CityYouth Ancient History

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CityYouth: Ancient History
Travel with your students on an exciting, standards-based journey to ancient Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome.

Grades 6-9 Sample Lesson (PDF)

cy_ancient.jpgCRF's new CityYouth: Ancient History provides teachers with 13 social studies lessons and related lesson ideas for core teachers of language arts, mathematics, and science. It integrates civic participation and service learning into the regular curriculum. Its four units focus on ancient history and can culminate in a service project. CityYouth: Ancient History is divided into four units.

Unit 1: Ancient Egypt explores the social and political order of the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes; shows how the Nile helped shape ancient Egyptian civilization; traces the political history of ancient Egypt through the three kingdoms; and outlines the relationship between religion and Egypt's social and political order.

Unit 2: Ancient China explores the geography of China and the development of ancient Chinese civilization; introduces the social, legal, and political impact of Qin Dynasty Emperor Shi Huangdi; examines the ancient philosophies of Confucianism and Daoism; and looks at developments in the Han Dynasty, including the opening of the Silk Road.Unit 3: Ancient Greece looks at the rise of Greek city-states and Athenian democracy under Pericles; compares two contrasting Greek city-states: democratic Athens and militaristic Sparta; and explores ideas about what makes a good society from three of the Western world's greatest philosophers--Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Unit 4: Ancient Rome traces the history of Rome from its founding myths through the Roman Republic; examines the political and social institutions of the republic; explores the leadership of Augustus when Rome made its transition from republic to empire; and discusses religious toleration and persecution in the Roman Empire.

CityYouth: Ancient History, 155 pp., Price: $24.95


NEW!!! You can now purchase units individually electronically and download them now.

ancientegypt.jpgAncient Egypt
In this three-lesson unit, explore the social and political order of the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes, the ways that the Nile river shaped Egyptian civilization through the three kingdoms, and the relationship between religion and Egypt’s social and political order. The unit includes role play, discussion, and writing activities.

Ancient Egypt, e-Lesson, 33pp. Price: $8.95



Ancient China
In this four-lesson unit, students explore the geography of China and the development of ancient Chinese civilization; the social, legal, and political impact of Qin Dynasty Emperor Shi Huangdi; Confucianism and Daoism; and the opening of the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. The unit includes role-play, debate, discussion, and writing activities.

Ancient China, e-Lesson, 51pp. Price: $8.95



Ancient Greece
In this three-lesson unit, students explore the rise of Greek city-states and Athenian democracy under Pericles; compare ancient Athens and Sparta; and explore ideas about what makes a good society from three of the Western World’s greatest philosophers—Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The unit includes creating a speech for presentation, a brochure, and an ideal modern community.

Ancient Greece, e-Lesson, 38pp. Price: $8.95



Ancient Rome
In this three-lesson unit, students explore the history of Rome from its founding myths through the Roman Republic; the political and social institutions of the republic; the leadership of Augustus when Rome made its transition from republic became an empire; and religious toleration and persecution in the Roman Empire. The unit includes role play, creation of “T.V. interviews” of historic leaders, and creating a speech for presentation.

Ancient Rome, e-Lesson, 35pp. Price: $8.95

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