






Diversity and the Census  pdf_document  
In this lesson, students read a short text about how the census defines and seeks to measure racial and ethnic diversity in the United States, examine questions this data gathering raises, and consider what projections tell us about population trends in the future. Next, they participate in a Civil Conversation (CivCon) based on the reading. In this structured, small-group discussion method — with facilitation from the teacher — students engage intellectually with challenging materials, gain insight into their own point of view, and work towards a shared understanding of issues.   

How Should We Judge Our Nation’s Founders? pdf_document
In this lesson, students read a short text that poses questions and describes differing viewpoints about honoring Founding Fathers of the United States, as well as other historical figures, who were slave owners. Next, they participate in a Civil Conversation based on the reading.   

Achieving Diversity: The Question of Affirmative Action in College Admissions pdf_document
In this lesson, students read and discuss a background briefing on U.S. Supreme Court decisions addressing affirmative action in higher education, as well as current litigation and debates on this issue. Students then take on the roles of university trustees and decide the best admissions policy for a college to ensure equal protection of the laws.


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