School Violence Links

Non-Profit Organizations | Victims Organizations | Government |
Broadcast Media | Magazines | Newspapers | Listservs |

Non-Profit Organizations

Center for the Prevention of School Violence

National School Safety Center  A resource for school safety information, training, and violence prevention.

Safe, Secure and Healthy Schools  Resources from the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teacher organization. 

Parents Resource: Safetyt  From the National PTA.

Keep Schools Safe  A project of the National Association of Attorneys General and the National School Boards Association.

School House Hype: School shootings and the real risks kids face in America.  From the Justice Policy Institute.

Preventing School Violence: Policies for Safety, Caring, and Achievement  An infobrief synopsis from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Warning Signs  The American Psychological Association’s web site on the warning signs of violent behavior.

Stopping School Violence  Resources from the National Crime Prevention Council. 

Teaching Tolerance  Teaching resources from the Southern Poverty Law Center.


Victims Organizations

KNJ Foundation  Devoted to ending school violence and supporting the victims of school-related violence.

Kids Peace  A national centers for kids overcoming crisis.

School Violence — Are You Prepared to Respond? From the National Center for Victims of Crime.


Juvenile Justice  Extensive resources on youth violence, victimization, and youth action projects from the Justice Information Center.

Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools  A Department of Education and Department of Justice guide to help school personnel, parents, community members and others identify early indicators of troubling and potentially dangerous student behavior.

White House Conference on School Safety  Archived from October 15, 1998.

Students’ Report of School Crime:1989 and 1995  From the Bureau of Justice Statistics. 

Facts About Violence Among Youth and Violence in Schools  From the Centers for Disease Control.

Youth Violence in the United States  A report from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, which is run by the Centers for Disease Control.

Violence and Discipline Problems in U.S. Public Schools: 1996-97  A report from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Violence and the Public Schools A fact sheet by Hal Burbach, Curry School of Education.

School Safety  A collection of resources by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education.

School Violence Virtual Library  Produced by ERIC Counseling and Student Services Clearinghouse.

From Words to Weapons A 1995–96 survey of students in Los Angeles Unified School District.

Unlearning Violence  A Violence Prevention Plan From the Minnesota Department of Education. 

When Kids Kill  Resources from the Why Files, a National Institute for Science Education project funded by the National Science Foundation.

Broadcast Media

Are Our Schools Safe? An in-depth special feature from CNN.



Violence in the Schools  An issue devoted to school violence from Teacher Talk, a new publication for secondary teachers.



New York Times “America Under the Gun” 

Washington Post “Juvenile Violence” 

USA Today “Tragedy in Colorado” 


High School Violence List  A place to voice your opinion on the reasons behind the apparent increase in violent death in today’s high schools. Why are the levels of violence increasing? Who’s to blame? What are the solutions?

Safe Schools Newsletter This e-newsletter talks with professionals (police, fire, rescue, security personnel, doctors, etc.) about measures you can take as a parent, guardian, teacher, school administrator or concerned citizen to protect your children in school. List members can also talk about how to protect our children. To subscribe, send an e-mail with your FIRST and LAST NAME in the body of the message to:


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