Store Policy

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If for any reason an item does not meet your needs, simply return it in goode condition with a copy of our invoice or packing slip for credit or refund. You do not need prior authorization to return your purchase.

Online Security

When you order from, you'll join the thousands of customers who have safely purchased items from us without credit card fraud.

Our shopping cart service uses secure server software (SSL), the industry standard which is among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet. For additional information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Shipping and Delivery

All orders are shipped from our office in Los Angeles, California. Please allow 5 to 10 days for delivery. Delivery time is calculated based upon business days and does not include weekends. Please allow one full day for order processing. Should you require priority shipping service, you will be able to request it at checkout. We ship all orders by UPS ground service or United States Postal Service Priority Mail. If for any reason your order is delayed we will notify you via e-mail.

Your shipping charge will be determined by your delivery location. At checkout, you will be presented with various shipping options including regular or priority shipping and their costs.
You may contact us by e-mail at , by telephone at 213-487-5590, o fax 213-397-0010. Our customer service representatives will be happy to let you know the status of your order.

Sale/Usage Taxes

If we do not collect sales tax from you, you may still owe sales tax on your purchase. Your state may require purchasers to report and pay tax on all purchases that are not taxed at the time of sale. For more information, please visit your state's tax agency website.


PDF Help Center

What happens when I purchase a PDF Book?

When you purchase a PDF Book, you will be provided with a digital version of the PDF Book for immediate use. If you haven't already downloaded the Adobe Acrobat Reader® for PDF files , please click on the link and do so now. If you have installed the reader, you can use the PDF link that comes up automatically after your order has been confirmed. You will also receive the link and code to open the PDF in a follow-up e-mail that you will receive shortly after your order is completed.

You can choose to download this digital version to any computer or device you choose. The link will be available for up to four weeks from the date of your order and then it will expire. Once you have downloaded and saved your PDF Book, you will be able to open it using the Adobe Acrobat Reader® for PDF files and the code supplied whenever you need to view or print it. You will probably wish to back-up your PDF Book to another source, such as a CD-ROM or Internet based storage system to protect against data loss in the event of a hard drive crash.

What do I need to get started?

Before purchasing the PDF Book, you need the following:
Internet access
A valid e-mail address
A computer or device to receive the PDF Book. Be sure to check to see if your computer meets the system requirements to install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader® for PDF files.

How do I download a PDF Book?

Downloading a PDF Book is easy!
Make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader® for PDF files installed on your computer (or at least version 4.0 or above).

Browse our titles, select the PDF Books you want, and add them to your shopping cart.

When you have finished shopping, click the "Proceed to Checkout" button on the shopping cart page. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction. (You will not be charged for shipping on your PDF Books).

At the completion of the order you will receive a link on a confirmation Web page which you can use to download your title(s) and the code to open the PDF(s). Only use this link if you have already downloaded and installed the reader. You will also receive a link to the file and the code in a follow-up email notice. If you do not want to use the file on the computer that you ordered it on you may want to forward the email confirmation to an account on the computer where you want to be able to view and print the file.

To save each PDF Book, you can either right-click on the link and choose "Save Target [or Link] As" or left-click on the link to open it in your browser and then save the link directly from your browser. Opening the link in your browser does not automatically save the PDF Book to your computer. You must take the additional step of saving it to your computer. Use File> Save As or the disk icon near the top of your browser to save your PDF Book from your browser.
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How are PDF Books secured?

The PDF Books are secured using Adobe security, they can be printed, but cannot be modified in any way.

How long will it take for me to download a PDF Book?

The amount of time it will take you to download varies depending on your connection speed, the file size, and Internet traffic. Most are between 1 and 8 MB. If you have a slower Internet connection, you may find that the PDF Books above 5 MB take  afew minutes to download.

Do I have to be connected to the Internet every time I want to view my PDF Book?

No. Once you have obtained the rights to access a PDF Book, you will be able to enjoy that content off-line, without being connected to the Internet.

Will I have the ability to print hard copies of the PDF Books that I have downloaded?

Yes. Our PDF Books are designed to be printed. Please see individual titles for printing and copying restrictions. In the Adobe Acrobat Reader® for PDF files, you can find the print key by clicking on "File" and then "Print" or clicking on the printer icon at the top of the reader. If your PDF Book will not print, please visit the Adobe Acrobat Reader® for PDF files Customer Support Web site and search for troubleshooting information about your problem. If you are still unable to resolve your printing issue, email with details about the problem (including your printer type).

Can I edit my PDF Book electronically?

To protect the material within your PDF Book, you are not able to make any changes to the material. Copying and pasting text and pictures from the PDF Book is also not permitted.

Can I back up my PDF Books to protect against loss in the event that my hard drive crashes?

Yes, it is a good idea to back up your PDF Book files so that if your computer crashes, you can reinstall your PDF Books when your computer is fixed. Simply save a copy of your PDF Book(s) to another source (such as a CD-ROM, floppy disk, Internet-based storage system, etc.).

When will my ability to view my PDF Book expire?

PDF Books are yours to keep indefinitely: Once you have saved your PDF Book to your computer, you should have the ability to access it as long as you like. However, each PDF Book link may only be good for four weeks. If you wait that long after your order to download your PDF Book, the link or code may have expired. Please contact us at to get a new link or code if yours has expired before you had a chance to download your PDF Book.

What if I run into trouble and need help?

For any technical questions, other than those relating to your reader, please contact our customer service representatives at A support agent will investigate your issue and get back to you. If you have questions about or problems with the Adobe Acrobat Reader® for PDF files, please visit the Acrobat PDF Book Reader Customer Support Web site.

Can I return a PDF Book?

If you are not 100% satisfied with your electronic purchase there is no need to "return" the downloaded book. Simply contact us by email at for a full refund or credit.

Contact CRF


Teach Democracy
601 South Kingsley Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90005

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 213-487-5590




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