Resources for Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons Library

 Lessons that teachers can easily use in Google Classroom for distance learning.

Here are guidelines for how they can be used effectively online:

  1. Remember, as a teacher, you have a license to download, reproduce, and distribute CRF lesson materials for classroom use.

  2. Below you will find links to pages with selected lessons for immediate download. The PDF gives you, the teacher, the lesson plan and student handouts, as well as links to PowerPoint slides wherever applicable. Feel free to download the PDFs and PowerPoint presentations and then upload them into Google Classroom.

  3. In the lesson plans, students are often instructed to work in small groups. You may adapt the procedures in any of CRF’s lessons to assign student groups to work independently in a shared Google Doc or in some other platform for group conversations that your students have access to (like Google Hangout).

  4. In any of the lessons, you can assign the Writing & Discussion questions as individual writing assignments to students or as discussion questions for student groups.

  5. Please contact Damon Huss at CRF ( with any questions you may have about using these lessons for distance learning. And always, be well and stay safe.

On the following pages, you will find lessons with PDFs you can upload to Google Classroom:

Teaching with Primary Sources

Click the tabs for English-Language Arts and Social Studies for lessons using Library of Congress primary sources.

Challenge of Democracy 

On this page of U.S. history and U.S. government-aligned lessons, browse under the categories of Governance, Information, Violence, and Diversity to find selected lessons.

Bill of Rights in Action »

Browse lessons on U.S. history, world history, government, and current events from Bill of Rights in Action, CRF's flagship curriculum magazine. 



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