BRIA 22 4 Making a Just Society

Bill of Rights in Action
Fall 2006 (22:4)

Making a Just Society

This edition of Bill of Rights in Action examines issues surrounding the making of a just society. The first article looks at one of the most contentious issues today—stem-cell research. The second article explores President Abraham Lincoln’s ideas on American democracy. The last article looks at the ideas of medieval scholar St. Thomas Aquinas on what makes a just society.

Current Issues: Stem-Cell Research: The Promise and the Pitfalls

U.S. History: Slavery, Civil War, and Democracy: What Did Lincoln Believe?

World History: St. Thomas Aquinas, Natural Law, and the Common Good

© 2006, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 601 South Kinglsey Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90005 (213) 487-5590 Fax (213) 386-0459

Hon. John A. Kronstadt, President; Publications Committee: Marvin S. Sears, Chairperson;  Katrina M. Dewey, Marshall P. Horowitz, Dian Ogilvie, Gail Migdal Title, Thomas E Patterson, Patrick Rogan, Peggy Saferstein, Paul W.A. Severin, K. Eugene Shutler, Russell C. Swartz, Douglas A. Thompson, Lois Thompson, Carlton Varner. Staff: Todd Clark, Executive Director; Marshall L. Croddy, Director of Programs; Carlton Martz, Writer; Bill Hayes, Editor; Andrew Costly, Senior Publications Manager; Lois D. Thompson, CRF Board Reviewer.



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