MyTown CD

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An Exciting Way to Teach Third-Grade Social Studies

cd_cover.pngIn this lively animated series of lessons, students follow the story of settlers coming west to establish a new town. Using computers in the classroom, students interact with characters and each other while making decisions for their historic community.

Through these interactive lessons and History Detective homework assignments, students also learn their own local history as well as important national landmarks and symbols. MyTown is adaptable for use by a whole class or by small groups and is connected to third-grade California history-social science standards.

MyTown is fun for students, while easy and effective for teachers. Teaching social studies in the third grade will never be the same.

MyTown’s CD-ROM is loaded with six Flash-animated lessons, as well as the complete teacher’s instruction manual and handout masters in PDF.

For additional information about MyTown please visit the MyTown program page.


MyTown CD-ROM (PC & MAC Compatible) Price: $25.95 Qty:



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