Mock Trial Program

 “I have four daughters and all have participated in the Mock Trial program. It was undoubtedly the best learning experience they had in all the activities they have participated in at school. Thanks for running this program!”

– Guy Langley, Mock Trial Parent

la 2county state

Judge/Attorney Volunteer Opportunities  

What is Mock Trial?  

Mock Trial Webcasts   

Parent/Teacher/Attorney Sign up for Resources

National Mock Trial

Contact Us 



Download: People v. Franks Exhibits 

People v. Franks, 80 pp. Price: $5.95
People v. Franks (Set of 10) Price: $32.95
People v. Franks, e-Book Price: $5.95 

People v. Franks Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95  

 Other Mock Trial Cases & Videos

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