Unit 1: Hammurabi's Treasure

Of Codes & Crowns Links: Unit 1: Hammurabi's Treasure  

Code of Hammurabi | Timelines | Encyclopedia Articles | Web Directories

Text of the Code of Hammurabi

Mesopotamia: The Code of Hammurabi Full translated text of the actual code.

Ancient History Sourcebook: Code of Hammurabi, c. 1780 B.C.E. One historian’s article on the code, along with a full translation by L.W. King.

Hammurabi’s Title Page An interactive educational site.

The Code of Hammurabi A site that focuses on the slavery and human rights-related parts of the code.

Code of Hammurabi Introduction, translation, and commentary. From the Avalon Project, Yale Law School.

Hammurabi’s Code of Laws A fully translated text of the actual code.


Mesopotamian Timeline A timeline of Ancient Mesopotamia, including all civilizations in the Near East region. From World Civilizations.

Mesopotamia 9000–500 B.C. From University of San Francisco.

Mesopotamia 8000–2000 B.C. A very detailed and art oriented timeline. From Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Babylonia Time Line From the British Museum.

Timeline of Babylonia A brief timeline by Meta-religion.com.

Encyclopedia Articles

Wikipedia: Code of Hammurabi

Columbia Encyclopedia: Hammurabi

Encarta: Code of Hammurabi

1911 Britannica: Babylonian Law

MacroHistory: Hammurabi’s Babylon

Web Directories

Google Directory: Code of Hammurabi

Yahoo Directory: Code of Hammurabi

Open Directory Project: Hammurabi

Academic Info: Ancient Near East

Librarians’ Internet Index: Code of Hammurabi



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