MyTown Classroom Display

MyTown Classroom Display 

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In MyTown Lesson 3 the students decide whether to build Main Street near the water or inland. This is a great opportunity for students to create a MyTown display for your classroom to show where they put their town and then to add to their display with products generated from the next lessons. Students will need to create the appropriate background (near the beach or inland) using butcher paper where they can place the cutout buildings, characters, and animals.

In addition to creating a display of the fictional community of MyTown, students can also display the results of their History Detective assignments.

As an alternative, have the students create a MyTown display using the information they collected through the History Detective assignments and the artwork supplied here.

Buildings and Signs Cutouts  | Animals Cutouts | Plants and Trees | People Cutouts

Teachers, please send us photos of your displays  and we’ll share them here!



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