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Mock Trial E-Books.
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Mock Trials take students to the heart of the justice system. Students acquire critical-thinking skills and an in-depth understanding of our judicial process as they study a hypothetical case, conduct legal research, and role play the trial. Each Mock Trial packet includes a hypothetical case, witness statements, legal authorities, trial instructions, and procedural guidelines. It also includes a pretrial motion, designed to deepen student understanding of constitutional issues related to criminal trials.
Check out: People v. Meadows: A Mock Trial for the Classroom

People v. Clark
A Murder Trial
Featuring a pretrial argument on the Fourth Amendment (involving a geofence warrant)
People v. Clark is the trial of Tobie Clark, the in-house counsel for Sunshine Medical Components, Inc. (“SMC”), a billion-dollar medical technology company. Clark is charged with the first-degree murder of SMC’s chief executive officer, Kieran Sunshine.
On the morning of July 17, Kieran Sunshine's dead body was found by Gerri Moayed in Kieran’s hotel suite. Kieran died from apparent stabbing. Moayed was Kieran’s personal holistic wellness coach and an employee of SMC.
The prosecution alleges that Tobie Clark murdered Kieran because Kieran was backing out of Clark’s plot to commit fraud against SMC’s board of directors regarding SMC’s latest product. Prosecution witnesses include Moayed, who occupied the room next to Kieran and overheard two arguments between Clark and Kieran, one of which occurred late at night on July 16. Emari Sunshine, Kieran’s sibling and an executive at SMC, reported having seen Tobie Clark heading toward Kieran’s suite around the time of the murder.
The defense argues that Tobie Clark did not have a motive to kill Kieran and never had the intent to murder or was inside Kieran’s suite. Furthermore, it was Kieran, not Clark, who concocted the plot to commit fraud, and Clark had no idea about the plot until July 16, when Clark refused to participate. A third Sunshine sibling, Arian, was also an executive at SMC and knew that it was Emari more than anyone else who stood to gain financially from Kieran’s death and that Emari had always felt animus toward Kieran.
The testimonies of the state medical examiner and the defense forensic expert reveal different opinions about the physical and forensic evidence.
The pretrial hearing is based on the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure and centers on a defense motion to quash evidence garnered through a geofence warrant. Geofences are virtual boundaries around geographic areas created by signals from cellphones and mobile devices within the area. The geofence evidence appeared to place Tobie Clark near the crime scene.
Download: People v. Clark Exhibits
People v. Clark Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Franks
Robbery and Battery
Featuring a pretrial argument on the Fourth Amendment
People v. Franks is the trial of Jordan Franks, a young actor who finished a run of performances of the Shakespeare-adaptation Macbeth at Sea on a cruise ship. Franks is charged with robbery and battery of Franks’ fellow actor, Billie Scher.
The prosecution alleges that Franks was envious of Scher and an altercation occurred between Scher and Franks in the cabin they shared. Franks ran out of the room. Scher called 911 and reported that he had been violently shoved by Franks and that Franks stole Scher’s signet ring, a ring that Scher claimed was once owned by William Shakespeare. Scher also explained that Franks broke Scher’s arm during the robbery.
The defense argues that Jordan Franks neither removed Scher’s ring from the shared cabin nor used any intentional force against Scher. Franks will assert that he merely took his own cell phone from the cabin which bears a resemblance to the signet ring’s box. Franks will further assert that he did not shove Scher, but that Scher angrily stepped in front of Franks and caused an inevitable collision, resulting in Scher’s broken arm.
The pretrial argument centers on the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. The question is whether the police needed a warrant to search a safe in Franks’ closet.
Download: People v. Franks Exhibits
People v. Franks Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Cobey
Murder and Manslaughter
Featuring a pretrial argument on the Fourth Amendment
People v. Cobey is the trial of Jamie Cobey, a horticulturist living in a semi-rural town in the high desert. Cobey is charged with the homicide of Cobey’s landlord and next-door neighbor, Erik Smith. The prosecution will argue that Cobey should be convicted of first-degree murder or the lesser-included offense of voluntary manslaughter.
The relationship between Cobey and Smith had deteriorated in recent years with both engaging in unneighborly behavior. The tension between the two intensified once the pandemic eviction moratorium went into effect, and Smith wanted to evict Cobey and Cobey’s elderly mother for non-payment of rent. After Smith shut off the power to Cobey’s home, Cobey’s mother died on April 22. In the early afternoon of April 29, Erik Smith opened his mailbox and was bitten by a Mojave rattlesnake that was within the mailbox.
