calculus & Analysis A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Calculus:
Merlot II: Calculus Learning materials.
HippoCampus: Calculus & Advanced Math Resources, courses, and texts.
OpenEd: Pre-Calc & Calculus Free K-12 resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Calculus Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Calculus:
The Calculus Page
Martindale's: Calculus

Encyclopedia Articles on Statistics and Probability:
Wikipedia: Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability
Citizendium: Statistics and Probability

Statistics Every Writer Should Know A simple guide to understanding basic statistics for those who might not know math.
MathPages: Probability & Statistics Articles on many topics.
MathWorld: Probability and Statistics
PinkMonkey: Statistics Study Guide
FreeMathHelp: Statistics Lessons and homework help.

Texts on Statistics and Probability:
Open Textbook Library: Math & Statistics Free, complete textbooks.
OpenStax: Introductory Statistics Free, open-source, peer-reviewed college text.
HyperStat An introductory statistics text.
LibreTexts: Statistics Statistics e-textbooks and more by UC Davis and others.
Bookboon: Probability and Statistics Free e-books.
Introduction to Probability (PDF)
National Academies Press: Math and Statistics Recently published books online on these subjects.
The Little Handbook of Statistical Practice
FreeScience: Probability and Statistics Free texts.
CK Foundation: Flexbook: Probability and Statistics Free K-12 texts.

Courses on Statistics and Probability:
Khan Academy: Probability and statistics
Class Central: Statistics & Data Analysis Listing of current MOOCs on the subjects.
Coursera: Probability and Statistics Free online courses from top universities.
MITOpenCourseware: Probability & Statistics Free courses from MIT.
Probability Tutorials A course in probability. Statistics Lectures from open online education courses.
MOOC List: Statistics and Probability Listing of MOOCs on the subjects.

Probability by Surprise Applets to engage learners and lecture notes.
Java Demos for Probability and Statistics
Materials for the History of Statistics
STATS Devoted to checking out facts and figures in the news.
Journal of Statistics Education A free publication.
WolframAlpha: Statistics & Data Analysis A computational knowledge engine.

News on Statistics and Probability: 
ScienceDaily: Statistics News 

Other Learning Resources on Statistics and Probability:
Merlot II: Statistics & Probability and Statistics Learning materials.
HippoCampus: Statistics & Probability Resources, courses, and texts.
OpenEd: Math: Statistics & Probability Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: High School Statistics & Probability Classroom-ready digital resources.

Link Collections on Statistics and Probability:
Statistical Science Web A portal for statistical science.
Robin Lock's Page A math professor's links to statistical sites.
Martindale's: Statistics
MERLOT Statistics Portal
A Research Guide for Students: Statistics By I. Lee.
WWW Virtual Library: Statistics

See also Statistical Data


Encyclopedia Articles on the Arts:
Wikipedia: Arts Art
Citizendium: Arts
ArtsEdge Free standards-based teaching materials, professional development resources, student materials, and guidelines for arts-based instruction and assessment.
PBS LearningMedia: The Arts Lesson plans and activities, links, recommended books, and articles from the field.
EDSITEment: Art & Culture Lesson plans and links.

Courses on the Arts:
MITOpenCourseware: Fine Arts Free courses from MIT. Fine Arts Lectures from open online education courses.
Annenberg Media: Teacher Resources: Arts Courses.
Academic Earth: Fine Arts Free online lectures and courses.
artsJournal A digest of stories about arts and culture culled from more than 200 English-language publications.

Other Learning Resources on the Arts:
Merlot II: Fine Arts Learning materials.
Wikiversity: School: Art & Design Learning resources, projects, and research.

Link Collections on the Arts:
Martindale's: Arts & Entertainment

See also Art History.

Encyclopedia Articles on Architecture:
Wikipedia: Architecture Architecture
Citizendium: Architecture
1911 Britannica: Architecture

Exhibitions of Buildings:
Cities and Buildings Database A collection of digitized images of buildings and cities drawn from across time and throughout the world.
Tall Buildings A MOMA exhibition featuring large-scale models, drawings, and photographs of 25 skyscrapers from around the world.
Built in America The Library of Congress' collection of images of American buildings.
America's Favorite Architecture (PDF) Top architecture projects selected by the American public.

Courses on Architecture:
Academic Earth: Architecture Free online lectures and courses.
EdX: Architecture
MITOpenCourseware: Architecture Free courses from MIT. Architecture Lectures from open online education courses.
MOOC List: Architecture Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Cyburbia A portal site for urban planners and others interested in cities and the built environment.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Architecture A directory of architecture journals that have content available online for free.

Blogs on Architecture:
A Daily Dose of Architecture
AcademicBlogs: Architecture Links to blogs by professors in this field.
WolframAlpha: Buildings A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources:
Merlot II: Architecture Learning materials.
Wikiversity: School: Architecture Learning resources, projects, and research.

