BRIA 25 4 Reaction and Reform

Bill of Rights in Action
SUMMER 2010 (Volume 25, No. 4)

Reaction and Reform

This edition of Bill of Rights in Action looks at issues related to reaction and reform. The first article examines the Watergate scandal, which led to President Richard Nixon’s resignation. The second article looks at Italy’s Mussolini and his fascist government. The last article explores the Mexican Revolution, which tore Mexico apart at the beginning of the 20th century.

U.S. History: The Watergate Scandal

World History: Mussolini and the Rise of Fascism

Government: Land, Liberty, and the Mexican Revolution

Guest writer Lucy Eisenberg, Esq., contributed the article on the Watergate scandal. The other articles were written by our longtime contributor Carlton Martz.

© 2010 Constitutional Rights Foundation

Officers: Michael A. Lawson, Chair; Publications Committee: Rachel Helyar, Marshall P. Horowitz, Louis E. Kempinsky, Walter R. Lancaster, Peter I. Ostroff, Lisa M. Rockwell, Patrick G. Rogan, Peggy Saferstein, K. Eugene Shutler, Russell C. Swartz, Douglas A. Thompson, Lois D. Thompson, Gail Migdal Title. Staff: Jonathan Estrin, President; Marshall Croddy, Vice President; Lucy Eisenberg, Carlton Martz, Writers; Bill Hayes, Editor;Andrew Costly, Senior Publications Manager; Lisa M Rockwell, CRF Board Reviewer.



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