
Weeks v. U.S. (1918) 

Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: Weeks v. U.S. Weeks v. U.S.

Oyez: Weeks v. U.S. A brief summary of the case.

Weeks v. United States — Further Readings Overview of the case.

Text of the Case:

Justia: Weeks v. U.S.

FindLaw: Weeks v. U.S.

Wolf v. Colorado (1949)

Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: Wolf v. Colorado Wolf v. Colorado

Oyez: Wolf v. Colorado A brief summary of the case.

Law Library: American Law and Legal Information: Wolf v. People of the State of Colorado Overview of the case.

Text of the Case:

FindLaw: Wolf v. Colorado

Justia: Wolf v. Colorado

Mapp v. Ohio (1961)

Encyclopedia Articles:

Encarta: Mapp v. Ohio

Wikipedia: Mapp v. Ohio

InfoPlease: Mapp v. Ohio Mapp v. Ohio

Landmark Supreme Court Cases: Mapp v. Ohio Resources include background summaries, key excerpts of the majority opinion, and a diagram of how this case moved through the court system.

Providence College: Resources on Mapp v. Ohio

Oyez: Mapp v. Ohio A brief summary of the case with links to the oral argument and written opinion.

Mapp v. Ohio — Further Readings Overview of the case.

Text of the Case:

FindLaw: Mapp v. Ohio

Legal Information Institute: Mapp v. Ohio

Justia: Mapp v. Ohio


Google Directory: Mapp v. Ohio

Open Directory Project: Mapp v. Ohio

U.S. v. Leon (1984)

Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: United States v. Leon U.S. v. Leon

Oyez: United States v. Leon A brief summary of the case with links to the oral argument, briefs, and written opinion.

United States v. Leon — Further Readings Overview of the case.

Text of the Case:

Justia: United States v. Leon

FindLaw: U.S. v. Leon

Legal Information Institute: U.S. v. Leon

Nix v. Williams (1984)

Oyez: Nix v. Williams A brief summary of the case with links to the oral argument, briefs, and written opinion.

Law Library: American Law and Legal Information: Nix v. Williams Overview of the case.

FBI: Inevitable Discovery Exception to the Exclusionary Rule

Text of the Case:

FindLaw: Nix v. Williams

Justia: Nix v. Williams

James v. Illinois (1990)

Oyez: James v. Illinois A brief summary of the case with links to the oral argument, briefs, and written opinion.          

American Law and Legal Information: James v. Illinois

Text of the Case:

Justia: James v. Illinois

FindLaw: James v. Illinois

Legal Information Institute: James v. Illinois

Fourth Amendment 

Encyclopedia Articles:

Encarta: Fourth Amendment

Wikipedia: Fourth Amendment Fourth Amendment

Legal Information Institute: Fourth Amendment Search and Seizure An Academic discussion of this amendment and its implications.

Fourth Amendment — Further Readings

FindLaw: Fourth Amendment—Search and Seizure A detailed analysis of how the courts have interpreted this amendment.


Yahoo Directory: Fourth Amendment

Google Directory: Fourth Amendment

Open Directory Project: Fourth Amendment

CRF: Criminal Justice in America Links: Law of Search & Seizure

Exclusionary Rule

Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: Exclusionary Rule

Encarta: Exclusionary Rule

InfoPlease: Exclusionary Rule Exclusionary Rule

Exclusionary Rule — Further Readings

FindLaw: The Exclusionary Rule


Google Directory: Exclusionary Rule

Open Directory Project: Exclusionary Rule

Yahoo Directory: Exclusionary Rule

CRF: Criminal Justice in America Links: The Exclusionary Rule

Commentary on the Exclusionary Rule

Cato Institute: In Defense of the Exclusionary Rule Argument that the drive to abolish the exclusionary rule is fundamentally misguided.

The Georgia Defender: Freedom Versus Societal Cost: in Defense of the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule

Wake Forest Law Review: The Exclusionary Rule Reconsidered: Restoring

The Status Quo Ante (PDF file) Article by Jerry E. Norton.

Southern University Law Review: In Defense of Evidence and Against the Exclusionary Rule: A Libertarian Approach (PDF file) Article opposing the exclusionary rule by Patrick Tinsley, N. Stephan Kinsella and Walter Block.

National Center for Policy Analysis: Exclusionary Rule Frees Criminals Argument against the exclusionary rule.

Brigham Young University Law Review: Excluding the Exclusionary Rule Article by Jeffry R. Gittins.

Criminal Justice Journal: The Good Faith Exception to the Exclusionary Rule: Leon and Sheppard in Context Article by Jeremy M. Miller, Chapman University School of Law.

Illinois Law Review: Why Liberals Should Chuck the Exclusionary Rule Article by Christopher Slobogin, University of Florida, Levin College of Law.

Brigham Young University Law Review: The Exclusionary Rule and Damages: An Economic Comparison of Private Remedies for Unconstitutional Police Conduct Article by Jeffrey Standen,

Willamette University College of Law.

Effects of Criminal Procedure On Crime Rates: Mapping Out the Consequences of the Exclusionary Rule Article by Raymond A. Atkins and Paul H. Rubin.

Mississippi Law Journal: The Expressive Fourth Amendment: Rethinking the Good Faith Exception to the Exclusionary Rule Article by Andrew E. Taslitz, Howard University School of Law.

Southern California Law Review: the Penalty of Exclusion — a Price or Sanction? Article by Sharon L. Davies, Ohio State University College of Law.

Louisiana Law Review: Hudson and Samson: The Roberts Court Confronts Privacy, Dignity, and the Fourth Amendment Article by John D. Castiglione.

Search, Seizure and (False?) Arrest: An Analysis of Fourth Amendment Remedies when Police can Plant Evidence Article by Dhammika Dharmapala and Thomas J. Miceli, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology: Judicial Integrity: A Call for its Re-Emergence in the Adjudication of Criminal Cases Article by Robert M. Bloom, Boston College Law School.

The Fourth Amendment:’Be Reasonable’ Article by Craig Bradley, Indiana University School of Law.

Cardozo Law Review: The Source-Centric Framework to the Exclusionary Rule Article by Luke M. Milligan, University of Louisville School of Law.

Tom Clark

Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: Justice Tom Clark

Encarta: Tom Clark

InfoPlease: Tom Clark Tom Clark

Oyez: Justice Tom Clark

Law Library: American Law and Legal Information: Tom Campbell Clark

University of Texas at Austin: The Papers of Justice Tom Clark

Potter Stewart

Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: Justice Potter Stewart

Encarta: Potter Stewart

InfoPlease: Potter Stewart Potter Stewart

Oyez: Justice Potter Stewart

Potter Stewart — Further Readings


Mapp v. Ohio: Guarding Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures By Carolyn N. Long.

Mapp v. Ohio: Evidence and Search Warrants By Deborah A. Persico.

Criminal Procedure Stories Edited by Carol S. Steiker and Pamela S. Karlan.

Unreasonable Searches and Seizures: Rights and Liberties under the Law By Otis Stephens and Richard Glenn.



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