Inside the marble temple

Basics About the Court


Supreme Court of the United States

History of the Supreme Court of the United States

Lists of United States Supreme Court cases

Encarta: Supreme Court of the United States

CNN: The U.S. Supreme Court: How it works

Holt, Rinehart, & Winston: The Supreme Court

Supreme Court 101 Basics about the Supreme Court.

On the Docket Important recent cases.

Landmark Cases Historic decisions.

A Primer on Supreme Court Procedure (PDF file) An article by Thomas E. Baker.

Supreme Court Q & A Answers to questions about the court from New York Times columnist Linda Greenhouse.

How Stuff Works: The Judicial System

Exploring Constitutional Conflicts: The Supreme Court in the American System of Government


Justices of the Court

U.S. Supreme Court Nominations, present–1789

Wikipedia: List of Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court

Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Supreme Court Nomination Hearings Archive of hearings since 1971.

History of the Court

The Supreme Court Historical Society

The History of Supreme Court Also at PBS: The Supreme Court A great resource for teachers because it presents the Supreme Court’s history in themes that correspond with a social studies curriculum. Includes a good history of the court by Professor Ronald L. F. Davis, Ph. D, California State University, Northridge.

Court Opinions

FindLaw: U.S. Supreme Court Center

Cornell Law School: Legal Information Institute: Supreme Court Collection

Justia: U.S. Supreme Court Center

LexisOne: Free Case Law Search the U.S. Supreme Court from 1781 to present.

v | lex: U.S. Supreme Court

Willamette Law Online: U.S. Supreme Court Same-day summaries of certiorari granted, oral arguments, and decisions published by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Duke Law: Supreme Court Online Plain-English summaries of pending cases, links to full-text opinions, and edited versions of opinions, specifically intended for use in the non-legal classroom.

Supreme Court of the United States The court’s official web site.

Landmark Cases

Constitution Society: Landmark U.S. Supreme Court Decisions

ACLU 100 Greatest Hits Landmark Supreme Court decisions in which the American Civil Liberties Union played a role.

StreetLaw: Landmark Supreme Court Cases Resources and activities to support the teaching of landmark Supreme Court cases.

Oral Argument and Briefs

Oyez A multimedia archive devoted to the U.S. Supreme Court and its work. It aims to be a complete and authoritative source for all audio recorded in the court since 1955. It also provides information on justices, the Supreme Court building, and court opinions.

FindLaw: Supreme Court Briefs Briefs for cases from 1999 to the present.

Office of the Solicitor General: Briefs Briefs from the solicitor general, who argues cases for the United States before the court.

American Bar Association: Briefs Available Links to briefs for cases being heard by Supreme Court.

Curiae Project: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs Briefs from many historical cases.

News About the Court

New York Times Topics: U.S. Supreme Court

Google News: Supreme Court

LexisNexis News: Supreme Court

1st Headlines: Supreme Court

Washington Post:

Supreme Court

Historic Cases

USA Today: Supreme Court

PBS Online NewsHour: Supreme Court Watch

CBS News: Supreme Court

CNN: U.S. Supreme Court

Fox News: Supreme Court

CourtTV: U.S. Supreme Court

C-SPAN: U.S. Supreme Court U.S. Supreme Court Monitor

Jurist: U.S. Supreme Court

Commentary & Blogs

Slate: Jurisprudence


On the Docket: Supreme Court News

Web Directories

Google Directory: Supreme Court

Open Directory Project: Supreme Court

Yahoo Directory: Supreme Court

Rules of the Court

U.S. Supreme Court: Court Rules

FindLaw: Rules of the U.S. Supreme Court

Legal Information Institute: Rules of the U.S. Supreme Court

Other Courts

U.S. Courts Information about the federal court system.

National Center for State Courts: Court Web Sites Links to each state’s system.

Books on the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court By Lawrence Baum.

The American Supreme Court By Robert McCloskey and Sanford Levinson.

The Supreme Court By William Rehnquist.

A History of the Supreme Court By Bernard Schwartz.

The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court By Jeffrey Toobin.

Supreme Conflict: The Inside Story of the Struggle for Control of the United States Supreme Court By Jan Crawford Greenburg.

The Supreme Court: The Personalities and Rivalries That Defined America

By Jeffrey Rosen.

The Supreme Court: An Essential History By Peter Charles Hoffer.

Illustrated History of the Supreme Court By Robert Shnayerson 



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