Bill of Rights in Action Archives U S Government


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U.S. Government

Political Thinkers & Ideas | Major Documents | Founders | Habeas Corpus 
Amendments: 1st | Religion | Speech | Press | Assembly | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | Self-Incrimination | Due Process14th | Equal Protection | Due Process |15th | 16th | 19th|
Proposed Amendments | Economic Rights | Legal & Civic Responsibilities | Presidency | Courts | Politics & Elections | State Government | Media | Public Policy & Public Agenda | Foreign Policy, War, & Presidential Power | Immigration | Civil Disobedience | Different Political & Legal Systems | Dictatorships | Cold War & Aftermath | International | Labor | Crime & Criminal Justice


Political Thinkers & Ideas

The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law (16,4:00)
The Development of Confucianism in Ancient China (24,2:08)
Plato and The Republic (19,4:03)
Aristotle: In Search of the Best Constitution (4,1:87)
Cicero: Defender of the Roman Republic (23:3:07)
Machiavelli and Tfhe Prince (21,1:04)
Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau on Government (20,2:04)
Edmund Burke: The Father of Conservatism (23:2:07)
Democracy and Dictatorship in Ancient Rome (8,4:92)
St. Thomas Aquinas, Natural Law, and the Common Good (22:4:06)
The Citizen in de Tocqueville’s America (2,1:85)
The Transcendentalists in Action (22:1:05)
Social Darwinism and American Laissez-Faire Capitalism (19,2:03)
Karl Marx: A Failed Vision of History (19,2:03)
John Dewey and the Reconstruction of American Democracy (24:1:08)
“Justice as Fairness”: John Rawls and His Theory of Justice (23:3:07)


Major Documents

Meeting at Runnymede: The Story of King John and Magna Carta (3,1:86)
The Mayflower Compact (3,1:86)
The Declaration of Independence and Natural Rights (16,4:00)
The Articles of Confederation (21:4:05)

Habeas Corpus

Hamdi: Holding Enemy Combatants in the War on Terror (21,1:04)
Wartime and the Bill of Rights: The Korematsu Case (18,3:02)


1st Amendment


Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening in Colonial America (20,4:04) 
The Scopes Trial (22:2:06)
More Monkey Trials: The Evolution Debate Goes Back to Court (22:2:06)
Taking God Out of the Pledge of Allegiance (20,4:04)
Student-Led Prayers at Public School Events? (17,1:00)
Should Government Aid Students Attending Parochial Schools? (13,4:97)
Separating Church and State (13,4:97)
Blasphemy! Salman Rushdie and Freedom of Expression (15,1:98)
Religious Rights in Conflict (Supreme Court cases) (10,1:93) 


Young People and the Internet: Censorship and Free Expression (15,4:99)
Should Hate Be Outlawed? (10,3:94)
Music on Trial: Rock, Rap, and Responsibility (13,2:97)


John Peter Zenger and Freedom of the Press (22:3:06)
The Alien and Sedition Acts: Defining American Freedom (19,4:03)
Press Freedom v. Military Censorship: What Should the Rules Be? (8,3:92)
The Dreyfus Affair and the Press (11,1:94)
Sex, Crime, and Jazz-Age Journalism (11,1:94)
Is a Fair Trial Possible in the Age of Mass Media? (11,1:94)
Free Press vs. Fair Trial: The Lindbergh Baby Kidnaping Case (10,1:93)


4th Amendment

The National Security Agency’s Warrantless Wiretaps (22:3:06)


5th Amendment

Due Process of Law

The Palmer “Red Raids” (6,3:90)


14th Amendment

Equal Protection


Have Women Achieved Equality? (20,2:04)
Equal Opportunity in the Military (12,4:96)
The Military Confronts the Harassment of Women and Gays (17,3:01)


Mendez v. Westminster: School Desegregation (23:2:07)
Wartime and the Bill of Rights: The Korematsu Case (18,3:02)
The Southern “Black Codes” of 1865–66 (15,2:99)
Equal Opportunity in the Military (12,4:96)


The Battle Over Proposition 187 (14,1:98)
Education and the 14th Amendment (7,4:91) 

People With Disabilities

Including the Disabled Student (12,4:96)

Due Process

The 14th Amendment and the “Second Bill of Rights” (7,4:91)

