California Mock Trial Competition Art Contest

2011_art_1wbThe courtroom Art Contest is a competition that allows artistically talented students the opportunity to participate in the Mock Trial Program. Contestants observe their schools' Mock Trials and create drawings of the courtroom scenes. Each Mock Trial Team may enter up to two courtroom artist. The winner of the county contest will be eligible to compete at the state Mock Trial Finals. For more information about the Courtroom Art Contest please contact your county coordinator.

Contest Rules


  • All contestants must be affiliated with a participating Mock Trial team and enrolled at the team’s school.

  • All contestants must pay an entry fee (fee may vary by county).

  • All entries MUST be done in color. Any dry medium may be used.

  • The drawing must be on paper of the dimensions 11" X 14", with a horizontal format

  • Your sketch must depict an actual courtroom scene that you observe during the designated official round. You may not submit your “practice” round sketch for judging.

  • At the conclusion of the desisgnated official round you must submit your work to the presider after the debriefing remarks (5-10 minutes after the verdict). Only drawings submitted to presiders will be entered in the contest. Do not bring your drawing to Mock Trial staff yourself.


  • Introduce yourself to the scorers (they will be sitting in the jury box) and the presider (she/he will be sitting on the bench)

  • Sit in the jury box in a row below the scorers. If a scorer or the presider asks you not to sit in the jury box, you may sit in the front row of spectator seating, away from witnesses.

  • Once you are seated, you may not have any contact with anyone from your school (parents, teachers, or fellow students). You must create your drawing completely independently.

  • You are encouraged to use the first round as a practice round. 

  • At the conclusion of the designated official round you must submit your work to the presider after the debriefing remarks (5-10 minutes after the verdict). The judge will deliver the drawing to Mock Trial staff, so be aware of the possibility of smudging, should you choose to use charcoal or pastel

  • Be sure to stick your name label onto the back of the drawing you submit. Name label and Name Tag will be provided to you by Mock Trial staff at check-in.



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