C2C Instructions for Teachers

vlcsnap-2013-12-01-22h05m47s74Thank you for your interest in having a judge or attorney visit your classroom.

  1. Register your class. Register to have a volunteer visit your classroom.

  2. Wait for a volunteer. Judges and attorneys will select a class they want to work with.

  3. Get in touch with the volunteer. Once your class is selected, CRF will send a confirmation mail to you and the volunteer containing contact information. Coordinate the visit with the volunteer and schedule the visit on the online calendar.   Work with the volunteer to select one of the PowerPoing lessons. 

  4. Prepare for the visit. Once the scheduling has been completed, teachers should prepare their students for the first visit. Review "Teachers - Preparing for the Visit" (PDF) for more information. In addition, there are introductory lessons and handouts available from the download page.

  5. Assist the volunteer. Provide classroom management and support during the visit.

  6. Complete program evaluation. After the visit, complete the teacher's evaluation to provide feedback and documentation and have students complete the student evaluation.



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