Catalog Governance

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The Challenge of Governance
Prepare your students to meet the National Standards. (Sample Lesson PDF)
Grades 9-12 

governance.jpg The fourth and final volume in the Challenge series, The Challenge of Governance is designed to help students gain proficiency in meeting the National Standards for Civics and Government. This 72-page supplementary text provides 16 lessons. Each lesson has four parts:(1) a short reading reviewing one to four standards, (2) discussion questions based on the standards, (3) a high-interest reading based on an issue related to the standards, and (4) an interactive activity designed to foster intellectual and participatory skill development. The 16 lessons are:


  1. The Constitution and Governance (Standards 3, 4, 8, 12)
  2. Constitutional Limitations on Government (Standards 2, 8, 12, 15)
  3. A Democratic Republic (Standards 1, 5, 6, 7, 12)
  4. The Civil Society (Standards 2, 9, 10)
  5. Diversity and Equality (Standards 11, 14)
  6. Conflicts (Standard 13)
  7. National Government and Taxation (Standards 15, 16)
  8. State and Local Government (Standards 15, 17)
  9. The Role of the Judiciary (Standard 18)
  10. Setting the Public Agenda (Standard 19)
  11. Voting and Selecting Political Leaders (Standard 20)
  12. Public Policy (Standard 21)
  13. America’s Foreign Policy (Standard 22)
  14. America and New Global Realities (Standards 22, 23)
  15. Citizenship and Rights (Standards 24, 25, 26)
  16. Civic Participation and Responsibility (Standards 27, 28, 29)

A separate teacher’s guide provides step-by-step directions for conducting each lesson based on the materials provided in the text.

  • Fully illustrated with photos and cartoons
  • Perfect for U.S. government, civics, and contemporary-problems courses.

The Challenge of Governance Student Edition, 72 pp., Price: $9.95

The Challenge of Governance Teacher's Guide, 40 pp., Price: $8.95

The Challenge of Governance Student Edition (Set of 10), Price: $94.95

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    This book was made possible by a generous grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation.

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