The prosecution alleges that on the morning of April 29, Jamie Cobey intentionally placed the rattlesnake with its rattle removed in Smith’s mailbox so that the snake would fatally bite Smith. Prosecution witnesses include a line worker who witnessed Cobey standing close to Smith’s mailbox that morning while Cobey held a small metal-wire cage. A neighbor will testify to seeing Cobey enraged at Smith at the funeral of Cobey’s mother the day before Smith’s death, as well as overhearing Cobey yell “I’m going to kill him!” later that evening in Cobey’s own garden. The medical examiner will testify to the severe lethality of the snake’s venom and the unlikelihood that the snake crawled by itself into the mailbox through a mail slot. The sheriff’s deputy will testify to finding several snake-handling items and books about desert snakes in Cobey’s home, as well as fingerprints of Cobey, Smith, and one other neighbor on Smith’s mailbox.
The defense argues that Jamie Cobey lacked the specific intent for first-degree murder, the sudden quarrel or heat of passion needed for voluntary manslaughter, and the act of placing the rattlesnake inside the mailbox. Defense witnesses include a herpetologist who will testify that other circumstances superseded the causal link between the bite and Smith’s death, especially Smith’s willful refusal to seek medical attention. The herpetologist will also testify that the snake more than likely squeezed itself into the mailbox. Another tenant of Smith will testify to Cobey’s even-tempered character and lack of hostility toward Smith before Smith’s death. A different neighbor and friend of Cobey will testify to Cobey’s habit of “cooling off” after outrageous actions by Smith, as well as the common knowledge about rattlesnakes crawling into mailboxes. Finally, Jamie Cobey will deny placing the snake in the mailbox and will testify that the items found by the sheriff’s deputy were everyday items for desert horticulturalists.
The pretrial argument centers on the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. The question is whether Erik Smith’s use of a smart camera provided by law enforcement to capture an image of snake-feeding tongs on the property of Jamie Cobey constituted a search under the Fourth Amendment and therefore required a search warrant, or whether it fell outside the warrant requirement.
Download: People v. Cobey Exhibits (pdf)
People v. Croddy
Burglary, Aiding and Abetting and Accessory After the Fact
Featuring a pretrial argument on the Fifth Amendment
Grades 6–12
People v. Croddy is the trial of Lee Croddy who hosts a popular YouTube channel. Croddy has been charged with two counts: (1) aiding and abetting in the commission of first-degree burglary by another, and (2) accessory after the fact. Croddy posts videos on Youtube in which Croddy discusses topics Croddy believes are suppressed by the government. One favorite topic of Croddy’s is government cover-ups related to UFOs. Croddy attracted the attention of an enthusiastic fan, Remi Montoya.
During a group chat, Croddy shared a short video clip that included an image of government documents. The documents contained personal information about an official named Drew Marshak who allegedly had information about UFOs. A few days later, Montoya stole a briefcase from Marshak’s home and copied files from Marshak’s computer. In a brief confrontation, Montoya hit Marshak in the face. Montoya later pleaded guilty to first-degree burglary and assault on a peace officer.
The prosecution alleges that Lee Croddy aided and abetted Montoya in the burglary. The prosecution will present evidence that Croddy showed a video with Marshak’s information to Montoya and others in the group chat while instructing Montoya to “take what’s ours” from Marshak and that Montoya acted under Croddy’s influence. The prosecution further alleges that Croddy let Montoya spend the night in Croddy’s home after the burglary, knowing that Montoya had committed a crime.
The defense argues that Lee Croddy did not knowingly aid or abet Montoya in any crime. The defense will present evidence that Croddy merely intended to build camaraderie within a political movement for government transparency through Croddy’s videos, chat messages, and text messages. The defense argues that Croddy did not have the intent to aid or abet Montoya’s criminal acts and had no knowledge of the crimes after they occurred, and so was not an accessory after the fact.
The pretrial issue centers on the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination and as set forth in Miranda v. Arizona. The issue is whether or not the circumstances surrounding Lee Croddy’s interaction with the police amounted to custodial interrogation, requiring the officer to read Croddy the Miranda warnings prior to interrogation.
