History Experience: Declaration of Independence Links

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Wikipedia: Age of Enlightenment

Citizendium: The Enlightenment

Enlightenment An overview. From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Enlightenment Links to primary sources on the Enlightenment. From Internet Sourcebook.

Declaration of Independence

Wikipedia: U.S. Declaration of Independence

Citizendium: Declaration of Independence

What Was the Declaration of Independence? An interview with historian Pauline Maier, author of American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence.

Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence, 28 June, 1776 What the document looked like when he turned it over to the committee.

Final Text of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776

Charters of Freedom: Declaration of Independence Image and information on the declaration. From National Archives.

Primary Documents in American History: Declaration of Independence From the Library of Congress.

 Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government: Declaration of Independence The document and links to much more.

Thomas Jefferson

White House: Thomas Jefferson A biography of the third president.

Wikipedia: Thomas Jefferson

Citizendium: Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson: 3rd President of the United States Listing of information about Jefferson. From Internet Public Library.

American President: Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) Basic information about Jefferson with links to more information. From the Miller Center.

Thomas Jefferson Digital Archive A guide to the University of Virginia’s collections on Thomas Jefferson and links to other resources about Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia From the Thomas Jefferson Foundation/Monticello.

Thomas Jefferson: A Resource Guide From Library of Congress.

John Locke

John Locke (1632–1704) An overview of his life and writings. From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

John Locke His life and philosophy. From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Wikipedia: John Locke

Citizendium: John Locke

Excerpts from his Second Treatise of Government From Hanover College’s history department.

Second Treatise of Government by John Locke The complete text. From Project Gutenberg.




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