Resources for Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Webinars and Webcasts

Resources for Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Webinars and Webcasts

caplive fpage44Civic Action Project Online

We are excited to provide Civic Action Project (CAP) Online, a series of webinars featuring guest speakers and youth teaching youth the key content of CAP!  Using timely topics as well as key events from the civil rights movement to help your students understand the essential ingredients of real social change: passion + people + policy + government.

Your students are provided with peer coaching as they choose an issue that matters to them and take thoughtful (remote) civic actions to address that issue.

More Information . . . 

Webcasts and Online Lessons 

The Census in U.S. History
High School Students
CRF Senior Editor & Curriculum Specialist Damon Huss presents an overview of the crucial census process, its constitutional origins, and the confidentiality of census information.  This can supplement the lesson from Bill of Rights in Action (Fall 2019). Interactive questions for students are included in this webcast.

The Trial of People v. A. Wolf
Grades 2-4 Students
High school students to help elementary youth learn about the legal system by becoming jurors for the trial of the big bad wolf.

Our Rights and Freedoms:  Visitor from Outer Space

Middle School Students
This interactive lesson places students in a situation where they must choose which of the Bill of Rights they want to keep and which rights they are willing to give up. This is a great activity to teach students about fundamental rights while strengthening their speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills.

The Common Good: Empowering Yourself from Your Couch
Middle and High School Students
Sari Kaufman and Casey Sherman, both organizers of #March for Our Lives, will lead a civic learning and engagement activity for your students. 

Public Policy: A Crash Course in Real Time

High School Students
CRF Sr. Program Director (and high school teacher) Sarah Badawi will facilitate a lesson from the Civic Action Project focused on public policies in play and analyzing public policy.


My Town and The Three Branches of Government
Grades 2-4 Students
Members of CRF’s Youth Board will lead a lesson for elementary students as they learn about the three branches of government.

Remote Learning for Civic Action Series
Join co-founders of Empower the People and organizers of the 2018 Parkland March for Our Lives rally Casey Sherman and Sari Kaufman and members of the CAP Youth Board for a series of interactive civic-learning webinars. Each session is facilitated by these outstanding youth experts and feature ways for young people to examine and address issues that are important to them right now! 










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