Catalog People v A Wolf

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People v. A. Wolf: A Mini-Mock Trial


pigs.jpgGrades 3-6

Based on the award-winning children’s book The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs: by A. Wolf by Jon Scieszka, this two-part simulation takes students through the process of selecting a jury and conducting a trial. In the first simulation, students take the roles of attorneys, judge, and prospective jurors to learn about the jury selection process (voir dire). Roles for prospective jurors are based on traditional fairy tales and legends, reinforcing literacy skills including characterization. In the second part of the simulation, the courtroom drama unfolds as students take the roles of attorneys, witnesses, judge, and jurors to determine if the wolf is guilty of two counts of murder (one of the pigs survives the wolf’s visit). Masters for handouts with instructions for the various roles are included. Also included is an introductory lesson, “Who’s Who In The Courtroom,” to acquaint students with the roles and responsibilities of judges, attorneys, jurors, and others involved in a courtroom proceeding. The materials come with the book The True Story of the 3 Little pigs: by A Wolf.

People v. A. Wolf, Price: $16.95

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