16th Amendment

The Income Tax Amendment (11,3:95)

19th Amendment

How Women Won the Right to Vote (20,2:04)

Proposed Amendments

The Balanced Budget Amendment (11,3:95)
The Term-Limits Debate (11,3:95) 

Economic Rights

Digital Piracy in the 21st Century (23:4:08)
The Origins of Patent and Copyright Law (23:4:08)
The Development of Antitrust Enforcement (23:1:07)
Copying Music and Movies from the Internet (19,2:03)
United States v. Microsoft (16,2:00)
Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Monopoly (16,2:00)
Patenting Life (23:4:08)

Legal and Civic Responsibilities

The Cheating Problem (23:4:08)
The Transcendentalists in Action (22:1:05)
Animal Rights (16,4:00)


“Let Us Reason Together” Lyndon Johnson, Master Legislator (9,3-4:93)
A Hero Betrayed: The Presidency of U.S. Grant (9,2:93)
See also Foreign Policy, War, and Presidential Power.


John Adams and the Boston Massacre Trials (16,1:99)
An Independent Judiciary (14,2:98)
An Issue of Consent (14,2:98)
Voters and Judges (14,2:98)
FDR Tries to “Pack” the Supreme Court (10,4:94)
Update on the Supreme Court (10,4:94)
The New Supreme Court: Decisions to Come (8,1:91)
See also Habeas Corpus and the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments.

Politics & Elections

How Political Parties Began (24,2:08)
Making it Easier to Vote vs. Guarding Against Election Fraud (24,2:08)
The Election of 1824–25: When the House Chose the President (8,4:92)
TV Attack Ads and the Voter (13,1:96)
Political Scandals: Afre the News Media Focusing on the Wrong Things? (13,1:96)
Why Don’t People Vote? (8,4:92)
Who Voted in Early America? (8,1:91)
Race and Representation (12,2:96)
Race and Voting in the Segregated South (12,2:96)
A Different Voice: Women in the Congress (9,3-4:93)
Voters and Judges (14,2:98)
Issues in Campaign ‘96 (13,1:96)
The Term-Limits Debate (11,3:95)

State Government

Welfare to Work: The States Take Charge (14,3:98)
The Battle Over Proposition 187 (14,1:98)

The Media

Media Mergers and the Public Interest (23:1:07)
Talk Radio: Playground for Free Speech or a Forum for Hate? (11,4:95)
Conspiracy Theories: Attacks on Jefferson Set the Pattern (11,4:95)
Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle (24:1:08)
Political Scandals: Are the News Media Focusing on the Wrong Things? (13,1:96)
The Dreyfus Affair and the Press (11,1:94)
Sex, Crime, and Jazz-Age Journalism (11,1:94)
Is a Fair Trial Possible in the Age of Mass Media? (11,1:94)
Free Press vs. Fair Trial: The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping Case (10,1:93)

Public Policy and the Public Agenda

Stem-Cell Research: The Promise and Pitfalls (22:4:06)
Global Warming: What Should We Do About It? (18,4:02)
Oil and National Security (18,2:02)
AIDS in Africa (18,1:01)
The Military Confronts the Harassment of Women and Gays (17,3:01)
Should We Have the Right to Die? (16,1:99)
Welfare to Work: The States Take Charge (14,3:98)
How Welfare Began in the United States (14,3:98)
The Battle Over the National Endowment for the Arts (13,2:97)
Including the Disabled Student (12,4:96)
Equal Opportunity in the Military (12,4:96)
What Should We Do About Crime? (11,2:95)
Development of Juvenile Justice System (11,2:95)
Teaching to the Test in Japan (8,2:92)
The Debate Over School Choice (8,2:92)

Foreign Policy, War, and Presidential Power

Is Torture Ever Justified? (22:1:05)
The Bush Doctrine (19,3:03)
The Patriot Act: National Security and Individual Rights (19,4:03)
Oil and National Security (18,2:02)
U.S. Involvement in Nation-Building Before Iraq (20,3:04)
Should Nations Have the Right to Kidnap Criminal Suspects? (10,4:94)
Truman, MacArthur, and the Korean War (17,3:01)
The U.S. and Iran: Time for a New Beginning? (15,1:98)
“Forgotten Genocide”: The Destruction of the Armenians During World War I (19,3:03)
Compensating the Victims of War (18,3:02)
See also International.