Download: Exhibits
People v. Matsumoto
A Murder Trial. Featuring a pretrial argument on the Fourth Amendment
People v. Matsumoto is the trial of Bailey Matsumoto, the founder of a technology start-up that develops autonomous (self-driving) trucks. Bailey is charged with the murder of Bailey’s spouse, Taylor Matsumoto. The prosecution alleges that after Taylor’s son Michael died in a tragic accident using one of Bailey’s malfunctioning autonomous scooters, Taylor founded an organization called Parents Against Autonomous Driving (PAAD). Taylor’s involvement in PAAD began to financially impact Bailey’s business and Bailey’s and Taylor’s relationship rapidly deteriorated. Just days before Taylor was set to testify in support of a bill titled National Moratorium on Autonomous Technologies, Taylor was found dead, face down in Taylor’s bathtub. The prosecution claims that Bailey murdered Taylor with premeditation in order to prevent Taylor from testifying and to stop PAAD from succeeding. The defense argues that Taylor’s death was not a murder but was instead an unfortunate accident. The defense argues that when Taylor arrived home the night before Taylor’s body was found, Taylor was drunk and highly impaired from alcohol. Taylor proceeded to drink even more that evening and accidently slipped on spilled champagne, hit Taylor’s head on the bathtub trough, and drowned. The pretrial issue involves the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.
Exhibits: People v. Matsumoto Exhibits A - E
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People v. Klein
False Report of an Emergency and a Criminal Threat
People v. Klein is the trial of Reagan Klein. Reagan is charged with two felony counts: making a false report of an emergency (in this case, commonly referred to as “swatting”) and making a criminal threat. The prosecution alleges that Reagan threatened a coworker, Sawyer Smith, via a social media post and that Reagan had animosity against Sawyer because Sawyer had become a rising social-media influencer and because Sawyer was responsible for Reagan being fired from the restaurant where they both worked. The prosecution further argues that Reagan made a false “text-a-tip” to the police requesting police respond to a “hostage situation” at Sawyer’s residence. A SWAT team responded to the call, and Sawyer was seriously injured.
The defense argues that Reagan neither threatened Sawyer nor made the false text to the police. The defense further argues that Reagan had no more animosity toward Sawyer than other coworkers who all disliked Sawyer’s influencer personality and who had all engaged in the cyberbullying of Sawyer.
In the pretrial motion, the defense will argue that Reagan’s social media posts were not a “true threat,” and it is therefore protected free speech under the First Amendment.
Exhibits: People v. Klein Exhibits A-E (pdf)
People v. Davidson
A Murder Trial. Featuring a pretrial argument on the Fourth Amendment
Casey Davidson faces a felony count of first-degree murder for the death of Alex Thompson, a member of an extremist nationalist group. The prosecution alleges that Davidson murdered Thompson shortly after a political rally. After Thompson was punched at the rally and walked away, Davidson allegedly followed Thompson. A short time later, Thompson was found dead.
The prosecution alleges that Davidson willfully and deliberately struck Thompson and that Davidson had done so with premeditation, even posting threatening messages on a social network. The defense argues that Davidson did not murder Thompson and has an alibi for the time of death. According to the defense, Davidson was an activist in a nonviolent group and had a history of mediating during conflicts. The defense also argues that forensic blood evidence found on Davidson’s clothing was the result of Davidson’s close proximity to Thompson when Thompson was punched at the rally. The messages on the social network, the defense argues, were in one case the result of someone other than Davidson, and in another case, the result of Davidson responding to an incident in which Thompson physically injured Davidson.
The pretrial issue focuses on self-incrimination and on whether it is a search under the Fourth Amendment for the government to obtain routinely collected GPS location data from a third-party GPS provider.
Exhibits (PDF): (Color) (Black & White)
People v Davidson Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Awbrey
Human Trafficking and False Imprisonment - Featuring a pretrial argument on the Fourth and Fifth Amendments
In the trial of Cameron Awbrey, a restaurant owner, who is being charged with human trafficking and false imprisonment of Lin Stark, an immigrant. The prosecution alleges that Cameron targeted Lin to cook at Cameron’s restaurant, with the intent to obtain forced labor by depriving Lin of Lin’s personal liberty. The defense argues that Cameron was a hardworking, novice business owner and a concerned employer who was making an effort to help Lin maintain Lin’s work visa. The pretrial issue involves the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, namely protection against illegal search and seizure and against self-incrimination.
