BRIA 19 4

Bill of Rights in Action
Fall 2003 (19:4)

National Security and Freedom

This issue of Bill of Rights in Action looks at issues surrounding national security and freedom. The first article examines the USA Patriot Act, the law passed following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The second article explores another set of laws--the Alien and Sedition Acts--passed at the beginning of the Republic when war with France threatened the nation. The last article looks at an ancient and quite critical view of democracy, The Republic of Plato.

Current Issues: The Patriot Act: What Is the Proper Balance Between National Security and Individual Rights?

U.S. History: The Alien and Sedition Acts: Defining American Freedom

World History: Plato and The Republic

© 2003, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 601 South Kinglsey Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90005, (213) 487-5590 Fax (213) 386-0459

Officers: Jerome L. Coben, President; Publications Committee: Marvin S. Sears, Chairperson; Gerald Chaleff, Katrina M. Dewey, Jordan D. Dorchuck, Martha Goldstein, Marshall P. Horowitz, Gail Midgal Title, Dian Ogilvie, Thomas E Patterson, Thomas D. Phelps, Peggy Saferstein, Lois Thompson, Carlton Varner. Staff: Todd Clark, Executive Director; Marshall L. Croddy, Director of Program and Materials Development; Carlton Martz, Writer; Bill Hayes, Editor; Andrew Costly, Production Manager; Dian Ogilvie,CRF Board Reviewer.



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