2024-2025 California Mock Trial Competition Case Download
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People v. Clark
A Murder Trial
Featuring a pretrial argument on the Fourth Amendment (involving a geofence warrant)
People v. Clark is the trial of Tobie Clark, the in-house counsel for Sunshine Medical Components, Inc. (“SMC”), a billion-dollar medical technology company. Clark is charged with the first-degree murder of SMC’s chief executive officer, Kieran Sunshine.
On the morning of July 17, Kieran Sunshine's dead body was found by Gerri Moayed in Kieran’s hotel suite. Kieran died from apparent stabbing. Moayed was Kieran’s personal holistic wellness coach and an employee of SMC.
The prosecution alleges that Tobie Clark murdered Kieran because Kieran was backing out of Clark’s plot to commit fraud against SMC’s board of directors regarding SMC’s latest product. Prosecution witnesses include Moayed, who occupied the room next to Kieran and overheard two arguments between Clark and Kieran, one of which occurred late at night on July 16. Emari Sunshine, Kieran’s sibling and an executive at SMC, reported having seen Tobie Clark heading toward Kieran’s suite around the time of the murder.
The defense argues that Tobie Clark did not have a motive to kill Kieran and never had the intent to murder or was inside Kieran’s suite. Furthermore, it was Kieran, not Clark, who concocted the plot to commit fraud, and Clark had no idea about the plot until July 16, when Clark refused to participate. A third Sunshine sibling, Arian, was also an executive at SMC and knew that it was Emari more than anyone else who stood to gain financially from Kieran’s death and that Emari had always felt animus toward Kieran.
The testimonies of the state medical examiner and the defense forensic expert reveal different opinions about the physical and forensic evidence.
The pretrial hearing is based on the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure and centers on a defense motion to quash evidence garnered through a geofence warrant. Geofences are virtual boundaries around geographic areas created by signals from cellphones and mobile devices within the area. The geofence evidence appeared to place Tobie Clark near the crime scene.
Download: People v. Clark Exhibits
People v. Clark Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
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