Expanding Horizons Institute - Sponsor Today

Invest in the Future - Sponsor a Student Today

Each sponsorship of $5,000 provides a first-generation, college-bound youth with interactive seminars (over 20 hours) on professionalism, college preparation, and civic engagement and ends with a paid internship. The internship (June 13 to July 9) can be at your company or a non-profit organization. Each $5,000 sponsorship covers a student’s wages, transportation stipend to seminars, insurance, and workers’ compensation, as well as management, materials, and staffing costs of the program.

Sponsor a student today! It is simple to provide a unique and impactful opportunity to make a difference in a young person's life through EHI.

Teach Democracy staff takes care of:

  • recruiting potential candidates
  • collecting applications
  • screening candidates by reviewing applications and conducting first round of interviews
  • from the screened potential candidates, scheduling 2nd round of interviews at the hosting sites 
  • preparing selected students for their internship experience
  • collecting paperwork (W-4 form, I-9 form, student work permit, etc.) from students
  • collecting timesheets and handling the payroll (interns are Teach Democracy's employees)



Your sponsorship will make all the difference for a better future for enthusiastic, motivated, and hardworking high school students.

Join the outstanding companies/firms and provide a unique and impactful opportunity to invest in the future through EHI today, sponsor a student.

Questions? Contact Lourdes Morales at lourdes@teachdemocracy.org or (213) 316-2125.

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