Link Collections on Architecture:
WWW Virtual Library: History of Architecture Links on the history from ancient times to the present.
A Research Guide for Students: Architecture By I. Lee.
Voice of the Shuttle: Architecture

Encyclopedia Articles on Music:
Wikipedia: Music Music
Citizendium: Music
1911 Britannica: Music

Courses on Music:
Khan Academy: Music
Class Central: Music Listing of current MOOCs on the subject.
Academic Earth: Music Free online lectures and courses.
EdX: Music Free online university courses. Music Lectures from open online education courses.
Coursade: Music, Film, & Audio Courses from many different sources.
Teacher Resources: Exploring the World of Music A video series on the elements of music.
Coursera: Music and Art Free online courses from top universities.
MITOpenCourseware: Music Free courses from MIT.
Open Yale: Music Free lectures and materials.
MOOC List: Music Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
Docsity: Lecture notes of Music A collection of free college lecture notes.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Music A directory of academic journals on music that have content available online for free.

Music Dictionaries:
Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary
Dolmetsch Music Dictionary
AcademicBlogs: Music Links to blogs by professors in this field.
Visual Dictionary: Music A visual dictionary of musical instruments.
PBS: Arts & Music Links to PBS programs.
allmusic Coverage of all types of music, with histories, biographies, and commentaries.

Classical Music Sites:
ClassicalNet Many resources.

Jazz Sites:
A Passion for Jazz History of jazz origins, styles, and musicians with photo gallery, timeline, festivals, and lessons.
What Is Jazz? A six-part series by Dr. Billy Taylor: Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ethnomusicology Research Guide Extensive resources.
OperaGlass Detailed information on many operas.
Musipedia A searchable, editable, and expandable collection of tunes, melodies, and musical themes.

Musicals 101: The Cyber Encyclopedia of Musical Theatre, TV and Film Articles on all aspects of musical theater.
Blue Gobo An archive of musical theater performances on video — from the 1950s to present.

WolframAlpha: Music A computational knowledge engine.

Other Learning Resources on Music:
Merlot II: Music Learning materials.
Wikiversity: School of Music & Dance Learning resources, projects, and research.
ACT Academy: Music Free K-12 resources.
PBS LearningMedia: Music Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Music Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Music:
Internet Resources for Music Scholars Reference tools, media, databases, digital music collections, music meta-sites, organizations, music departments, and more.
Voice of the Shuttle: Music
Martindale's: Music Center

Encyclopedia Articles on Dance:
Wikipedia: Dance Dance
Citizendium: Dance
1911 Britannica: Dance
MOOC List: Dance Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Other Learning Resources on Dance:
Merlot II: Dance Learning materials.
Wikiversity: School of Music & Dance Learning resources, projects, and research.
PBS LearningMedia: Dance Classroom-ready digital resources.
WatchKnowLearn: Dance Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Dance:
Voice of the Shuttle: Dance

Painting & Drawing
Encyclopedia Articles on Painting and Drawing:
Wikipedia: Painting and Drawing Painting and Drawing
Citizendium: Painting and Drawing
1911 Britannica: Painting and Drawing
Art School Online Lessons on drawing and painting.
AccessArt A collection of visual arts learning resources.
Lines and Colors A blog about painting, drawing, and many other visual media.

Courses on Painting & Drawing:
Academic Earth: Fine Arts Free online lectures and courses.
MOOC List: Visual Arts Listing of MOOCs on the subject.

Other Learning Resources on Painting & Drawing:
PBS LearningMedia: Visual Art Classroom-ready digital resources.
Merlot II: Drawing & Painting Learning materials.
TEDEd: Visual Arts Library of lessons.
WatchKnowLearn: Visual Arts Instruction Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on Painting and Drawing:
Voice of the Shuttle: Art 

Acting & Other Performing Arts
Encyclopedia Articles on Acting and the Performing Arts:
Wikipedia: Acting and Performing Arts Acting
Citizendium: Acting
TheatrGroup: Method Acting Procedures Techniques and procedures of method acting.
Actingbiz Resource for working actors.
Actor's Checklist More resources for working actors.
Directory of Open Access Journals: Performing Arts A directory of academic journals that have content available online for free.
Internet Broadway Database The official database for Broadway theater information.
MOOC List: Actor Training Listing of MOOCs on the subject.
TEDEd: Performing Arts Library of lessons.
WatchKnowLearn: Performance Arts Free K-12 educational videos.

Link Collections on the Performing Arts:
Best of the Web: Performing Arts

See also Film & TV


Updated April 30, 2019

Disclaimer: The links on this page lead to other web sites that do not necessarily reflect the views of the Constitutional Rights Foundation. These links do not constitute an endorsement of other sites nor do they guarantee the accuracy or age-appropriateness of information presented on other sites.

We welcome your comments: If you have comments on these links or recommendations for additional sites, please e-mail us your message.



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