

The Plessy Case

Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: Plessy v. Ferguson

Infoplease: Plessy v. Ferguson

Encarta: Plessy v. Ferguson Plessy v. Ferguson


Oyez: Plessy v. Ferguson Summary of the case and link to the opinion.

Plessy v. Ferguson — Further Readings Overview of the case.

Landmark Supreme Court Cases: Plessy v. Ferguson Resources include background summaries, key excerpts of the majority opinion, and a diagram of how this case moved through the courts.

PBS: Supreme Court History: Plessy v. Ferguson

U.S. News and World Report: Plessy v. Ferguson

Click2FamousTrials: Plessy v. Ferguson

Digital History: Plessy v. Ferguson An account from an online U.S. history text.

U.S. Historical Documents: Plessy v. Ferguson

U.S. State Department: Introduction to Plessy v. Ferguson

Gibbs Magazine: Plessy v. Ferguson

Web Chronology: Plessy v. Ferguson


Text of the Case:

Legal Information Institute: Plessy v. Ferguson

FindLaw: Plessy v. Ferguson

Justia: Plessy v. Ferguson



Yahoo Directory: Plessy v. Ferguson

Google Directory: Plessy v. Ferguson


Jim Crow Laws


Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: Jim Crow Laws

Encarta: Jim Crow Laws

InfoPlease: Jim Crow Laws Jim Crow Laws


Jim Crow Laws — Further Readings A brief history.


New York Life: The History of Jim Crow Developed following the PBS series The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow.


Ferris State University: What was Jim Crow? Information on former Jim Crow etiquette and signs.



Google Directory: Jim Crow Laws

Open Directory Project: Jim Crow Laws

Yahoo Directory: Jim Crow Laws


Henry Billings Brown

Encyclopedia Articles: Henry Billings Brown

Wikipedia: Henry Billings Brown

Encarta: Henry Billings Brown


Supreme Court Historical Society: Henry Billings Brown


John Marshall Harlan

Encyclopedia Articles:

Wikipedia: John Marshall Harlan

Encarta: John Marshall Harlan

InfoPlease: John Marshall Harlan


University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law: John Marshall Harlan

John Marshall Harlan — Further Readings


Homer Plessy

Encyclopedia Articles: Homer Plessy

Wikipedia: Homer Plessy

Encarta: Homer Plessy

InfoPlease: Homer Plessy




Plessy v. Ferguson: A Brief History With Documents By Brook Thomas.

We As Freemen: Plessy v. Ferguson By Keith Weldon Medley.

The Plessy Case: A Legal-Historical Interpretation By Charles A. Lofgren.

Separate and Unequal: Homer Plessy and the Supreme Court Decision that Legalized Racism By Harvey Fireside.

American Nightmare: The History of Jim Crow By Jerrold M. Packard.

The Strange Career of Jim Crow By C. Vann Woodward.



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