Bill of Rights in Action
Winter 2004 (20:1)
Conflict of Cultures
This edition of Bill of Rights in Action examines various conflicts of cultures. The first article looks at the Mexican War and its aftermath, particularly the decisions on who owned land in California. The second article explores the clashes between Muslim civilizations and Europe from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. The last article looks at the rise of Islamist terrorist organizations, particularly Al Qaeda.
U.S. History: President Polk and the Taking of the West
World History: Muslim Conquests in Europe
Current Issues: The Rise of Islamist Terrorist Groups
© 2004, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 601 South Kinglsey Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90005, (213) 487-5590 Fax (213) 386-0459
Officers: Louis P. Eatman, President; Publications Committee: Marvin S. Sears, Chairperson; Gerald Chaleff, Katrina M. Dewey, Jordan D. Dorchuck, Martha Goldstein, Marshall P. Horowitz, Gail Midgal Title, Dian Ogilvie, Thomas E Patterson, Thomas D. Phelps, Peggy Saferstein, Lois Thompson, Carlton Varner. Staff: Todd Clark, Executive Director; Marshall L. Croddy, Director of Program and Materials Development; Carlton Martz, Writer; Bill Hayes, Editor; Andrew Costly, Production Manager; Thomas D. Phelps,CRF Board Reviewer.