People v. Awbrey Video (Calif. championship finals)
People v. Hayes
Jamie Hayes, a student at Central Coast University, faces a felony charge of murder for the homicide of a campus security guard. Hayes is raising the affirmative defense of another in order to claim the homicide was justifiable. The prosecution alleges that Hayes struck the guard in the head with a baseball bat while the guard was lawfully restraining a fellow student. The defense argues that Hayes did strike the guard but had not formed the intent to commit a homicide. Pretrial issue: Statements made by Hayes during interrogation and the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination
People v. Hayes DVD (Calif. championship finals) Approx. 2:30:00.
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People v. Shem
Theft by larceny and consent to search
A graduate student in fine arts, defendant Evan Shem is a talented artist with a knack for recreating famous works of art. Shem is accused of stealing a painting from the art gallery where he interned and replacing it with a fake. Pretrial issue: Can Shem's roommate consent to the search of a storage cabinet located in an unattached parking carport or did the search violate the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.
Downloads:Errata / Exhibits (22 x 28)
People v. Concha
Second-degree murder and possession with intent to sell a controlled substance.
Rae Concha, a high school student, is alleged to have sold controlled substance to other students on campus, and in particular that he sold to Jason Johnson with full knowledge that Jason suffered from a congenital heart defect and that the substance would be dangerous to Johnson. Rae Conchat is charged with second-degree murder, which is the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought and with possession with the intent to sell a controlled substance. Pretrial issue: Was there was a search or seizure and whether the search or seizure was reasonable.
People v. Vega
Hit and run and custodial interrogation
Adrian Vega, an accomplished student athlete and child of the city’s mayor, is charged with felony hit and run following an accident. Police questioned Vega shortly after the accident without giving Miranda warnings. Police must issue these warnings to anyone in custody whom they question. Pretrial issue: Was the defendant in custody when questioned by the police?
Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Buschell
Murder and the right to bear arms
A college student is found murdered at a festival’s campground, and police focus on a student rival who the murdered student was planning on reporting for violating the college’s honor code. When police make the arrest, the suspect is carrying a concealed weapon without a license. Pretrial issue: Is the state’s concealed carry statute constitutional?
Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Woodson
Assault with a deadly weapon and free expression
A middle school student, new to town, is harassed at school and on the Internet. On the way home from school, the student is attacked from behind with a brick. Police arrest Jesse Woodson, a junior college student who had interned at the middle school for the attack and for violating an state law against bullying and cyberbullying. Pretrial issue: Is the anti-bullying law constitutional?
Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Bratton
Murder and search and seizure
When a celebrity blogger is found murdered in his driveway, police arrest a comedian who the blogger had harshly criticized. Pretrial issue: Was the police’s search of the defendant’s computer within the scope of the warrant?
Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Lane
Arson and free expression
A religious group buys land and stirs controversy in a small tourist town. Following a rally protesting the group’s presence in the community, a fire breaks out destroying the group’s community center. The leader of the protest rally is arrested for arson and incitement to commit an illegal act. Pretrial issue: Is the defendant’s song and conduct at the rally protected by the First Amendment?
Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Palmer
Murder and scientific evidence
The day after a party, notorious Hollywood producer Jes Markson is found dead. Markson had been making a comeback after being found not guilty of murdering Taylor Rodriguez, Markson’s spouse. Markson’s former friend Alex Palmer is charged with firstdegree murder. Pretrial issue: Does a new “memory mapping” test meet the criteria to have its results admitted as scientific evidence?
People v. Campbell
Attempted school bombing and free expression
Police discovered a time bomb in a trash can near a high school’s lunch area. A student is charged with attempting to explode the device and possession of an illegal violent video game. Pretrial issue: Does the state’s law against violent video games violate the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Markson
Murder and search and seizure
When the body of a Hollywood star is found, the spouse is charged with first-degree murder. Pretrial issues: Did the defendant's consent to a search allow police to search a storage room?
People v. Kendall
Manslaughter, Illegal Contest of Speed, and Freedom of Speech and Association
A college student is accused of participating in a drag race that caused the death of another racer. Pretrial issue: Does the city's anti-drag racing club ordinance violate the First Amendment?
People v. Kendall Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Casco
Credit Card Fraud
A student is accused of buying items using other people's credit card information and of selling the items to other students. Pretrial issue: Was a drug-dog search at school, which uncovered information from the defendant, constitutional?