Seeking Asylum in the U.S. (10,2:94)
Haiti and the Boat People (10,2:94)
U.S. Immigration Policy and Hitler’s Holocaust (10,2:94)
The Battle Over Proposition 187 (14,1:98)
See also Current Issues of Immigration, a downloadable curriculum on immigration.

Civil Disobedience

“We Came to Free the Slaves”: John Brown on Trial (9,1:92)
Bringing Down an Empire: Gandhi and Civil Disobedience (16,3:00)
The Rescue Movement: Pushing the Limits of Free Speech (16,3:00)
The Berkeley Free Speech Movement: Civil Disobedience on Campus (16,3:00)

Different Political & Legal Systems

The Origins of Islamic Law (15,1:98)
The Code Napoleon (15,2:99)
The “Swedish Model”: Welfare for Everyone (14,3:98)
The European Union: Toward a “United States of Europe”? (21:4:05)
The European Community: Cooperating Nations or United Superstate? (9,3-4:93)


Communism, Capitalism, and Democracy in China (24:1:08)
The German Weimar Republic: Why Did Democracy Fail? (21,3:05)
The Suppression of Art in Nazi Germany (13,2:97)
The Stalin Purges and “Shows Trials” (7,4:91)

Cold War & Aftermath

The Marshall Plan for Rebuilding Western Europe (20,3:04)
The Future of NATO (12,3:96)
Ethnic Minorities in Eastern Europe Today (19,1:02)
Emerging Democracies in Eastern Europe and Russia: How Are They Doing? (19,1:02)
Life Under Communism (19,1:02)
On the Road to Revolution With Boris Yeltsin (8,1:91)


The United Nations: Fifty Years of Keeping the Peace (12,3:96)
Turkey: An Evolving Democracy in the Middle East (22:2:06)
Is Iraq on the Way to Democracy? (21,2:05)
U.S. Involvement in Nation-Building Before Iraq (20,3:04)
Different Visions for Vietnam (20,3:04)
Singapore: Model Society or City of Fear? (10,1:93)
Ruling in the Name of the Emperor: How Japan Became a World Power (9,2:93)
Africa: Trying for a “Second Independence” (14,4:98)
AIDS in Africa (18,1:01)
South Africa: Revolution at the Ballot Box (12,2:96)
Haiti and the Boat People (10,2:94)
Puerto Rico: Commonwealth, Statehood, or Independence (17,4:01)
New Threats to Nuclear Non-Proliferation (15,3:99)
“Forgotten Genocide”: The Destruction of the Armenians During World War I (19,3:03)
Do We Need a Permanent International Criminal Court (12,3:96)
The Death Penalty and Human Rights: Is the U.S. Out of Step? (15,2:99)
Should Nations Have the Right to Kidnap Criminal Suspects? (10,4:94)
Is Torture Ever Justified? (22:1:05)
Globalization and Worker’s Rights (17,2:01)
Global Warming: What Should We Do About It? (18,4:02)
Compensating the Victims of War (18,3:02)
The Rise of Islamist Terrorist Groups (20,1:04)  


Offshoring and the American Worker (21,3:05)
Globalization and Worker’s Rights (17,2:01)
One Big Union—One Big Strike: The Story of the Wobblies (17,2:01)
Marching With “General Ludd”: Machine Breaking in the Industrial Revolution (17,2:01)

Crime & Criminal Justice

How Reliable Are Eyewitnesses? (13,3:97)
DNA, Lie Detector, and Voiceprint Evidence (13,3:97)
Policing the Police (9,2:93)
Does the Criminal Justice System Discriminate Against African Americans? (9,1:92)
The Dreyfus Affair and the Press (11,1:94)
Sex, Crime, and Jazz-Age Journalism (11,1:94) 
Is a Fair Trial Possible in the Age of Mass Media? (11,1:94)
Free Press vs. Fair Trial: The Lindbergh Baby Kidnaping Case (10,1:93)
What Should We Do About Crime? (11,2:95)
Development of Juvenile Justice System (11,2:95)
See also 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th amendments.
See also Criminal Justice in America Links, links on all aspects of the criminal justice system based on our popular text.



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