Online Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
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People v. Martin
Murder and self-incrimination
An honor student, involved in a cheating scandal, is accused of murdering a student who discovered the cheating and threatened to report it to the school. Pretrial issue: Did the police violate the defendant's Fifth Amendment rights?
People v. Price
Arson and search and seizure A fire destroys a ski resort that was planning to expand into a wilderness area. An opponent of the expansion is arrested and charges with arson. Pretrial issue: Was a search of the defendant’s truck constitutional?
People v. Tanner
Homicide and memory reliability
A young adult’s 20-year-old memory of a sibling’s death sparks a police investigation leading to a murder charge. Pretrial issue: Should evidence of other violence be excluded because it is irrelevant and highly prejudicial?
See skilled students conduct People v. Tanner. Streaming Rental: 15 Days $5.95/ 30 Days $9.95
People v. Brunetti
Homicide, conspiracy, the right to bear arms
Two students die in a schoolyard shooting —the victim and shooter. Police arrest the owner of the murder weapon. Pretrial issue: Is a statute regulating possession of assault weapons constitutional?
People v. Donovan (E-Book)
Involuntary manslaughter, removal of traffic sign, and the protection against self-incrimination
A fatal traffic accident occurs on a highway due to the theft of a “Do Not Enter” sign. Police arrest a college student, who makes incriminating statements following the postponement of a pretrial hearing. In a pretrial motion, students argue whether the incriminating statements are admissible in court.
People v. Caufield (E-Book)
Carjacking, three strikes, and due process
Following a carjacking, police locate the stolen car and arrest a suspect in a nearby house. Pretrial issue: Can a prior conviction be used at trial?
People v. Clevenger (E-Book)
Vandalism, computer crimes, search and seizure
Police arrest an honor student for vandalizing a school’s computer room and altering records. Pretrial issue: Was a search of the student’s locker legal?
Youth violence, homicide, and privacy
When a high school senior shoots a fellow student and claims self-defense, a psychotherapist’s testimony becomes critical. In a pretrial motion, students argue whether the admission of such testimony violates the psychotherapist-patient privilege. Then at trial they examine the battered person syndrome and imperfect self-defense.
People v. Whitman (E-Book)
Child abduction, grant theft, and self-incrimination
When a young child is taken from a park, the non-custodial parent is charged with child abduction. In a pretrial motion, students argue whether the defendant’s Miranda rights were violated.
People v. Stover (E-Book)
Use of force, free expression, and hate crimes
This case involves a private security guard whose actions during an alleged break-in raises issues about the use of force, freedom of expression, and the elements of a hate crime. In a pretrial motion, students argue the constitutionality of a community ordinance governing racist expression.
People v. Mitchell (E-Book)
Alcohol abuse, responsible driving, and the exclusionary rule
A traffic accident results in charges of driving under the influence and felony hit-and-run. A pretrial motion addresses the constitutionality of a graphic stop based on police profile of a drunk driver.
People v. Haines (E-Book)
Gun control and homicide
Charges of possession of an unregistered assault weapon and voluntary manslaughter raises questions about reasonable fear and the right of self-defense. In a pretrial motion, students argue the constitutionality of a statue regulating possession of assault weapons.
People v. Friendly (E-Book)
Property, police, and privacy
The facts of this case revolve around charges of receiving stolen property and the battery of a police officer. Based on the Fourth and 14th amendments, students argue a pretrial motion to suppress evidence found during a police search of a residence.
People v. Coronel (E-Book)
Assault, state authority, and treaty rights
Set during the California gold rush, this case involves a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. A pretrial motion deals with the rights of a Mexican miner as detailed in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed by President Polk in 1848.
People v. Dennis (E-Book)
School vandalism, computer crime, and privacy
Charges of vandalism and a computer crime raises issues of student rights. A pretrial motion applies the Fourth Amendment to a locker search.
People v. Willow (E-Book)
Issues of free expression and drug use
The distribution of an alternative newspaper and an exchange in a parking lot lead to charges of selling drugs and inducing a minor to take drugs. In a pretrial motion based on the First and 14th amedments, students argue whether speech and printed material praising crack cocaine are constitutionally protected.
People v. Rose (E-Book)
Poisoning, assault with a deadly weapon, and search and seizure
After two students are poisoned at a high school club initiation, police arrest a member of the “pledge class” who seems to have a motive of revenge for hazing and blackballing. Pretrial issues: Were the search of the student’s computer and seizure of computer files legal?
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